October 2017
School News and Announcements
2017-2018 School Year Student Council Representatives
4A Trace Unger Nathan Wickersham

4B Aiden McKeon Matthew Thomas

5A Jack Krajsa Caitlyn Reali

5B Sofia Burkman Aiden Acevedo

6A Sabrina Roberts Nicola Polinski

6B Ryan Adams Saxtyn Lutz

7A Ellyssa Elliott Hannah Painton

8A Dylan Gault Mackenzie Gordos

8B Bella Giorgio Andrew Junikiewicz

Executive Board

President - Matthew Gramley

Vice President - David Birmingham

Secretary - Shannon Plasha

Treasurer - Dalton Moore
CYO Kitchen Kapers
St. Ignatius Loyola
Annual CYO Kitchen Kapers Contest
Saturday, October 14, 2017
The competition is open to all 6, 7 & 8 th grade students who are members of St. Ignatius Parish or students of St. Ignatius School. For details, click here .  
Help our school earn money through the A+ School Rewards Program
and shopping at Giant
Support St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School with Every Giant Purchase

A+ School Rewards is a unique and easy way GIANT FOOD STORES offers its customers opportunities to be rewarded by earning money for their designated schools.

A+ School Rewards Program
2017-2018 Program Dates
  • Customer Registration begins September 11,2017
  • Program dates October 6, 2017- March 15th, 2018

Register now and designate your schools Log in to Get Started

How It Works
Customers register their BONUSCARD® online and select up to 2 schools to support with every purchase(excludes items prohibited by state law).

Get Started
  • Register your GIANT FOOD STORES online or sign in to your account.
  • During the registration window, select up to 2 schools to support.
  • Selected school(s) earn money from your qualified purchases during the program year.
Celebrate the 2017 Walk-a-thon
On Friday, October 13th at 10am St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School will participate in our annual Walk-a-thon. We look forward to a great day celebrating Catholic education.
2017 Walk-a-thon T-Shirt Winners
Congratulations Katherine Buerke and Mackenzie Gordos and Kierra Pickard.
School Bucks
Earn tuition credit towards next school year by buying gift cards through HSA. In-School School Bucks sales will begin Tuesday, September 5th at 7:30am in the school cafeteria. Order forms for bi-monthly orders are now available in the school office or on our website here. Any questions, e-mail Diane Buerke @ buerkebunch@earthlink.net. 
2017-2018 HSA Schedule of Events
For a printable link, click here.
Home and School Association
Check out all the great things happening with our Home an School Association. Read their September newsletter here.

Scheduled Dine and Donate Nights to support HSA:
  • Wednesday, October 18th PJ Whelihan's 5:00PM to 10:00PM
  • Thursday, November 9 th Texas Road House 5:00PM-10:00PM

  • Current St. Ignatius Loyola HSA Fall Fundraiser website
Fundraiser dates 9.28.17 to 10.19.17
Welcome to the Student Corner
Has your student accomplish something they are proud about and want to share with our SILRS family?

Email Stephanie Conlon with the details (and photo, if available) at siadvancement@stignatiusvikings.org.
Share the opportunity of a Catholic education with a prospective family!
Do you know a family who is looking for a school for their children that offers excellent academics, small class sizes and a history of tradition and Christian morals and values? If so, please invite them to TOUR OUR SCHOOL.

To tour our school, please click HERE.

HERE are details on the Bishop Transfer Tuition Grants.
Mrs. Boylan's first grade class shares the Allentown Diocese message of
"All Our Welcome In Christ"!
St. Ignatius kindergarten through 4th grade enjoying a Science Explorers assembly.
Pre-K letter of the week was "B" - so look who got to join them for class on Friday?
Their Teddy Bears!
2nd grade and 8th grade experimenting with catapults in science class
5th grade science experiment - does the canister have more power when a TUMS is placed in a canister with water? or a canister with vinegar? Be sure to ask a SILRS 5th grader which worked better!
St. Ignatius kindergarten celebrating grandparents with a story and a craft.
St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School
2700 St. Albans Drive
West Lawn, PA 19609
Tel: 610-678-0111  Fax: 610-670-5759 
Stephanie Conlon, Advancement Director