Join Us in Celebrating SEL Day 2023!
Uplifting Hearts, Connecting Minds
March 10, 2023

It is a wonderful, fun way to celebrate all the great work happening in NJ schools! Sign up today to showcase, promote, advocate for, and support SEL (broadly defined) in your school and community. All you need to do is create an artifact and send it out on social media with the hashtag #SELday on March 10th. The goal is to have #SELday trending worldwide!
If you create an artifact (which many NJ schools did last year for SEL Day!), it would be wonderful if you could send a copy of your artifact (video, photos, blogs, podcasts, etc.) with the theme of your artifact included in the subject line to SEL4NJ (ideally one or two words...for example kindness, connection, staff morale, student voice, respect). We of course will be sure to tweet and share the artifact on SEL Day.
The SELday website toolkit page has helpful information and material including logos, hashtags, press releases, etc.
We are so excited to showcase and highlight the amazing SEL work taking place in schools throughout New Jersey!

Join SEL4NJ for NJ's Own SEL Day Summit
Friday, March 10th from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
SEL4NJ and partners are excited to bring five fabulous workshops as well as the opportunity to hear from the recipients of the 2022 NY Jets~SEL4NJ SEL scholarship award winners.
We hope you can join us for at least part of the day! View the agenda.
Let's celebrate and honor #SELDay by tackling a tough topic. There has been misinformation and push back about SEL being something new, and something that shouldn't be taught in schools. Michelle Trujillo directly addresses this topic with evidence that the skills taught through SEL have been emphasized in education for over a century, and are vital to the social, emotional, and academic growth of our students! Please share this video out to set the record straight, and honor #SEL.
Professional Development, Webinars, and Resources
CASEL Webinar: "Leaders as Learners: Cultivating the Community" (Four-Part Series)
March 15, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET

Every adult in a young person’s life — family members, educators, coaches, mentors — influences their social, emotional, and academic development. When adults also have meaningful and inclusive opportunities to practice social and emotional learning, and systems that support them, our communities thrive.

CASEL’s new four-part series will unpack the topic of “adult SEL” by exploring the research, practices, and policy conditions that build supportive systems and adult capacity. Through 60-minute thought leadership conversations, we aim to share expertise that can strengthen your work, encourage new approaches, and leave you curious to learn more.

Join us and collaborators once a month as we build a shared understanding of adult SEL (part I), explore what we know from the research (part II), identify promising practices (part III), and spotlight supportive policies (part IV). This is not an educator “workshop,” but we hope you’ll leave inspired to deepen adult SEL in your communities.

We believe that all adults in young people’s lives are leaders, and when we approach our work as learners, we can strengthen social and emotional learning for both adults and students.

Recommended for: Education and research/policy leaders at the state, district, and school levels.

March 15: What is adult SEL and why does it matter? (Part 1 of 4)
April 12: What do we know, and don’t know, from research on adult SEL? (Part 2 of 4)
May 10: What promising practices are emerging on adult SEL? (Part 3 of 4)
June 14: What policy conditions are necessary for adult SEL? (Part 4 of 4)
Webinar: "Engaging Students and Improving Outcomes Through Implementation and Supports for Social-Emotional Learning"
Tuesday, March 21 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
This webinar provides an overview of social-emotional learning (SEL) as a comprehensive and systemic approach to engaging learners and improving outcomes for all students and the school systems that serve them. The presenter, Donna Black, is an educator of 30 years who is not only a school practitioner and nationally recognized expert on SEL but is also someone who has ‘walked the talk.’ Register now
Teenage girls experiencing record high levels of sadness, violence and trauma, CDC says
In 2021, the CDC saw an increase in mental health challenges across the board, but it’s girls in the U.S. that are engulfed in a wave of sadness, violence, and trauma. Nearly three in five reported feeling persistent sadness and hopelessness, 25% of girls reported having made a suicide plan and 14% reported having been forced to have sex. Stephanie Sy spoke with Sharon Hoover about the survey. Read the full transcript
Support Emotional Literacy With the Healing Hand Activity
Not all challenges can be solved, but an activity that helps students identify their support systems and coping strategies can boost their well-being. Read more

The Art (and Science) of Using Praise for Improvement
In addition to improving relationships, praise from teachers can boost students’ confidence and self-esteem. Read more

8 Ways to Support Students Who Experience Trauma
Children, adolescents and teens in your classroom have experienced or are experiencing ongoing trauma. The impacts of trauma can be far-reaching, long-lasting, and impact students' ability to access their education. There are small ways, however, that we can make our classrooms more friendly and supportive to students managing the impacts of trauma. Read more
Are Relationships the Key to Solving America’s School Absenteeism Crisis?
“A key in all of this is going to be relationship-building. Kids are more likely to come to school when they feel connected to an adult who cares." Read more
The Academy for SEL in Schools, a partnership between Rutgers University and Saint Elizabeth University, offers certificate programs for educators and educational leaders in social-emotional and character development.
SEL4NJ is a state-wide coalition that promotes high-quality SEL throughout the state. Sign up now to join this effort and to stay informed about national and state SEL news!
Rutgers University Upcoming SEL Webinars
Click here to access Rutgers webinar page.

  • SEL and Equity 101: A Practical Approach
  • Academy Overview: How and Why to Obtain a Certificate in SEL Instruction and/or SEL School Leadership
  • How to Integrate SEL into Social Studies/Civics/History and other Academic Areas via Students Taking Action Together (STAT), and into Tier 2 Interventions via the Social-Emotional Learning Lab (SEL Lab)
  • How to Instruct Students in ANY SEL/Character Program Effectively
  • Leading SEL Implementation in Schools
  • Principles of Staff Development for Expertise in SEL/Character Instruction
The School Culture and Climate Initiative (SCCI) is based at the Center for Human and Social Development at Saint Elizabeth University.
School Culture and Climate Initiative