Professional Development, Webinars, and Resources
Rutgers University Upcoming SEL Webinars
Click here to access Rutgers webinar page.

  • SEL and Equity 101: A Practical Approach
  • Academy Overview: How and Why to Obtain a Certificate in SEL Instruction and/or SEL School Leadership
  • How to Integrate SEL into Social Studies/Civics/History and other Academic Areas via Students Taking Action Together (STAT), and into Tier 2 Interventions via the Social-Emotional Learning Lab (SEL Lab)
  • How to Instruct Students in ANY SEL/Character Program Effectively
  • Leading SEL Implementation in Schools
  • Principles of Staff Development for Expertise in SEL/Character Instruction
CASEL Webinar "State of the Field 2023: SEL at a Crossroads"
January 27 from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET

This past year, social and emotional learning garnered media and political attention like never before. For better and worse, SEL was a top priority for district leaders, an election-year talking point, and a household name across the country. What does this mean for SEL and where the field goes next? And most importantly, how will the next chapter of SEL continue to bring together families and educators to better serve every child?

Join Dr. Aaliyah Samuel and Dr. Timothy Shriver in a fireside chat as they reflect on a year of politics, policy, and promising practices — and begin building the agenda for the new year.

Recommended for: education organization leaders, community partners, policy influencers, and district and school leaders. Register here
2022 Social and Emotional Learning Year in Review
2022 was a year with midterm elections, where education and parent voice became a major part of the political dialogue. It was a year of countless headlines on the issues facing our students and educators—school safety, mental health crises, significant declines in academic scores, and widening opportunity gaps. And it was a year that highlighted the power of relationships across our schools, communities, and lives.

Through it all, the vitality of social and emotional learning (SEL) was clearer than ever. Young people, educators, families, business leaders, policymakers, and others focused on the critical skills and environments needed not only for academic success, but also for healthy relationships, overall well-being, and brighter futures.  

As we reach the end of 2022, we reflect on how the headlines, data, and voices of the past year have shaped the field of SEL, and what it means for our work at CASEL. Read more
"3 Ways to Integrate SEL Into the Curriculum"
To ensure that social and emotional learning has the greatest impact on learning, embed SEL in academic instruction. Read more

"Using Toys to Comfort Young Students"
By Maurice J. Elias
Teachers can use stuffed animals and animatronics to help students regulate their emotions and prepare for learning. Read more
Raising Good Kids - National Survey of Parents by wanted to understand how parents feel about raising good kids in the Digital Age, particularly when our nation is experiencing growing division on topics ranging from education and health care to respect and civility.

Learn what they found out after surveying a nationally representative sample of parents with children between the ages of 6 and 18.
What Does SEL Mean Anyway? 7 Experts Break It Down
Immerse yourself in the world of social-emotional learning, and one thing quickly becomes clear: What, exactly, social-emotional learning is can be hard to pin down, and people often resort to analogies and examples to explain it. The ample amount of jargon in the SEL field (and, to be fair, all of education) doesn’t help.

To help clear some of this confusion, Education Week reached out to researchers and practitioners in the field to ask them to define social-emotional learning and compiled their answers here. Read more
Navigating SEL From the Inside Out: Looking Inside & Across 18 Leading SEL Programs: A Practical Resource for Schools and OST Providers—Middle & High School Focus
​​​This guide offers detailed information on 18 middle and high school social and emotional learning programs.​ Download the report.
The Academy for SEL in Schools, a partnership between Rutgers University and Saint Elizabeth University, offers certificate programs for educators and educational leaders in social-emotional and character development.
SEL4NJ is a state-wide coalition that promotes high-quality SEL throughout the state. Sign up now to join this effort and to stay informed about national and state SEL news!
In Loving Memory of Dr. Myrna Shure
We would like to honor the life of Dr. Myrna Shure who passed away earlier this month.

Myrna B. Shure, PhD, was the creator of the I Can Problem Solve (ICPS) program—a school-based social and emotional learning/violence prevention program published by Research Press. The ICPS program has been recognized for research and service by numerous national organizations, including the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP); the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP); the U. S. Department of Education; and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).

Dr. Shure is author of the Raising a Thinking Child Workbook, an ICPS program for families, also published by Research Press, with recognition by the Strengthening America’s Families Project and NASP. She has been recognized by the American Psychological Association’s Psychology Matters initiative for research relating to schools and families resulting in valuable applications that make a difference in people’s lives.

For her research and prevention programs, Dr. Shure was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Counseling Psychology–Prevention Section of the American Psychological Association. She also received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Center for Promotion of Social-Emotional Learning (CPSEL) in 2021. Her books for parents, Raising a Thinking Child and Raising a Thinking Preteen are both Parent Choice Award winners.
The School Culture and Climate Initiative (SCCI) is based at the Center for Human and Social Development at Saint Elizabeth University.
School Culture and Climate Initiative