August 19, 2024

The board welcomed new staff members: Beau Arney, Athletic Director; Hillary Arney, Superintendent Administrative Assistant; Mackenzie Bartley, Food Service Director; Jamie Korfhage, Infinite Campus Tech; and Beth Nally, Middle School Math Teacher

On Monday, the board welcomed staff members that have recently joined the district. APTA and Immediate Past President, Leslie Lucas, were thanked and celebrated for their vision, leadership and contribution to the middle school makeover project.

During the meeting, the board heard City Council, APTA, personnel, conference participation, school, enrollment projection, and financial reports. Superintendent Solise updated the board on the remediation work in the facility, detailed preventative measures that are being put into place, and shared that clearance testing results had been received for all affected areas allowing teachers to begin setting their rooms up for the opening of school. The board expressed their gratitude for Superintendent Solise’s leadership, commitment to transparency, prompt communications, and the additional investment of her time that has been required to navigate the remediation efforts and resulting redesign of the start of the school year. 

On consent, the board approved annual renewal of KSBA membership, a custodial service agreement for daily cleaning of the kitchen and cafeteria, meeting minutes, and a common carrier request for the upcoming 7th grade trip to Pine Mountain. The board additionally approved vouchers, conducted a third policy reading, and authorized preparation of the annual addendum to the Superintendent's contract. 

The board looks forward to an amazing kick-off to the 2024-25 school year and fully welcoming staff, students, and community back onto school grounds! 

Back-to-School Facility Updates

Thank you for your patience and flexibility in a few areas where adjustments to the “norm” of our facility operations will be noticeable as the school year begins:

  • The auditorium renovation project began as scheduled this summer and will be continuing into the fall according to the original plan. Phase one of the renovation is currently tracking on budget and on schedule to reopen for school and community use later this fall. Progress photos are available on our website. 
  • Staff and students returning to the building will notice plastic coverings over all auditorium entrances. The hallway located behind the auditorium is closed to foot traffic and is currently being used as a storage location for items moved out of the backstage area to allow for construction.

  • Roof leaks over the summer have necessitated temporary relocation of the offices at the front of the school until plaster repairs can be made. Similarly, ceiling, decorative molding, and wall repairs in room 206 will be made later in the school year to allow plaster repairs to coincide with school breaks to minimize disruptions while school is in session.

  • Although fully remediated, cleaned, and sanitized, the cafeteria tables have unfortunately been stained with a grayish-black discoloration along the rims of the tables. We are submitting a warranty claim with the manufacturer for new tabletops to improve the aesthetics long term in the cafeteria. Our vendor indicates this process typically takes several months. 

  • HVAC disconnect and reattachment was required in ten classrooms during remediation. Some units are awaiting parts to be fully functional and this work may extend into the first few weeks of the school year.

The next monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for September 16, 2024 at 6:00pm. Please contact Superintendent Karen Solise if you have any questions or for more specific details please see the monthly board minutes. 

Thank you,

Anchorage Independent School District Board of Education

Hannah Barnes (Chair)

Rosanna Gabriele (Vice Chair)

Wilson Greene

Sara Tyler

Andrew O’Brien