Weatherford Chapter


Save these Dates

Fall Festival 2024

October 28th, 29th and 30th!

at YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly, Black Mountain, NC

Lead by Tania & Kevin Griffin

The Spring Fling


April 23rd, 24th and 25th, 2024 in


The Finish Line

We’re excited to report that 35 of our members made their way to Lexington for this year’s Weatherford Chapter Spring Fling. The highlight of the event was our Race Day at Keeneland. David Elsen, from the YMCA of Central Kentucky, met us after breakfast at Embassy Suites to share his knowledge of horses, Keeneland, and of course, how to bet. Another 7 prospective members joined us as we left for the track. For many, it was their first time at the races and they were in for a treat. The weather cooperated as folks soaked in the beauty and excitement of Keeneland the horses. And last but not least, the fellowship made it a truly special day.

Look forward to seeing everyone at the Fall Festival in Blue Ridge!

Beth & Tom Blackman

Spring Fling Leaders

Harriet Hoskyns-Abrahall enjoying a closer look at the horses by the track.

42 YMCA Alumni watched 8 races together thanks to Tom and Beth Blackman.

Laura Kamperman and Suzahn Huffman-Donaldson enjoying "burgoo" a meal at the races.

When we were not at the races we hung out in the hotel lounge and had good food & drinks. Some of us even played games.

Nancy and Ed Ryszkiewicz dressed up for the Races.

Message from Charles and Sherrie Cleveland Weatherford Chapter Presidents

The Y Alumni Weatherford Chapter members share memories, new experiences, fun times and develop and grow friendships!

What a great time we had in Lexington, Kentucky celebrating Spring Fling 2024!  Beth and Tom Blackman hosted an amazing event!  We enjoyed the fellowship of each other's company, hearing new stories (and a few repeats😊), the beauty of central Kentucky horse country and even a visit to Keeneland Racetrack for a day of racing and betting after a crash course in how to bet without losing your shirt, and of course a Kentucky bourbon! What could have been better!

Our next gathering will be our Fall Festival at Blue Ridge! Make sure you have October 28-30 on your calendars! Tania and Kevin Griffin, residents of the Black Mountain area, are hosting us this year and promise some local twists to our, always fun time!

Service has been on our Chapter agenda since our beginning in 1959 (more about Chapter history, stay tuned!). We know a few, but not all, who have provided help and assistance throughout the Y movement… local, national, and international.  Harriet Hoskyns-Abrahall continues to give great leadership to our chapter support to the YMCA Seven Council Fires National Service Project. She and Laura Kamperman have volunteered time in Dupree assisting with the Tiny House project.  Laura, a charter member of the International Service Corp and Phill Morgan will be participating in an International Service Corp project in October in Tijuana, Mexico to provide support to the youth hostel program in the area.

We know there are others who are serving in meaningful and important ways, and we would love to hear and share your stories. Please email them to so we can spread the word to our fellow Y alumni members.

Along with service, the Weatherford Chapter provides financial support for YMCA World Service, Emergency Assistance Fund (EAF), International Service Corp (ISC), and the Y Alumni National Service Project. Our chapter support has been generous and pace setting thanks to your individual contributions and the proceeds from the silent auction held annually at Fall Festival.  Last year's auction set an all-time record of over $6000.  Mo and Mary Bell, as chairs for this year’s auction at Fall Festival, will be in contact with you about how you can help break that record!  We’re so looking forward to seeing you this fall! In the meantime, we hope you continue to connect, serve and enjoy new adventures!

See you on the Mountain!

Charles and Sherrie


Dear Carl,


I wish to thank the Weatherford Chapter for the donation of $1,000 towards the YMCA Alumni National Service Project. Your support of this project is very much appreciated. The two elements of our project; the construction of 4 Tiny Homes and 2 YMCA Twigs, will make a big difference in the lives of kids and families served by YMCA of the Seven Council Fires on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation.

For the Native American single mothers and their children who will eventually occupy the tiny homes the idea of a safe, secure, comfortable, and affordable home is a dream come true. It provides stability and peace of mind while they work with YMCA staff to create a path toward obtaining permanent housing. 

Youth living in underserved parts of the reservation will be the beneficiary of the Twigs to be built by YMCA Alumni. These small program centers will bring a variety of programming such as STEM projects, cooking classes, gardening, sports, and arts to remote reservation communities. While most of the programming is for kids there will also be family events such as holiday meals or Family Fun Nights conducted in cooperation with community partners such as, Behavioral Health, Indian Health Services, and other organizations. 

We can't thank you enough for your thoughtful donation. We couldn't do this without you!

Lou Falk

National Service Project Chair

Membership Message from Chair Molly McGregor

Welcome to our New 2024 Members! Congratulations on your Retirement and having the good sense to join YMCA Alumni…Weatherford Chapter.

Rhonda and Gregory Auten

Moe and Mary Bell

Jan and Luke Blume

Sanddra and Greg Chrisler

Dave and Linda Dove

Tim and Andra Deviese

Dave and Ngaa Fagerstrom

Bob and Delphine Gilbertson

Jody and Val Goins

Rhona and Steve Helton

Journey and Sharon Johnson

Andy and Florence Kane

Rosemary and Brian McPherson

Gregory and Wanda Phillips

Gene and Clovis Simmons

Jan and Burnie Whitson

Letitia Lewis

Merilee Meschefeske

Elizabeth Taylor

Weatherford Member count is as follows: (It may change after the Spring Fling as Tom has indicated we have a number of prospects he has invited to the event.)

Members:       227      

Couples:          138 = 69 (primary member and spouse)

Individuals:      36 (including active Widows)   Widows: 14 (inactive)

Lifetime:           15 = 3 Couples (6) / 9 Individuals (90 years +, as designated by national, including

some widows)

Affiliates:          24 = 10 Couples (20) / 4 Individuals   New: 32 = 15 Couples (30) / 2 individuals    


If you are not participating in one of our Semi-annual events…

Blue Ridge in October 28,29,30! Or one of our Spring Flings …just finished up with Lexington…or participating on a Christmas or Occasional Zoom…or a local luncheon in your area…you are missing out on the Fellowship, Friendship and Love you get by being an active member…..In addition make sure you go on the National YMCA Alumni Website and check out the Travel Club…unbelievable reasonably priced opportunities to travel. Also, there are plenty of opportunities to serve…check it out…or contact me!!


Molly McGregor

Weatherford Membership Chair


Caring and Concern Committee Report by Nancy and Bill Reece

Friends care about friends!!


We want to be there for each other in times of needs, celebrations, and concerns.

The Weatherford Chapter Caring Committee was established to support, comfort and provide encouragement to our members and their loved ones that are going through difficult and challenging times. Please let our Committee Chairs, Nancy and Bill Reece, know how your chapter friends can help when you or your loved ones need support, prayers or encouragement by emailing

Message from Charlie & Tina Glass Vice Presidents of Service

Weatherford Chapter Service Highlights


In an effort to help keep all our members up to date on the status of our involvement in, and support of, various Y Alumni service projects, we’ll be using this space to share news and information from that front. International Service Corps (ISC)may be a little familiar to you, but there have been a few changes recently.  ISC is no longer a program of World Service. It is now a program under the umbrella of YMCA Alumni, and raises it’s own funds. As a result, our Board has decided to add it to the recipients of funds from our Silent Auction. Incidentally, we have had several Weatherford Chapter members involved in ISC recently, including Jon Vance last year (visited the Tirana, Albania YMCA) and Laura Kamperman is our Chapter Representative.


What is International Service Corps (ISC)?


International Service Corp, is a program sponsored by YMCA Alumni to provide opportunities for short term volunteer placements for Y Alumni members. 


The type and length of assignments vary based on needs and specific objectives to be accomplished. Typical assignments include, helping with administrative issues, program development, fund raising, staff training, English as a second language, and Board Development. Through a careful and thorough vetting process, volunteers with required skills are matched and placed with host YMCAs.

The costs for participating in the program are shared by ISC, the host YMCA and the individual volunteer. Typically ISC will cover round trip travel, visa, and immunizations. The host Y will provide housing and local transportation. The volunteers typically pay for food, personal effects and entertainment. If you would like to learn more visit 

Weatherford Chapter 2024-2025 Committee Members Information


Charles & Sherrie Cleveland

Winston-Salem, NC

Vice Presidents of Program:

Chuck & Cindy Harris

Chesapeake, VA

Vice Presidents of Service:

Charlie & Tina Glass

Clemmons, NC


Laura Kamperman

Somerst, KY


Carl & Janet Ward

Marietta, GA

Membership Chair:  

Molly McGregor  

Hoover, AL


Nancy & Ed Ryszkiewicz

Birmingham, AL

Past President and Care & Concerns:

Nancy & Bill Reece

Franklin, TN