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December 13-15, 2024

Hollywood Beach, FL

For over 40 years, the Road Race Management Meeting has stood apart from other running industry meetings in providing the perfect opportunity to network with key industry leaders in a relaxed, informal atmosphere conducive to building lasting relationships.

Keep up to date on all the latest in event management while enjoying the warm tropical breezes. Join us for expert instruction and relaxation!

Road Race Management is excited to announce our upcoming Race Directors' Meeting taking place on December 13-15, 2024, at the Hollywood Beach Marriott. This meeting is a must-attend event for race directors, event organizers, and industry professionals in the running races community.

  • A unique opportunity to upgrade and improve your event
  • Learn, talk, socialize, debate and exchange ideas with other race officials
  • Network with event directors, sponsors, national running media, sports organization officials and vendors
  • Learn how to cope with new challenges and how to improve your event year after year
  • A great way to give key volunteers a special treat while educating and rejuvenating them for next year's race
  • Limited to 175 registrants

Attendees will have the opportunity to network, learn from industry experts, and discuss the latest trends and challenges facing the industry. Join us for three days of informative sessions, interactive workshops, and engaging discussions. Registration details and the meeting schedule will be available soon.


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