April 16, 2018
A Note from your
Community Advisory Committee Co-Chairs
Welcome or welcome back to your neighborhood planning process. This is the forum to influence how our neighborhoods will grow and change over the next 20-30 years. 

Our community organizations have elected a community advisory committee (CAC) to help keep this process neighbor-led. Resident volunteers are working alongside city and county staff to create a community vision from all of the input neighbors provided during the fall. Draft vision statements will be shared with the broader community soon.

As co-chairs of this CAC, we would like to invite you to join us in creating a vibrant future for our neighborhoods, one that recognizes our strengths, enhances our unique characteristics and anticipates the future needs of our residents. We recognize that there are diverse viewpoints and we honor the need to consider all of them. Your participation is vital to the success of this plan.

Kate Perle & Jon Belcher
Community Advisory Committee Co-Chairs
Community Event: Actions and Priorities
June 5th and 10th
North Eugene High School cafeteria, 200 Silver Lane, Eugene

Tuesday, June 5th from 5:30-8 PM (open house at 5:30 PM, Workshop at 6 PM) 
Sunday, June 10th from 2:30-5 PM (open house at 2:30 PM, Workshop at 3 PM)

Anyone who lives or works in the River Road-Santa Clara neighborhoods is invited! Pass this invitation along to neighbors or anyone else who might be interested.
What can we expect?
This workshop is a chance for the community to come back together to review the community vision and discuss trade-offs, to help prioritize action items. 

Refreshments and activities for children will be provided.

Nearly 400 people (twice as many as expected!) came to the first community event in October. In order to provide space for as many people as possible, we are offering two dates in June. The events will be exactly the same, so feel free to attend whichever of the two dates works best for you. A request for RSVPs and an agenda will be sent at a later date.

This meeting location is wheelchair accessible and Spanish-language interpretation will be provided. For the hearing impaired, FM-assistive listening devices are available or an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours’ notice prior to the meeting. To arrange for these services, contact staff at (541) 682-5461.
The River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations, in collaboration with neighbors, businesses, the City of Eugene and Lane County, are creating a vision that will guide decision-making in River Road and Santa Clara for decades to come.