Bake, buy, and bring something to share at our Women's Potluck on May 16th at 6pm. Meeting in the Battin Room. Future dates: June 20, July 18, Aug 15, and Sept 19.
Men's Breakfast
Please join us on Saturday, May 11th at 8:30 AM for yummy food & fellowship. We meet in the Parish Hall.
Parish Picnic - Sunday, May 19
Rain/Shine after the 10 AM service
We will have pulled pork and macaroni-and-cheese from The Meat House Market, and our BBQ chefs extraordinaire will grill up burgers and hotdogs. Please sign up hereto bring sides, desserts and/or beverages -- or donate to help cover the costsof the meats (memo line "picnic"). Let us celebrate another successful year being a community of welcome and God's love in Glen Mills!
Are you or your child graduating from high school, trade school, or college this year? If so, please send a photo & plans for the future to the church office by May 15. Graduates will be celebrated at worship on June 9.
Fundraiser for Youth Group Heading to Appalachia!
In June, ten members of our Youth Group will rehab homes through the Appalachian Service Project, an organization whose mission is to make homes "warmer, safer, drier."
So far, we have raised almost half of the money we need for our trip. Help us reach our goal through our Envelope Challenge!
Our Mission Board in the Parish Hall has 100 envelopes, each with a number on it: choose the numbers matching the amount you'd like to donate. Place your donation amount matching the numbers you chose into the envelopes and return by May 26. Thank you!
In June, our Plant Forum will be on succulent plants and we need small (3-4 inch) terracotta pots. Do you have any languishing in your garage? Drop off your unwanted pots in our collection bin located in the Welcome Center.
Marvelously Made: A Retreat for LGBTQ+ Persons of Faith.From 5/14-5/17, this retreat will offer a time for intentional prayer, reflection, and fellowship with others who have had similar experiences trying to live authentically and honestly within the fold of the Church.
Details here.