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Join THIS Saturday's National Day of Action to End Family Separation & Detention
With Events at the White House and 650 Locations Around the Country--
and See Additional Resources to Protect Children and Families!
Greetings Disciples Friends,
In the past few weeks, as you've no doubt observed, immigrant communities have endured unprecedented policies that have led to family separation, growing and longer term family detention, and heartbreak.  The decision to potentially change the Zero Tolerance Policy which has led to separations and increasing detention rests squarely within the administration.  

Faith voices proclaiming compassion for children and families fleeing violence have already been impactful in leading to the President's announcement of an Executive Order last week to end family separations for now.  But, we know well that this halt is only temporary, as the administration has still only reunified a small number of families, and as it is currently seeking a court order to nullify the previous child and family protections of the "Flores Settlement" as it ramps up the building of centers to hold families and children in detention for longer time periods than ever before.  Therefore:

1)  As Disciples communities of faith (and friends!) around the country, 
in s
upport of reunifying families and ending the Zero Tolerance Policy that has caused the crisis. We will urge for a permanent END to policies that separate children from families and that detain families indefinitely, and we'll join as faith and human rights partners in more than 650 events in all 50 states to instead seek far more such as demonstrated case management services--often led by faith partners.  You are needed to join this mass national movement this Saturday to collectively say and show that  FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER!
In the Washington, D.C. area, the flagship action will happen at 11 a.m. at Lafayette Square (register here for the D.C. event), and we will gather BEFORE the event at 9:30 a.m. for a Pre-Gathering in National City Christian Church (register here for the Pre-Gathering.)  All other event locations and DETAILS FOR EVENTS IN EVERY STATE can be found here.  Be sure to click on each city listed on the page for additional info, and to register to attend!

Wherever you will be, we invite all participating clergy members to wear religious attire,
and all participants are encouraged to WEAR WHITE in a display of the faith community's solidarity in support for family unity!  
2)  Because of the extreme URGENCY to encourage reunification and protection of children and families, WEEK OF COMPASSION HAS MADE AVAILABLE LIMITED "FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER" EMERGENCY MINI-GRANTS for Disciples congregations and partners to ensure we have the strongest participation possible of Disciples around the U.S. in actions this Saturday!  Funds are limited (and normally not more than $250 per request), and will be distributed through our Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries office.  If you have creative ideas for ways such funds could assist a group from your congregation/area to *join an event, *rent a bus, *support transportation costs, *hold a prayer vigil, *support immigrant families and ally voices in other ways during this Saturday's National Day of Action, please make your request to RIM  HERE  immediately !
3)  If you have not already done so, please be sure to  SIGN ON 
TO THE DISCIPLES "FAMILY SEPARATIONS: A WORD TO THE CHURCH" LETTER --and join our General Minister and President, Regional Ministers, and over 2,000 Disciples around the nation who are urging that we Keep Families and Children Together, in honor of Jesus' words in Matthew 19:14,  "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Be sure to encourage your congregation and community to sign on, as well!!  Also, go here for Disciples Immigration Legal Counsel, and go  here   on our Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries website to  FIND RESOURCES FOR WORSHIP, EDUCATION, AND ACTION ABOUT THE CURRENT CRISIS.    
4)  RAISE YOUR CONCERNS ON SOCIAL MEDIA--AND JOIN IN MINISTRIES OF BUILDING AWARENESS WITH OTHER DISCIPLES!   Please send pictures of your actions and vigils to:, tweet to RIM here: @StanleyRea, and post on our Facebook for RIM. Join in witness with other Disciples, such as Rev. Kelley Dick and others at Saguaro Christian Church in Tucson, AZ--who are witnessing through regular vigils on Facebook, and join efforts like this faith sign on letter of religion scholars like Dr. Peter Heltzel and Rev. Luis-Alfredo Cartagena-Zayas; Disciples who have helped initiate the "All Rights for All Without Borders" statement.  And constantly hold Rev. Feliberto Pereira and his border ministry with Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries in your prayers!  
5)  HELP WEEK OF COMPASSION  and our partners continue to reach out to offer emergency assistance to children and families, by donating to WOC  with the designation
"Keep Families and Children Together."

For advocacy and refugee resettlement questions, contact: 
R ev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries,
To subscribe to regular 
news updates from RIM, go to: 
To support RIM's Ministries, go to: 
and select "Refugee & Immigration Ministries."
Thanks for raising your voice and values of faith to support immigrants and refugees, and for answering the call to  "open your mouths to defend the rights...of the needy." (Proverbs 31:8)
  5 Thomas Circle NW, Washington, DC  20005
(2nd floor, National City Christian Church)
RIM is a ministry of Disciples Home Missions