Volume 2 I 2019
Satellite Broadband Today
Welcome to Satellite Broadband Today providing policy makers and stakeholders with news and information on the satellite broadband industry.
FCC maps cause accuracy concern among providers.

The FCC gathers data leads to obvious misrepresentation. Each year, a survey called “Form 477”, is sent to internet service providers (ISPs) to determine where they are offering broadband access. The most recent report was released in December 2018 but contains data which was gathered in June of 217. As such, the current maps do not include the recent high speed satellite launches which offer service throughout most of the US.

The other challenge is that the data is aggregated by census blocks, and providers are asked if they “do” or “could” serve just one home or business inside that geographic area. If the answer is yes, then everyone inside that given census block is effectively counted as having access to broadband.

The problem is that, particularly in rural areas, a census block can be expansive and just a few hundred yards could mean the difference in coverage or not.This flawed method of collecting broadband data inevitably understates the severity of the rural broadband gap and leaves countless rural communities across the country behind.

Satellite providers are focusing their resources on reaching these consumers and continue to invest and improve the technology to ensure everyone can enjoy the benefits of high speed broadband.

When disaster strikes, satellite internet delivers

In Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria decimated the island’s infrastructure: leveling homes, buildings, bridges and dams; taking down  2,400 miles of transmission lines  and leaving over  3 million residents , businesses, hospitals, schools and other institutions without power, and depriving  over half  of the population of access to clean water.

As first response teams re-established critical infrastructure functionality, Hughes became heavily involved in re-establishing critical communications on these islands by leveraging the ubiquitous availability and resiliency of satellite communications.

For businesses in remote areas, satellite broadband can be a game changer.

Businesses located outside of city centers are often faced with spotty coverage and limited connectivity options. Sometimes, business owners are told they can’t get decent internet without having to pay tens of thousands of dollars to trench a private connection. This can significantly restrict how they operate and the types of business applications they can use.

ViaSat Business Internet serves customers just about anywhere in the U.S. with fast, reliable connectivity that can support the latest business applications such as VoIP, inventory management, point of sale, and real-time video security.