August 10, 2017 - In This Issue:
Asia on Air Episode 05: What's a War Game Without a War?

Earlier this year Sasakawa USA held a tabletop exercise, that explored potential challenges the U.S.-Japan alliance might face in a Senkaku islands crisis. This episode of Asia on Air dives into the exercise and its takeaways.

Join us for Episode 05 of Asia on Air for interviews with participants Center for Naval Analyses Strategic Studies' former Senior Fellow RADM Michael McDevitt , Hideshi Tokuchi, former Japanese Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs and Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow at Sasakawa USA, along with James Kendall , Sasakawa USA Fellow for Common Challenges, as we discuss the simulated confrontation over the Senkaku islands.
Chairman's Message: The 2+2 meeting that did not happen

In this Chairman's Message, Sasakawa USA Chairman Admiral Dennis Blair discusses the postponed "2+2" meeting between the U.S. secretaries of state and defense and Japan's ministers of foreign affairs and defense, and explains that the postponement does not reflect any deterioration of U.S.-Japan relations.

Sasakawa USA Forum Issue No. 07: Japan's Proactive Russia Policy: Implications for the U.S.-Japan Alliance

In Issue No. 07 of the Sasakawa USA Forum, " Japan's Proactive Russia Policy: Implications for the U.S.-Japan Alliance," author James D.J. Brown, associate professor of Political Science at Temple University, Japan Campus, analyzes Japan's pursuit of a rapprochement with Russia despite the United States' pursuit of tougher sanctions on the country. 

Japan Political Pulse: After cabinet reshuffle, public remains dissatisfied with Prime Minister Abe

"The clock is ticking on Abe's tenure as prime minister," writes Tobias Harris, Sasakawa USA Fellow for Trade, Economy, and Business, in this Japan Political Pulse update. While an August 3 cabinet reshuffle has increased approval ratings to an extent, public dissatisfaction with Abe remains. 
Upcoming Event: Alliance Working in America series, Houston

Sasakawa USA is pleased to announce the inaugural event of its Alliance Working in America series in Houston, Texas, taking place September 13, 2017. "The U.S.-Japan Partnership on Energy, Business, and the Challenges of China and North Korea,will explore key areas such as energy where U.S.-Japan ties make significant contributions to national security as well as state and local communities.

The Alliance Working in America series focuses on how the U.S.-Japan alliance secures U.S. interests at both regional and national levels. The series aims to reach out to "grass tops" Americans in U.S. cities and promote dialogue on the benefits of U.S.-Japan ties.

Blog: Cabinet accepts new basic concept on nuclear energy use

Whether or not nuclear energy rises to 20-22 percent of Japan's power generation by 2030 as proposed in the new Basic Concept is unclear, writes Sasakawa USA Fellow for Energy and Technology  Dr. Phyllis Yoshida

Dr. Yoshida's latest post for the Sasakawa USA blog comments on the approval of Japan Atomic Energy Commission's new "Basic Concept on Nuclear Energy Use" by Prime Minister Abe's cabinet.

In the News: Sasakawa USA's Tobias Harris interviewed by CNBC, Guardian

Sasakawa USA's Tobias Harris interviewed by CNBC on cabinet reshuffle, Abenomics:  In advance of the August 3 reshuffle of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet, Sasakawa USA Fellow for Trade, Economy, and Business Tobias Harris was interviewed by CNBC Asia on the significance of the reshuffle and changes to be expected from the reshuffle.

Harris was also quoted in a July 31 CNBC article on the implications of Prime Minister Abe's poor approval rating on his economic plans for Japan. Click here to read more. 

As fortunes fade for Prime Minister Abe, recovery seems unlikely, says Harris:  In a July 24 Guardian article, Sasakawa USA Fellow Tobias Harris pointed to diminished public trust in Abe as the main indicator that the Prime Minister's approval ratings will remain low. 

"Each poll has shown that, unlike earlier dips in Abe's approval ratings, the slump is driven by falling trust in Abe himself and not disapproval of his policies," said Mr. Harris.  Click here to read more.

In-Depth with Japan's coming population implosion

Japan is entering uncharted demographic territory as its rapidly aging society embarks on a phase of negative population growth. Can the trend be reversed? How can Japan maintain economic growth amid a shrinking labor force and soaring social security costs? Tani Sadafumi reports on Japan's demographic dilemma.


Event Recap: Interpreting Abe's New Cabinet Choices and Assessing the Impact

On Friday, August 4 Sasakawa USA held a private policy lunch talk with the Wall Street Journal's Jacob Schlesinger and Sasakawa USA's Economy, Trade, and Business Fellow Tobias Harris, who discussed the ramifications of the cabinet reshuffle for Abe's premiership, his security and economic policies, and the future of the LDP.

Reminder: Sasakawa USA/USJETAA grants for JETAA Chapters & Sub-Chapters

The application deadline for the 2017-2018 Sasakawa USA/US Japan Exchange & Teaching Programme Alumni Association (JETAA) grants for JETAA Chapters & Sub-Chapter is September 5, 2017.

The grants are intended to help chapters fund new activities and programs, or further develop current programs to improve their outreach and impact in their communities.

  Upcoming events: September
The first of Sasakawa USA's Alliance Working in America event series will be in Houston, Texas. Join us on September 13 for this public event. Please check our events page for event details and new listings as they get posted. 
Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA

1819 L Street NW
Suite 300
Washington DC 20036
