Featured Alumni 
Want to be featured in our next issue? Contact Jessy at jsantana@spfusa.org

Brian Harding
Director, East and Southeast Asia
at the Center for American Progress

Connect with me: bharding@americanprogress.org 

Expertise:  Southeast Asia, Japan, Security/Defense 

What are you currently working on? One of my key objectives is to identify new and innovative ways that the U.S. can work together with Japan, particularly in Southeast Asia. One key area on which I'm currently working with CAP's climate and energy team is to identify ways the U.S. and Japan can help the Asia Pacific region adapt to the impacts of climate change.


How did you get involved with Sasakawa USA? One of my goals is to introduce non-Japan focused foreign policy experts to the U.S.-Japan relationship. This winter, I was thrilled to work with Sasakawa USA to organize a seminar and trip to Japan for such a group. Sasakawa USA was an ideal partner given its commitment to supporting such initiatives to build ties between U.S. and Japanese scholars.


How has learning about Japan affected your work? I've been involved with Japan for a long time, ever since high school when I became involved in a school program that allowed me to travel to Japan. Learning about this relationship has shaped my view of foreign policy in general. The U.S.-Japan relationship is, in a way, a model for a successful bilateral partnership. Our countries do tangible things together and our relationship has wide public support. 


What is your favorite thing about Japan? What first drew me to study Japan in high school was its food, and to this day, that is still my favorite thing about it.

Sasakawa USA News
In 2014-2015, Sasakawa USA commissioned two exciting projects that help quantify the nature of the U.S.-Japan relationship. The first was a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center on the attitudes of the U.S. and Japanese general public towards each other. Click here to see the results.

The second, "Japan Matters for America" project, was conducted by the East-West Center and provides incredibly useful data points to examine the impact that Japan has in each U.S. state and Congressional district. For example, did you know that Japanese tourists contributed $163 million to Oklahoma's economy in 2014? Click here  to find out more neat facts!
Trivia Question
David Shear, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, has a first degree black belt in which Japanese martial art? 

Send your answer to jsantana@spfusa.org

The first correct answer will receive a prize!
Get Involved
Sasakawa USA is excited to offer publication opportunities for our alumni:

True Stories from Japan
A "blog" that compiles reflections from one's travels to Japan. Topics range in interest from policy to culture and everything in between. Visit True Stories to learn more.

Nippon.com provides insightful views on politics, economy and society, as well as culture, food, and art through web-based publishing. It is produced in six languages. Visit Nippon.com to learn more.

To contribute a piece, contact Jessy at jsantana@spfusa.org
Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA

1819 L Street NW
Suite 300
Washington DC 20036