Featured Alumnus
Want to be featured in our next issue? Contact Jessy at jsantana@spfusa.org

Ariel Ratner

Connect with me: ari@insiderev.com

Expertise: U.S. foreign policy, communications, and digital strategy  

Where do you currently work? 
I'm Founder and CEO of Inside Revolution, a boutique brand consultancy that provides services from writing to strategic communications to digital strategy.  

How did you get involved with Sasakawa USA?
In March 2011, while working as a political appointee in the State Department, I participated in a Sasakawa-sponsored trip to Japan.

How has learning about Japan affected your work? 
Japanese creativity and aesthetics are among the most refined in the world. Whenever I can, I draw from this sense of design and use it in our own work, both in digital strategy and writing.

What is your favorite thing about Japan?
I would say that what I admire most about the country is its resiliency, which I witnessed first hand in the aftermath of the devastating Tōhoku earthquake.  

RSVP: Alumni Luncheon with Washington Post's Fred Hiatt

Date: Thursday, September 10th
Location: Zentan Restaurant
Time: 12:30pm-2:00pm
RSVP to jsantana@spfusa.org

Trivia Question
In 1960, which Japanese film was remade as The Magnificent Seven ?

Send your answer to jsantana@spfusa.org

The first correct answer will receive a prize!
Sasakawa USA News 
On August 15th, Prime Minister Abe gave his long awaited "70th Anniversary Statement." Click here to read our Chairman's reaction to the statement.
Get Involved
Have thoughts on how Abe's statement may affect relations in the region? Want to comment on important issues in Northeast Asia? Publish with us through:

True Stories from Japan
A "blog" that compiles reflections from one's travels to Japan. Topics range in interest from policy to culture and everything in between. Visit True Stories to learn more.

Nippon.com provides insightful views on politics, economy and society, as well as culture, food, and art through web-based publishing. It is produced in six languages. Visit Nippon.com to learn more.

For more information, email jsantana@spfusa.org  
Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA

1819 L Street NW
Suite 300
Washington DC 20036