Featured Alumni 
Want to be featured in our next issue? Contact Jessy at jsantana@spfusa.org

Stacie Pettyjohn
Political Scientist and Codirector of the Center for Gaming at Rand Corporation

Connect with me: spettyjo@rand.org

Expertise:  U.S. Foreign & Defense Policy, U.S. Military Presence Overseas, and Gaming.

What are you currently working on? I am currently working on a project helping the U.S. Air Force to plan for its future overseas presence and also leading a war-game that is exploring a hypothetical future conflict in East Asia.


How did you get involved with Sasakawa USA? I was introduced to Sasakawa USA through my participation in a few trips to Japan that were funded by SPF Tokyo. I participated in a Project 2049 delegation to Japan, the GMF Young Strategists Program and a CSBA-SPF workshop.


How has learning about Japan affected your work? As someone who is not a country or regional expert, traveling to Japan introduced me to Japanese culture, politics, and helped me to better understand the security challenges that it faces. These trips sparked an enduring interest in Japan as I continue to follow Japanese foreign and defense policy closely. Gaining insight into the Japanese perspective has been very valuable. 


What is your favorite thing about Japan? I've met so many wonderful people on my trips, but I also love Japanese food from sushi to Okonomiyaki and everything in between. It is all delicious.


Upcoming Alumni Event
In September, Sasakawa USA will be hosting the 2nd in a series of Alumni luncheons focused on "continuing the dialogue." Our organization is proud to have Fred Hiatt, the editorial page editor of The Washington Post, as our featured speaker for this upcoming event. Please look out for an invitation in the coming weeks!

Sasakawa USA News
At the end of July, Sasakawa USA will host a public forum on the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).  This event will bring together three leading experts on the AIIB to discuss perspectives from China, Japan and the U.S. on the creation, development and future of this bank. Please look out for an invitation in the coming weeks!
Trivia Question
Actor George Takei studied abroad at which Japanese university?

Send your answer to jsantana@spfusa.org

The first correct answer will receive a prize!
Get Involved
Sasakawa USA is excited to offer publication opportunities for our alumni:

True Stories from Japan
A "blog" that compiles reflections from one's travels to Japan. Topics range in interest from policy to culture and everything in between. Visit True Stories to learn more.

Nippon.com provides insightful views on politics, economy and society, as well as culture, food, and art through web-based publishing. It is produced in six languages. Visit Nippon.com to learn more.

To contribute a piece, contact Jessy at jsantana@spfusa.org
Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA

1819 L Street NW
Suite 300
Washington DC 20036