Featured Alumni 
Want to be featured in our next issue? Contact Jessy at jsantana@spfusa.org

Sachi Gerbin

Connect with me: cgerbin@gmail.com

Expertise:  Biology--specifically cell biology and cancer biology

How did you get involved with the Sasakawa Peace Foundation?  

I was a Resident SPF Fellow at Pacific Forum CSIS. I looked for new ways for the United States and Japan to cooperate on improving global health and proposed policy recommendations for U.S.-Japan collaboration on combating antimicrobial resistance.


What work did you do as part of SPF Tokyo? I did research as an SPF Fellow. I conducted interviews with Japanese experts including professors and government officials to learn about what areas Japan and the United States were already cooperating on, and looked for new areas of potential cooperation.


Alumni Luncheon with Washington Post's Fred Hiatt

Date: Thursday, September 10th
Location: Zentan Restaurant
Time: 12:30pm-2:00pm
RSVP to jsantana@spfusa.org

Trivia Question
In 1958, instant noodles were first released to the Japanese market. Who was the inventor of instant noodles?

Send your answer to jsantana@spfusa.org

The first correct answer will receive a prize!
Sasakawa USA News 
Earlier this year, Sasakawa USA launched a new initiative to connect past and present service members, families, and government civilians who have served in Japan. The Japan-U.S. Military Program (JUMP) will be hosting it's first event in San Diego on August 10th. Click here to learn more about this new and exciting program.
Get Involved
Sasakawa USA is excited to offer publication opportunities for our alumni:

True Stories from Japan
A "blog" that compiles reflections from one's travels to Japan. Topics range in interest from policy to culture and everything in between. Visit True Stories to learn more.

Nippon.com provides insightful views on politics, economy and society, as well as culture, food, and art through web-based publishing. It is produced in six languages. Visit Nippon.com to learn more.

To contribute a piece, contact Jessy at jsantana@spfusa.org
Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA

1819 L Street NW
Suite 300
Washington DC 20036