Featured Alumnus
Want to be featured in our next issue? Contact Jessy at jsantana@spfusa.org

Zack Cooper
Fellow with the Japan Chair, CSIS 

Expertise: U.S. defense policy, Asian security.

What are you currently working on? 

I am conducting research on U.S. military strategy and force posture in Asia, efforts to counter maritime coercion, and the future of the U.S.-Japan alliance, as well as some academic research on how militaries adapt to rise and decline.      

How did you get involved with Sasakawa USA?

I was lucky to be chosen for several Sasakawa initiatives, including the GMF Young Strategists Forum, AASE Young Strategists Dialogue, and CSBA portfolio rebalancing exercise. I have also been able to work on the U.S.-Japan Commission led by CSIS and SPF.


How has learning about Japan affected your work? 

Focusing more on Japan has shaped my research interests and drawn me more toward Asian security issues. My role at CSIS emerged in part from work on alliance projects supported by Sasakawa.

What is your favorite thing about Japan?  

Aside from food and friends in Japan, one major attraction of working with Japanese friends is the deep convergence of national interests and shared perspectives - it makes it easy to work together.

NEW DATE: Breakfast Roundtable with Rep. Mark Takai (D-HI-1)
This Alumni-Only event will provide an opportunity to have an in-depth conversation with Rep. Mark Takai on how Congress views U.S. Asia strategy. To participate, RSVP to jsantana@spfusa.org 

Wednesday, February 24th**
  Location: Zentan Private Dining Room  
               1155 14th Street NW 
                       Washington, D.C. 20005

SNEAK PEEK: Speaker Series Luncheon with Senior National Security Official 
On December 15 from 12:00pm-1:30pm, Sasakawa USA will host an official from the National Security Council for an intimate round table discussion on President Obama's recent travel to the Asia Pacific region. Due to the profession of the speaker, we cannot yet release his/her name, however, the first TWO alumni to respond to this newsletter will receive guaranteed admission to the luncheon.
Trivia Question
What is the name of the "world's first novel?" Hint: It was written by a Japanese noblewoman .

Send your answer to jsantana@spfusa.org

The first correct answer will receive a prize!

Get Involved
Want to comment on important issues in Northeast Asia? Publish with us through:

True Stories from Japan
A "blog" that compiles reflections from one's travels to Japan. Topics range in interest from policy to culture and everything in between. Visit
True Stories to learn more.

Nippon.com provides insightful views on politics, economy and society, as well as culture, food, and art through web-based publishing. It is produced in six languages. Visit
Nippon.com to learn more.

Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA

1819 L Street NW
Suite 300
Washington DC 20036