Dear Friends,

I want to acknowledge the sadness and horror we feel at the brutal killing of George Floyd. Mr. Floyd’s death, along with the highly visible deaths of others, is one more painful reminder that racism is something we must all continue to work to confront, challenge and change. I cannot speak for those who have experienced overt or subtle racism, but we know that it is real and directly impacts a huge percentage of our population. That is not to say that most people in law enforcement or any other profession act in racist ways. They do not. But we know that racism shows up in every institution and profession.

Price Hill is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Cincinnati—racially and ethnically. I am proud of Santa Maria’s work in Price Hill for the past 54 years, as our community has become more integrated racially and ethnically, of bringing people together, people from all professions and walks of life, and aligning our goals to strengthen families and improve the community. We will continue to do so. But may it be with renewed and increasing empathy and energy as we tackle the challenges before us.

At a time when our country is once again faced with great pain and division, Santa Maria is rallying around the families we serve in order to bring some stability and reassurance to their lives. As we continue to navigate troubled waters during this pandemic and civil unrest, I wanted to update you on how Santa Maria is continuing to serve our families .  

Governor DeWine has asked companies to continue to work remotely if they are able. As such, Santa Maria's offices remain closed, but our team continues to work remotely, scheduling virtual meetings and using porch drop-offs and other means of contact to stay connected with families we serve. If Santa Maria employees must come into contact with others, we are practicing all applicable social distancing precautions such as wearing masks, and staying at least six feet apart. We are actively developing plans to safely and carefully reopen the public spaces in our offices, using all the guidelines from the City, State of Ohio and the Centers for Disease Control.

The safety of our program participants and staff is of the utmost importance. Furthermore, we have an unshakable commitment to the families we serve. For the last two months, you, our friends and supporters, have been by our side generously helping us continue serving the community during these challenging circumstances and we thank you for your unwavering commitment .

We invite you to read our 2019 Impact Report so you can see exactly how your support is helping families in need.

While undoubtedly more challenging times ahead, we know that with your help we will be able to continue on this journey of helping families help themselves. Thank you for your generous support!


H.A. Musser, Jr.
President and CEO
Setting The Table

Our annual fundraising event The Sharing Table has been rescheduled for September 10, 2020 at Rhinegeist Brewery at 6 p.m. We look forward to this scaled-back event to help us raise money for the families we serve while raising awareness of childhood poverty in our region. All social distancing precautions will be taken during this in-person event. Get more information here or purchase tickets here !

So help us set the table for The Sharing Table! We will be hosting a virtual fundraiser, Setting The Table during the week of July 6-10, 2020 ! We invite you to join local chefs as they prepare special dishes just for Santa Maria! We're excited to feature custom-made bowls for sale from Queen City Clay artists as well as a variety of raffle items at the virtual Setting The Table! You can find out more about this event and donate today at:

In addition, there will be a LIVE virtual event on July 9, 2020 at 6 p.m. where we will draw our raffle winners. Add this link to your calendar:

Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor:

Please consider donating to
Setting the Table!
Meet Epifany Larue-Brunson
Forty-one-year-old Epifany Larue-Brunson has had a rough go of things lately, and not just because of COVID-19. Epifany was recently diagnosed with Stage Four Metastatic Breast Cancer. Her condition is incurable, and treatment is often harsh and unforgiving, but Epifany is a fighter. She and her husband, Michael-46, son Jakobie-14 and daughter Paizlee-7, originally moved to Price Hill for Epifany’s job and a better life. The Brunson family first sought Santa Maria’s assistance with rent and utilities. “These services have meant the world to me” Epifany said, “because we could have been evicted and homeless if this agency was not in place.” ­

Please Visit our Website for COVID-19 Resources!