Santa Fe MPO news & updates

January 2024 new year's resolution: incremental systemic change!

Please enjoy the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization's Quarterly Newsletter, where people-powered transportation planning happens! Each quarter we share developments in our programs, plans, and projects driven by the voice of the public.

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Santa Fe Complete Streets Division Stripes First Buffered Bike Lanes

Recent Santa Fe planning documents, such as the Multimodal Transition Plan and the Neighborhood Street Safety Study, highlight the need for safer multimodal transportation options. With this in mind, Complete Streets Division staff recognized the opportunity to fit buffered bike lanes on segments of Yucca (pictured above) and Rodeo following pavement resurfacing. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) provided constructive feedback on the Rodeo re-striping, which the City will incorporate into future buffered bike lanes. However, we are grateful for the consideration and implementation of improved safety for vulnerable road users!

LPIs and More Boost Safety on Cerrillos

Leading Pedestrian Intervals (or LPIs) are a best-practice pedestrian safety countermeasure that lets people crossing the street start walking before the cars get the green light. This increases pedestrian visibility and vehicle yielding, and has now been implemented on Cerrillos Road from St. Michael's all the way to Beckner!

The upgrades were included in a corridor signal timing project that also aimed to improve vehicle travel times and traffic flow. An additional improvement for Cerrillos walkers is automatic pedestrian crossing signs and countdowns on signalized cross streets, which previously showed a solid hand unless activated by the pedestrian push button.

These may seem like small improvements, but can make a big difference for people using Santa Fe's most trafficked road! You can read more about the project from the City of Santa Fe.

Santa Fe Safe Routes to School Action Plan Passes!

The Santa Fe Safe Routes to School Program began in 2021 with federal grant funding. Over the past 2.5 years, the program has:

  • organized over 300 walk and roll to school events with over 6,000 recorded attendees
  • provided walking and biking education to over 4,400 Santa Fe Public School students
  • gathered data on how students get to school, finding that 6.5% walked and 1.7% biked on the day they were asked
  • and much more!

To learn more about the previous work and future direction, read the Safe Routes to School Action Plan, approved by the Transportation Policy Board December 14, 2023. Starting in 2024, the program will be operated by the Santa Fe Public Schools Sustainability Program.

MPO Receives Research Grant Funding

The Santa Fe MPO successfully applied for State Planning and Research (SPR) funding (available to NMDOT and MPOs) for two projects with grant matching support from the City of Santa Fe.

One project will examine five signalized intersections in the downtown area to determine if existing traffic warrants signals and/or how pedestrian crossings can be prioritized. Marcy and Washington (below) is included in the study.

For the other project, the MPO will work with an aerial imagery analysis provider to generate a geospatial dataset of existing street characteristics. Key metrics will include where sidewalks exist (or don't), sidewalk widths, lane widths, and many more details!

Plan and Program Updates

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Formal amendment 2 to the FFY2024-2029 TIP is open for public comment. The rail crossing at 285 near Lamy was awarded additional funds for construction. For more information and to provide feedback, visit our TIP page.

TPB and TCC: explained

The Transportation Policy Board (TPB) and Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) are the mechanisms by which the MPO makes policy, program, and planning decisions. The TPB includes 3 representatives each from the City and County, 1 from the Pueblo of Tesuque, and 1 from NMDOT.

Fun stuff

The Santa Fe Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program is transitioning to Santa Fe Public Schools and they are on the hunt for a SRTS Coordinator! Follow the link for more details and to apply.

Rail Runner commuters - rejoice! The New Mexico Rail Runner Express (aka train between Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and down to Belen) now has free wifi via Starlink!

Regional transit is on social media! Both NCRTD and Rio Metro (Rail Runner) regularly share updates via social media. If you're a frequent rider, follow them for holiday schedule, route, and fare updates.

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