Santa Fe MPO news & updates

April 2023 rolling into summer

Please enjoy the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization's Quarterly Newsletter, where people-powered transportation planning happens! Each quarter we share developments in our programs, plans, and projects driven by the voice of the public.

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An Illustrated Vision of the

Acequia/River Trail Cottonwood Loop

Introducing Discovering Paths Today and Tomorrow, the MPO's first illustrated transportation plan!

This plan builds on previous MPO efforts to highlight the opportunity for the Acequia/River Trail Cottonwood Loop to create much needed outdoor recreation and transportation access in southwest Santa Fe.

Find a hardcopy at any of the library locations, print a black and white version to color at home, or request a copy from the MPO. Spanish versions will be available soon.

Many thanks to our partners at National Park Service & Jessica Ortiz of Bittersweet Artworks!

Gearing up for Santa Fe Bike Month in May

The birds are chirping, the trees blooming, the sun shining, and all of a sudden being on a bike sounds like just the thing to celebrate the season’s transition! 

This year Santa Fe Bike Month includes something for everyone:

Don’t have a bike? Adults over 18 can borrow one for free during open hours at the Fort Marcy Recreation Complex and the Genoveva Chavez Community Center.

View all the events and deals on the Bike Month website

New Mexico Statewide Public Transportation Plan Public Meeting

Monday, April 17th, 6:30PM

Calling all public transportation users and would-be users! The NMDOT wants to hear from you to understand how you get around your community.

Take the survey, visit the website, or attend the public meeting, this Monday, April 17th, at Market Station or by zoom.

Experience a temporary protected bike lane

Rufina St - May 14th

Santa Fe transportation surveys indicate feeling unsafe is the #1 barrier for most people who want to bike more in Santa Fe. Could protected bike lanes be part of the solution? Come try one for yourself May 14th on Rufina Street from Siler to Rufina Circle. Make a day of it by participating in the Second Street Scavenger Hunt Bike Ride or the Friends of Architecture Urban Bike Tour.

Ricardo Bridge River Trail People Counter

Can you spot the MPO people counter?

Over the last 10 years:

  • 700,000 trips have been recorded
  • An average of 6,000 per month or 200 per day
  • May 2022 was the highest with 11,767 trips
  • An estimated 30 people cross the counter per peak hour
Plan and Program Updates

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The TIP (our list of federally funded and regionally significant projects with funding) is growing!

The next TIP for federal fiscal years 2024-2029 will be adopted this summer.

As always, you can check out TIP amendment timelines, amendments, the project list, interactive map, and more on our website!

Proposed Bicycle Master Plan and Metropolitan Plan Amendments

Amendment 1 to the Bicycle Master Plan includes trail alignments added to the project list, an arroyo network designation, and addition of County planned trails.

Amendment 3 to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan includes three new projects added to the project list. Both are set to be reviewed and approved at the April Transportation Policy Board meeting.

Fun stuff

The City Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is seeking two new members from City Council District 4. Submit a letter of interest and resume to Romella at

Local non-profit Bike Santa Fe is relaunching! Find out how you can get involved at their Bike Month Relaunch event on May 6th, check out the website and year-round calendar, and sign up for their email list to keep up-to-date.

The New Mexico Rio Grande Trail, a proposed trail from Mexico to Colorado, is gaining momentum! Visit their website to view proposed trail alignments, progress made, maps, updates, and more!

Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Information and Agendas
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