In-Person and Online Practice
Sundays and Wednesdays

Join us Sundays from 8 - 9 am and Wednesdays from 7 - 8 pm either in-person at the Center or via Zoom video conferencing for practice and teaching with Michael.

We are studying Counsels from My Heart by Dudjom Rinpoche during the Wednesday night group.

Click the Zoom Video Link below and enter the password to join our video conferences.

Password: 362919

Zoom Video Link


It is important to integrate our experiences of nature with the Dharma. After all, this is where it all begins: earth, water, fire, wind—and the space in which they arise. Our innate, indigenous vision sees the activity of the Dharma mirrored in the landscape. Dudjom Rinpoche said, “Craving for appearances arises as the deity (yidam or ‘mind link’).” The activity of emptiness arises as the symbolic gesture of the radiant mind. This is why we fall in love with natural beauty.

As we experience the glorious return of Spring, may we enjoy the ceaseless display of enlightened intention everywhere we look. May we act in the same way.

Much Love,


Spring Fundraiser

We Reached Our Goal

Thank you!

We are blessed with a wonderful sangha and are grateful for your ongoing support!

We have surpassed our goal of $3,000 reaching $4,475 in donations. Thank you!

Our Spring Fundraiser goes towards keeping and maintaining our physical location, continuing and enhancing our Zoom experience, maintaining our website, providing a stipend for Michael, supporting our lineage teachers, and more.

To make a donation click the link below:


"Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression.

We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous.

We experience joy in the actual act of giving something.

And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given."

-Buddha Shakyamuni

Dharma Journal Posts

Seeing Clearly

Residing in Central Oregon for 45 years, I have observed the population growth with a bit of dismay. When I moved here, only about 16,000 folks called Bend home and now the estimates hover...

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