August 2022

(910) 295-1934

Update from Our Director

Land Development

A few months ago, writer and philanthropist Mackenzie Scott gifted Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills and 83 other Habitat affiliates (of approximately 1,200 affiliates nationwide) with a transformative donation. This gift could not have come at a more critical time in the history of affordable housing, especially in our community. Once an abundant resource in our service area, land has become incredibly scarce. Ask anyone in the real estate world, and they will share the same story – developers of all sizes are purchasing as much of the available property as possible, leaving very little for individuals and organizations like Habitat. While we used to rely on a land bank of 3-5 years of buildable lots, we can see that we will need to expand that in the future, and we are working hard to address this issue creatively.

We committed our affiliate to use this generous gift for the critical land and infrastructure that we know is needed to provide affordable housing at a steady pace for the next decade. Here is a breakdown of how we intend to spend our gift across our service area in addition to the approximate $300,000 tithed to our International Habitat partners, including Haiti and Zambia.


  • $285,720 of land in the process of being purchased – includes nine separate transactions from single lots to small tracts that will require future infrastructure
  • $500,000 of infrastructure to be installed at Bluebird Hill, winter 2022/23
  • $500,000 of infrastructure to be installed in Addor Community on Addor Rd. summer, 2023


  • $600,000 of infrastructure to be installed on Blue Springs Rd. summer, 2023
  • An additional $400,000 will be used for future land purchases


  • $500,000 used for the purchase of multiple lots and homes for whole house rehabs in the Leak St. community as a comprehensive Neighborhood Revitalization Program in partnership with the community
  • An additional $500,000 will be used for future land purchases or new NRP work.

We are committed to transparent financial reports and look forward to bringing you updates on these plans.  As you can see, your contributions are needed to sustain affordable housing in the Sandhills now more than ever. Thank you for your continued support!

Peace and Grace,

Amie Fraley - Executive Director

Do you have an Affordable Land Opportunity?

Access to land lies at the heart of ending poverty. Without land, there can be no housing, and housing is the key to stability and opportunity. By using your voice to improve access to safe and secure land, you can help create the foundation for better housing. Whether you have a lot, a parcel of land, or know someone who does, now is the time to reach out. Partnering with Habitat can provide your family legacy and safe, affordable housing for others and future generations.

Contact Director

Homeowner Success Story

Robenia Reaves Whatever It Takes

Pictured with Robenia Reaves, her daughter Latasha, Latasha’s eight year old daughter,

Charlotte Gallagher and Janet Lowry 

 "Whatever it takes," with a big smile, was Robenia Reaves's reply about twenty years ago when Charlotte Gallagher and Janet Lowry visited her. They had just explained that each adult who would live in that home must give 300 hours of sweat equity in the process of qualifying. Robenia was applying for a Habitat house for herself, her daughter Latasha, and Latasha's four-month-old baby. Robenia recently made her last mortgage payment. 


Tara, Robenia's second daughter, also lives in Moore County. A grandmother of six who ranges in age from 2 to 24, Robenia enjoys them all. She often takes care of the pretty girl pictured as Latasha's second child. Latasha owns another Habitat home in Aberdeen. As a traveling nurse, she is out of the area frequently. Congratulations to Robenia and her family!

Save the Date
Weekend of Caring
September 15th,16th, &17th
12 Volunteers Each Shift
  • Thur: 8am-1pm
  • Fri: 8am-12pm and 1am-4pm
  • Sat: 8am-1pm

United Way of Richmond County and Habitat are partnering on one special weekend to build affordable housing. We will be working on two new homes in Hamlet! We are seeking a total of 100 volunteer with both morning and afternoon shifts available.

August Faith Relations Meeting

First Baptist Church in Hamlet

Pastor Allison Farrah blessed the meal provided by her hospitality committee at the First Baptist Church in Hamlet. Following lunch, she offered words of support for the mission of Habitat as part of her sermon. We appreciate FBC Hamlet hosting this meeting and Pastor Farrah's comments.

Sandhills Habitat's Executive Director, Amie Fraley, gave a full report on the many aspects of Habitat's work. Services include repairs on houses not owned by Habitat homeowners, aging-in-place repairs or additions such as ramp builds, and their involvement with community revitalization projects. One specific to Rockingham is the community of Little Philadelphia

.We presented opportunities for the faith community to be involved with a three-day build of two new houses in Hamlet as part of the United Way Day Of Caring. On Thursday, September 15, Friday the 16th, and Saturday the 17th, the faith community will offer meals for up to fifty volunteer builders. Churches have already filled the meal prep slots. Wow, and thank you!

The faith community will also provide volunteers for the afternoon shift on that Friday. Please register to help build on our Habitat website.

Our next two lunch meetings are in Moore County on September 21 at Poplar Springs Church in Addor/Pine Bluff and in Richmond County on October 19 at First United Methodist, Rockingham. As always, we will start at noon and ask you to RSVP.        

September Faith Relations Meeting

Save the Date for our Faith Relations Meeting on Wednesday, September 21st at 12:00 at Poplar Springs Church on Addor/Pinebluff. We are looking for community partners and volunteers to advocate for affordable housing.

Contact our Faith Coordinator

Faith Moment

House of Worship / Homes of Faith

Within Moore County, there are perhaps 100 or more HOUSES OF WORSHIP. And we know of at least 300 HOMES OF FAITH. Now that I have your attention, let me explain. What follows is simply one individual's take on these HOUSES and HOMES.

Most readers of this column are very familiar with HOUSES OF WORSHIP. They are usually churches but may also be synagogues or mosques. The HOMES OF FAITH, at least as referenced in this writing, are the 300 houses that have become Habitat homes for hardworking families. 

What is this Habitat faith?

Becoming a Habitat homeowner requires individuals to have established a solid credit rating, maintained regular employment, and have steered clear of the criminal justice system. I anticipate many readers saying to themselves, "So what? Don't we all do that?" The faith in meeting these criteria for Habitat homeowners is significant; indeed, it borders on the profound.

Decisions made along life's journey are often an artifact or function of our circumstances. Most of us did not need to choose between gangs or no gang involvement or which second job to supplement the main job to get our kids at least the basics of school supplies and clothes. 

Hitch a ride to work or walk a couple of miles and risk being late? Pay this bill or that bill, or let both of them ride? Visit the incarcerated family member, or not? Which housing project is the least crime-ridden? What landlord can you truly trust? How to deal with redlining?   


Several of these latter decisions are familiar to most Habitat homeowners. We have all needed to make prudent budgetary decisions from time to time. But most often, these were related to discretionary items. Occasionally we had "tight times," but these were transient. Habitat homeowners typically need to make these decisions all their lives after seeing their parents do the same. 

The invitation to fail is overwhelming. Make one or two wrong decisions, and you will never recover.  We at Habitat marvel at the strength and faith of our homeowners. Their ability to negotiate the maze of life's decisions is impressive—their desire to remain independent versus becoming dependent. 

Their faith in themselves is to be celebrated, and we loudly join in that celebration. Remember, at Habitat it is never a handout, always a hand up. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this Moment. And remember, you can volunteer with us at or call 910-295-1934. Dan Joslin, Habitat Faith Relations Coordinator          

Homeowners in Progress Classes

Pet Responsibility

Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills partnered with the Moore County Citizens' Pet Responsibility Committee (PRC) on August 18th to educate our future homeowners on responsible pet ownership! The class was a huge success, thanks to Tammy Foster, Barbara Ross, her therapy dog, Lola, Judy Pund, and Charlene Fausz. The committee currently teaches pet responsibility to all 4th graders in Moore county.  Pet Care Days provide free Rabies vaccines, reduced-cost vet examinations, additional vaccinations, and flea and tick treatments in some of the underserved areas of the county, such as Robbins, High Falls, Taylortown, Eagle Springs, Crain's Creek, and Pinebluff. They also partner with organizations such as Habitat, where they do outreach with large or small groups. PRC's primary purpose is to teach people to be responsible pet owners and inform them about available resources to help their pets. They answered questions about good, responsible pet ownership and encouraged people to spay and neuter their pets because that is the number one way to reduce overpopulation.

Tammy Foster arranged for some younger volunteers and their parents to entertain and inform the children of the future homeowners while their parents were listening to Tammy. Bella and her mom, Ula, Annaka, Maggie, and James, and their mom, Melissa, were with the children. 

They all volunteer at Caring Hearts for Canines in Aberdeen. 

For more information about the PRC and available resources,


Boys and Girls Club of the NC Sandhills

Put cedar down around our donation door to improve our landscaping



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