Spring 2020
Community Connections
Happy Spring to all of our Samaritan Bethany Community Members! We want to start by thanking you for your continuous support during this challenging time. We know there is a lot of worry and unknowns in the world right now, but we want to ensure you that we are doing everything possible to ensure our residents are receiving the highest level of physical, emotional, and mental support as possible.

Our team has been working extremely hard during this time to make life as normal and stress-free as possible for our residents. We have implemented innovation activities to keep our residents and family members engaged during this time of restriction. Please continue reading for more COVID-19 updates throughout the newsletter.

We thank you for your support and contributions to making Samaritan Bethany an incredible community!
Save the Dates
Family Council
Tentatively - Tuesday, May 5 th at 4pm in the Chapel

Dementia Support Group
As of now, the Dementia Support group will be suspended.
Auxiliary Spring Sale
The Spring Auxiliary Sale is postponed.
Don't miss the survey at the end of the newsletter
Our Family
Resident Opportunities
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer pilot please contact Dean Stenehjem at dstenehjem@samaritanbethany.com or 507-424-5458 .
Cycling Without Age
Samaritan Bethany welcomed Cycling Without Age, Founder Ole Kassow and Global Community Captain, Pernille Vederso Bussone, from Copenhagen, Denmark on Friday February 7, 2020. Ole and Pernille visited with residents, family members, volunteer pilots, and community members about Cycling Without Age Program, and its benefits to our seniors.
Thanks to funds from the Minnesota Department of Human Services, WeGive365 Grant from the Rochester Area Foundation, Rochester Exchange Club, the Samaritan Bethany Auxiliary, proceeds from our Annual Golf Classic, and generous private donors, Samaritan Bethany was able to order two tri-shaws, with the goal of buying one to two more, plus an enclosed trailer by the end of 2020.
We will participate with our tri-shaws in Rochester’s Bike Summit and Mayor’s Ride presented by We Bike Rochester – May 2 starting at 125Live. Rumor has it that Mayor Kim Norton will pilot one of the tri-shaws from 125Live to Pasquales Pizza. Join the fun and ride along on your own bike. https://www.webikerochester.com/
Winter Blues Party
The winter blues are over and spring is here! Our residents were able to beat the winter blues with a Winter Blues Party. They enjoyed Blue Vanilla Coca and Blue treats, while listening to Tim Kriese play the Blues.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Our residents and staff helped the Salvation Army reach their red kettle goal. All contributions were doubled by Mayo Clinic. Samaritan Bethany raised $1,033.67, resulting in a total of $2,067.34 when matched. Thank you to everyone who contributed! The Salvation Army raised almost $1.2 million.
Mardi Gras 2020
Fat Tuesday was celebrated accordingly across our entire Samaritan Bethany campus with cookies and chocolate covered pretzels. The residents also enjoyed fun masks, hats, beads, noise makers, and Mardi Gras crafts.
St. Patrick's Day
Our resident's celebrated St. Patty's day with games, special treats, Irish drinks, and Irish spirited staff! We extend a special thank you to our amazing staff continuing to find creative ways to care and support our residents in these changing times.
Friends, Family, and Fun
King and Queen of Valentine's Day
Arbor Terrace Christmas Party
We love Christmas sweaters
Celebrating the New Year
Residents enjoying Valentine's Day treats
Valentine's Day lunch
Valentine's Day Party
Enjoying good company at Happy Hour
Cheers to 2020!
Happy Valentine's Day from Olive and Pip!
Enjoying cards from the Rochester, MN Rotary STRIVE Program during Happy Hour
NYE Festivities
Arbor Terrace resident's enjoying the NYE Party
"She loved this place and the people who showed true caring to her. Your staff was truly a blessing to my family as well, with excellent communication. All your efforts are not forgotten - and I pray you'll continue to provide just which each resident needs - just as you did for Mom."
- Samaritan Bethany Resident Family Member
Team Member Spotights
January Hero of the Month
The first Everyday Hero of 2020 is Susan! Susan is a Household Nurse on CityView 6th Neighborhood.
Thank you Susan for all you do each and every day for our residents!
Susan is committed to Samaritan Bethany’s mission and values: She has been a long term employee here. Susan knows the residents’ likes and dislikes. She works her schedule to fit their wants and needs, not her own.
Susan serves as a role model: She is always keeping on top of things, keeping the med drawers clean and organized. She comes early—prior to her scheduled start to hear report and get things ready for the day!
Susan contributes to the team: She always has a smile and a warm greeting for everyone in the morning. She often brings treats for everyone’s birthday. Susan has picked up weekends so her co-workers can have a day off.
Susan demonstrates excellence: She is creative and has come up with fun craft ideas for the residents. She is a true example of someone who understands and demonstrates Resident Directed Care!
February Hero of the Month
Jeri is February's Everyday HERO!
Jeri has been with Samaritan Bethany since November 2014.
She was nominated because of her positive attitude and willingness to go the extra mile, whenever necessary! She has a fantastic work ethic and is always smiling!
THANK YOU for your service, Jeri. This is what being an Everyday HERO is all about!
At Samaritan Bethany we strive to grow our own. Empowering our team members and assisting them in advancing their careers is what we're all about. We provide a positive environment that promotes growth.
City View 4 Care Coordinator
Kellie has been with Samaritan Bethany for four years serving in the Minimal Data Set Coordinator role. Kellie recently has transitioned into the Care Coordinator role on City View 4. As the Care Coordinator, Kellie is responsible for the clinical leadership in the neighborhood, ensuring that resident care is provided in a resident directed manner. We are thankful for Kellie's continuous commitment to our residents, family, and staff. We are excited for her new journey.
"I like the concept of resident directed care. I feel that it is a good concept that I would like to continue to be a part of it and watch how it continues to have a positive impact on residents lives." - Kellie
Learning and Development Coordinator
Denielle started at Samaritan Bethany as a caregiver, then obtained her Trained Medication Aid certification, recently advancing to Neighborhood Coordinator, and now has moved into the Learning and Development Coordinator Position. As the Learning and Development Coordinator, Denielle will facilitate employee education and training that is consistent with our mission.
"Working here has allowed me to continue my education, raise my family, and continue to improve my professional career gals. When you have a job you love, you will never work a day!!!" - Denielle
Community Le ader Message
COVID-19 Update

Please know that maintaining the health, wellness and safety of your loved one is our number one priority. We are taking steps now to prevent this illness and be positioned to respond quickly and effectively should it impact someone in our setting. We are following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines and restricting visitors to only those family members that have loved ones actively dying and authorized medical staff. 
We are closely monitoring the latest information from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and CDC. We are also working with state and local public health and emergency preparedness officials to strengthen our preparation for a possible outbreak of Coronavirus. 

Families can drop off food or other items such as clothing and incontinent products at the front desk for staff to pick up for the residents. The 7th Street doors are opened from 8am-7pm during the week and from 8:30am-2:30pm during the weekend. 
All non-essential appointments will be cancelled or postponed. For essential appointments, we ask that you meet your loved one at the appointment location and not ride the bus with them. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we will keep you informed every step of the way should other steps become necessary.
Communication is key, and we will continue to update you on important news or emerging issues. You can call 1-507-476-9053 to hear messages from our staff regarding any updates relating to our COVID-19 response.
Please do not hesitate to contact Samaritan Bethany with any questions or concerns you may have.


Kyla Berg
Community Leader
Samaritan Bethany Home on 8th
Visit our Facebook Page for more updates by clicking on the button below
Staying Connected
In these days when you are not able to visit, please know that staff at Samaritan Bethany are committed to caring for every need that your loved one has – physical AND social, emotional and spiritual. We know that your visits are so important and we want to accommodate to the best of our ability. Life Enrichment staff have been visiting with each resident to find out what they want and need most for the upcoming days.

We want to offer the opportunity to Skype, Facetime, Email, or call your loved one. If you’d like to set up Skype or Facetime, we can create a schedule for you and your loved one to SEE each other’s faces!! We can’t promise how often this can happen, but we will do our best to make it happen as often as we can. Our It's Never Too Late (iN2L) systems allow us to Skype, on a large screen TV. A very special thank you to everyone who donated to the iN2L project!
If any of these options are something you are interested in, please contact the appropriate Life Enrichment staff.

Home on Eighth - Allison DeRaad aderaad@samaritanbethany.com or 507-424-4064

Arbor Terrace - Kristen DeVries kdevries@samaritanbethany.com or 507-424-4060
Giving Heros
Foundation Update
Join our Team
 The Samaritan Bethany Foundation Board works along with Foundation staff to develop the resources needed to support the mission and vision of Samaritan Bethany. As a locally formed non-profit and faith-based organization, Samaritan Bethany does not always have the resources that many large national and corporate care facilities have at their disposal. The Foundation raises funds for the purchase of equipment, for resident activities and resident support. The Foundation works on Planned Giving and Major Gifts, along with Direct Mail appeals and Special Events.

We are currently looking for interested persons who have expertise as an attorney, financial planner and/or business owner or manager to join our Board. If you are interested in this opportunity please contact Dean Stenehjem at dstenehjem@samaritanbethany.com or 507-424-5458 .
2020 Golf Classic
With our Golf Classic quickly approaching, we are looking for golfers, volunteers, and sponsors. The Golf Classic will take place at Somerby Golf Club on Monday, June 15, 2020. If you are interested in participating in the Golf Classic please contact Rita Hawkins at rhawkins@sa maritanbethany.com or 507-923-4723 . A special thanks to Sterling Long-Term Care Pharmacy for being our sponsor again this year!
Year-End Appeal
We want to extend a special thank you to everyone who donated to our year-end Furniture Fund appeal - we raised $15,000! Because of your gracious donations we were able to purchase new living room furniture for the main floor and new cafe furniture. We are excited for our residents and visitors to enjoy this new furniture during happy hour, activities, and more.
Board Members, Julie and Scott try out the new tri-shaw piloted by Dean
How to Help
By using Amazon Smile, 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to us by Amazon.
Here's how:
Just click on the link below, sign in, follow the directions, select Samaritan Bethany Inc as your charitable organization, and start shopping!

Kindness ROCKS
In November our residents, staff, and visitors painted kindness rocks and hid them around the city. Just this week we received a message from someone who had found one of our rocks. The message read, “Found this rock today while at Quarry Nature park...beginning a journey with cancer and it was a nice little reminder that I am Loved”.
In this challenging time, remember we LOVE you all.
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Samaritan Bethany Inc.
101 7 th Street NW
Rochester, MN 55901