Salem Matters News of What Matters This Week

in Salem Presbytery

April 17, 2024 | Volume IX, Number 16

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Churches/Ministries of the Week

Flat Rock Presbyterian - Mt. Airy

Trinity Presbyterian - Elon

Katie Todd - Executive Director - UKirk (CM) - Greensboro

Many of our small churches treasure the gift of music, however, they do not have the means (financially or geographically) to benefit from in- person instrumental or choral accompaniment during their worship service - think pulpit supply but for musicians and/or singers! If you, or someone you know, would be interested in serving as a periodic guest musician, while enjoying an exceptionally warm small church welcome, we enthusiastically invite you to contact Jodi Lingan at your earliest convenience

Presbytery News and Information

April 9, 2024

Dear Friends:

Blessings of the season of Easter and the joy of Christ’s resurrection be with all of you!

As promised, I am keeping you informed about the proposed revisions of the Board of Pensions benefits plan beginning next year. Presbytery leadership is in the process of securing opportunities for affected presbytery members and congregations to garner the best and most up-to-date information and for our Presbytery to develop appropriate policies in response to the new benefits structure. Below are a series of key dates in the roll-out of information and continued engagement with the Board of Pensions.

  • April 30 – May 1: The Board of Pensions will convene a meeting of mid council executives and key officials in Philadelphia to provide detail on the proposed benefits plans revisions. Policy and Benefits Task Force Moderator, Rev. Newton Cowan, and I will be in attendance.

  • May 14 – I will offer my report on the Philadelphia convocation to the Presbytery at its stated meeting at Concord Presbyterian Church in Statesville.  

  • [PLEASE NOTE THIS DATE] May 15 – Our Board of Pensions Regional Representative, Elizabeth Little, will be holding three regional gatherings in Salem Presbytery for pastors, and church treasurers/personnel chairs to provide an overview on the plan changes and respond to more specific inquiries and concerns. We are finalizing the logistics of each of these gatherings, but the first one of that day is anticipated to take place in the Statesville area in the morning, Greensboro during the midday, and Burlington in the late afternoon. We hope that at least one of these gatherings will be broadcast via Zoom and possibly recorded for those unable to attend.

  • June 6 – The entire Salem Presbytery Commission on Ministry will meet with Elizabeth Little to provide feedback and ascertain possible policy guidance for pastoral terms of call that might be undertaken by the Presbytery.

I hope that you will be able to attend one of the regional gatherings on the May 15. Until then, please feel free to speak to me about any particular concerns, and please know that your continued health and well-being are front and center in my prayers.

In Christ, 

Tony De La Rosa

Executive Presbyter

Sign Up for Peace & Justice Newsletter

The Peace and Justice Task Force invites you to sign up for their monthly newsletter addressing Peace and Justice issues and events. Click the link below to sign up.

Sign Up for Peace & Justice Newsletter

Ministry Training and Education

A Few Pictures from the Black Caucus Gathering on Saturday, April 13th at St. James Presbyterian in Greensboro.

Click Here for More Information

Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising 

Presbyterian College is proud to partner with the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy (Indiana University) to offer the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF). This unique partnership enables this outstanding course to be offered in the southeast region. The executive certificate program provides the research, tools, and customized training to meet the growing needs of leaders in religious communities and fundraisers of faith-based organizations. 

This program would be ideal for clergy or other faith leaders and stewardship or advancement staff members in religious communities, schools, or service organizations. Scholarship opportunities to cover some of the cost of attending the ECRF may be available through a church financial leadership grant from the Presbyterian Foundation.  

More details and Registration:

Program Dates: May 20-22, 2024 

Location: Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC

Ministry Opportunities

Position Opening at Westminster Presbyterian - Greensboro

Westminster Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, NC is accepting PDP’s from interested parties for the position of Interim Pastor.

Follow the link below for the job description and/or to apply.

Westminster Presbyterian Transitional Pastor Job Description
Apply Here

Position Opening at Pleasant Grove Presbyterian

Pleasant Grove Presbyterian in Yanceyville is searching for a pianist for Sunday Worship and occasional services. Interested candidates should contact Pastor Steve Jordan at 336-380-1859 or 336-562-2215. 

Position Opening at First Presbyterian Burlington

First Presbyterian Church in Burlington is advertising for the position of Part-Time Interim Youth Ministry Coordinator. Follow the links below for the job description and/or to apply.

Read Job Description Here
Apply Here

Position Openings at First Presbyterian Salisbury

First Presbyterian Church in Salisbury is advertising two positions. See the links below for job descriptions and information.

Director of Music
Contemporary Worship Team Leader

Position Opening at First Presbyterian High Point

First Presbyterian Church in High Point is advertising for the position of Next Gen Director. See the link below for job description and information.

Next Gen Director - First Presbyterian High Point

Position Opening in Montreat

Greetings from Montreat Conference Center. We have a full-time, exempt position open for a Director of Development Communications. Follow the links below to read a full job description and/or to apply.

Click Here for Job Description
Click Here to Apply

Looking Ahead - Upcoming Events

Register now for The Art of Transitional Ministry Training, Week I & II. May 13-17, 2024 at the beautiful Mercy Center, St. Louis, MO

We live in a crazy time of transition in our churches and culture. Transitional Ministry Education is not limited to those presently engaged in or inquiring about transitional ministry. Anyone interested in learning how to lead through transition alongside your church is invited to join in. As an all-in-person training event, you will gain encouragement and insight from others walking the same pathway of change. Mercy Center is a beautiful convent and retreat center which provides: good food for gathering, lovely grounds for unwinding, a labyrinth for spiritual centering, AND great space for meeting and learning from other motivated pastors, CREs, and all who serve the church on committees.

Basic Transitional Ministry Education consists of 60 contact hours plus a practicum. The contact hours are divided equally between two residency weeks: Week I (30 hours) and Week II (30 hours), separated by a practicum that combines reflection on, and experience in, some aspect of interim/transitional ministry.

The faculty this spring includes: Rev. Dr. Barbara Wilson, Associate Exec Presbyter, Chicago Presbytery; Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, Interim Sr. Pastor, First Pres, Evanston , IL; Rev. Gail Doering, Southern Kansas Transitional EP; Rev. Erin Marth, Transitional Minister, Christ Church, Chicago IL, and Rev. Mason Todd, Transitional Minister, New Hope Presbyterian, Greensboro, NC.

For more information and to register go to:

Ordination Anniversaries

Please pass along congratulations to the following who are celebrating anniversaries of their ordinations:

Parish Matters

Springwood Presbyterian Church Presents The Extraordinary C.S. Lewis Weekend Seminar April 19-21

Springwood Presbyterian Church is proud to present an educational seminar April 19-21 on the extraordinary C. S. Lewis: On Suffering, the Imagination, Heaven and Hell. Lewis is best known for his children’s books (“Chronicles of Narnia,” etc.) and his writings and talks on the Christian faith.

During this weekend study, we will explore Lewis’ inspiring story to faith, his life-long journey into the imagination, and how, as a former unbeliever, he became an illuminating voice for Christianity. The seminar will be taught by the Rev. Dan Wray who has been a presbyterian minister for almost 50 years and leads First Presbyterian Church in Badin, NC. Dan also taught philosophy, religion, and American literature at Stanly Community College in Albemarle for 22 years.


Friday, April 19, 6:30pm: The Extraordinary Life of Lewis

Saturday, April 20, 9:30am-12:00 noon: How Lewis Found the Joy of Heaven

                1:00pm-3:30pm: Telling the Story for All Ages, Part I

Sunday, April 21,11:00am:Sermon Based on Lewis’ “The Weight of Glory”

                                   Light lunch provided after worship

                1:00pm-3:30pm: Telling the Story for All Ages, Part II

We hope you will enjoy this opportunity to sit back, listen, learn, and be part of the conversation. Please bring your questions! For more details, visit , contact Springwood (336-449-6998) or email for more information. This event is free of charge. Springwood is located at 1422 Springwood Church Road in Burlington, NC.

Prayer Matters
Click Here for the 2024 Prayer Calendar

April Prayers for:

 Ecumenical & Interfaith Task Group

EQUIP Support Team

Please Hold the Following in Your Prayers
  • Prayers for the Elkin Presbyterian Church family and the family of Elder Rusty Tysor, who died suddenly on April 4, 2024. Rusty was serving as Clerk of Session and a member of the Presbytery's Property Committee at the time of his death, and had previously served on the Budget/Finance Committee of the Executive Council.

We will list these prayer requests for two weeks unless we are notified that they are to be continued. You may submit prayer requests through the link below.

Submit prayer request here.

PCUSA Matters
Read the Mid-Council Relations Newsletter Here - April 2024
Read the PCUSA Quarterly Resource Preview Here - April 2024

Community Circle Zoom Series: Small Church

Are you an educator, volunteer, minister of Word and Sacrament, or commissioned pastor who serves as a leader in a small church (less than 100 members)? Are you a mid council leader who supports formation for leaders in small churches? You are invited to register for this Community Circle, our newest Faith Formation Leader Connection opportunity designed especially for those leaders in small churches to talk about faith formation.

Zooms will be offered six times, March – November 2024; come to every gathering, or when you can, to share in conversation and learn, ask questions, receive and share resources for ministry, and support one another. Register once but register anytime. Register once, anytime during the series.

Our conversation facilitator will be Sandy Safford, faith formation leader for close to 30 years and a commission-ready pastor who served as pastor for a small rural congregation in Colorado for 10 years. She is also a consultant, retreat facilitator, and trained coach who loves the outdoors as well as collecting ideas with colleagues for wonder and imagination in ministry.

The dates (Eastern time) are:

  • Wednesday, May 8th, 1 p.m.
  • Tuesday, August 6th, 3 p.m.
  • Thursday, October 10th, 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday, November 13th, 1 p.m.

To keep up on all the resources and offerings from the Office of Christian Formation, check out our February Quarterly News, or QuickSheets.

PCUSA Job Opportunities

The latest in Job Opportunities with the PCUSA, as of March 25, 2024

Job Opportunities - English

Job Opportunities - Spanish

Job Opportunities - Korean

Board of Pensions Call to Health

Click the link below to join the Board of Pensions Information

Board of Pensions Call to Health

Board of Pensions Board Bulletin

PCUSA News and Announcements

Click below for the latest news and announcements from the PCUSA.


PCUSA Website

Mid Council Relations Newsletter

Click HERE for Synod of Mid-Atlantic Assembly Highlights

North Carolina Historical Society Newsletter

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