Reflecting back on Saturday night’s 1998 ReMix it’s a little like seeing the alpenglow over our local mountain summits – a ‘wow’ moment. It was an amazing night – the VCHS family coming together to celebrate our school’s 25th anniversary with a great deal of school pride.
But it’s not over. In smaller ways over the last few months of the school year, we will continue to celebrate our 25th. Those who know me know that I like talking about our school’s history, especially the people who pioneered for us in the early days. Our history is rich with stories that explain our DNA and speak to who we are today. At 1998 ReMix, we unveiled banners showcasing the VCHS history timeline. Those banners will soon hang inside our academic building.
Take a trip down memory lane with me glimpsing through a few Vail Daily articles. Take a look at the photo in All the classrooms have views (2005) to see the former, undeveloped Cordillera land where our Academic Building now sits. Or read Vail Christian celebrates 10 years in which founder Pastor Dan Rohlwing shared about the early days –
There was a wonderful small-town camaraderie amongst all the Christian churches and Christian pastors that was quite remarkable for our days. We saw the vision and provided the seed money, but we never wanted it to be our school, we wanted it to be for the community. It’s been one of the strengths of the school.
Later in 2018, we celebrated the VCHS 20th anniversary and the Vail Daily ran this story – Vail Christian High School celebrates 20th anniversary of putting feet on their faith and that school year Pastor Dan Rohlwing was our graduation speaker and the Vail Daily ran this story – Vail Christian High School Class of 2018 looks to 2068.
What most amazes and inspires me is God’s faithfulness to VCHS over those twenty-five years. Today, we’re the largest faith-based high school in Colorado west of the Front Range. And the best is yet to come! Yes, the alpenglow casts its radiance on our anniversary but a new day with a burst of morning sun is on the horizon. Bright days lie ahead. New pioneering opportunities await us.
Let’s go Saints!
Steve O'Neil
Head of School