September 6, 2024




We’re off and running to a great start of the school year! We are so excited to have you and your children back in school. We look forward in anticipation to the many opportunities for learning, growing, fellowship, faith, and strong academics that this year will bring.


Thank you to our teachers and staff who worked very hard last week preparing for this week and the many weeks to come! Thank you to our students who began to refocus from the summer break on their studies and routines. Thank you, parents, for following the drop off and pick up procedures this first week. The adjustment with the time changes at dismissal went well. We’ll see how it goes next week when our Kindergarten, Young 5’s, and Preschoolers return. We are looking forward to your return!


Speaking of Kindergarten, there will be the traditional ‘clap-in’ for them on Monday. Kindergarten parents may walk their children into school when the teachers come out to the courtyard to officially welcome you and your children.


Some key items for next week include the following:


·      Monday         (9/9)   Hot Lunch begins

·      Wednesday    (9/11) Back to School Night for parents at 6:30 p.m.

·      Wednesday    (9/11) K-7th grade picture day (school uniforms required)

·      Fridays                       All school Liturgy (parents are welcome to join)



In closing, I pray you have a safe and restful weekend.

God Bless,

Mr. Barker


Spirit Store -


From now until September 11, the school's Spirit Store will be open. This will allow for delivery around October 1. Upon entering the website, there will be a link for Spirit Wear items as well as uniform approved items. Happy shopping!


Star Lights After School Enrichment -Registration Open Now

Save a place for Star Lights in your student's busy life! We will be offering 15+ after-school classes in 2024-2025. Two programs are now open for registration: Speech Forensics (5th - 8th grade) and the LEGO Challenge team (4th & 5th grade). Please note, we will be starting the LEGO Challenge class on Monday, September 16 (NOT the 9th). 


Mark Your Calendars: Registration for the FALL B session will open at 7 pm Thursday, September 12. Notification is via email and links on the Parents Facebook page. Print copies of the full program will be available at Parents Night and next week in school. Questions, contact Rose Farley at 310-717-3005 or

Looking to Volunteer? Make Sure Your Paperwork is Updated!

For any parent or guardian looking to volunteer for the 2024-2025 school year, please make sure your details below have been updated. All NEW volunteers must: Take Protecting God's Children through Virtus, sign the Code of Conduct through Virtus, and sign the Background Check found below. If you have already volunteered in the past, please fill out the Background Check below and turn it in to the front office. For all questions regarding your login, contact our Business Manager, Steve Carozza at

Lunch Volunteers Needed - September

Volunteers are needed for lunch duty during the month of September. Click the link below to sign up. *Please only sign up if you are up-to-date with Protecting God's Children.


Important Note:

By receiving Sailor's Corner, you are also on our Parish List to receive our Parish Newsletter - an email that goes out every Saturday morning. Please do not unsubscribe from the Parish Newsletter email. Our Parish Newsletter and Sailor's Corner run on the same platform and by unsubscribing from one, you unsubscribe from both.

As the parish is a huge financial supporter for our school, it is important that our school families receive updates from the parish and ways they can get involved throughout the year.

Important Links

Please be sure to review all the links below before school starts on Monday.

Important Dates

First Day of School: Preschool, Young 5, Kindergarten

September 9

Picture Day: Kindergarten - 7th Grade

September 11

Students wear their uniforms.

Back to School Night

September 11, 6:30 PM

Fall Fest

September 28, 5:00 - 7:30 PM


September Calendar

Download the calendar for September below.


School Year Calendar

Dress Code


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