Sailing Science Center News
April 2020
Vol. 3, No. 8
Welcome to the April issue of the Sailing Science Center News! Our theme this month is Flexibility and Adaptability . The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted communities all over the world. In this time of social distancing it is even more critical for our own community at the SSC to find ways to stay connected while staying safe. 

Keep reading for new updates from the SSC!
Volunteer Spotlight - Ros de Vries
Rosanne de Vries
Ros de Vries was the planned subject of our March spotlight, but a last-minute decision was made to spotlight a genus of marine bacteria instead. No one wants to be bumped by a bacterium, but Ros took it in stride, and as it turns out we could not have chosen a more appropriate time than now for her spotlight.

Ros was born in Sydney, Australia, as Rosanne Hodgekiss. The daughter of an Australian father and a mother from the Philippines, she learned from her mother the importance of creating her own opportunities and not waiting around. From her father, an aeronautical engineer, she was taught to prioritize the sciences and book learning. She says she was bookish as a child and that she still loves reading, which astonishes me as I see how outgoing and social she is.
University of Technology Sydney
Ros was introduced to sailing as a 12-year-old when a Sabot* dinghy magically appeared (they do that), giving her a chance to show her stuff at the local sailing club. It was her first stint as a sailor, but it wouldn’t be her last. In college, Ros attended the University of Technology Sydney, earning a BS in Science and Information Technology, things she says she is still passionate about. Do you see a fit with the SSC here?

Today Ros is a customer success manager for Campaign Monitor, an email marketing company founded in Sydney. She started there 10-½ years ago while still in Sydney and is now one of their more tenured employees.
Ros de Vries Volunteering for Red Cross
As a Red Cross Volunteer, Ros will be on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis
Ros joined the SSC in January and has been making her mark with our social media team, firing it up with a new Instagram account. An important part of her life is volunteering, which she says gives her a sense of community and belonging. In addition to the SSC, Ros has been volunteering for the Island Yacht Club and the American Red Cross. That last one places Ros squarely in the hero category for me, as she prepares for the front lines in our war against the coronavirus. We can all be proud to have a volunteer of such high caliber in the SSC ranks. It’s good to have you aboard Ros!

*The Sabot \sa-bō\ dinghy is a plywood pram and predecessor to the El Toro. The name Sabot refers to a kind of French clog, a likely reference to the boat’s appearance and the reason the class insignia is the silhouette of a clog.
Latitude 38 Crew Party
SSC Volunteers in front of the Land Yacht Experiment Table
Back Row, L to R: Arik Paran, Michael Law, Rick Waltonsmith, Ron Young, Vijay Kesavan, Will Pryor, Chris Davis
Front Row, L to R: Mystery Woman #1*, Mystery Woman #2*, Olivia Malterre, Meagan Strout, Paul Kamen, Jim Hancock, Ros de Vries

*They aren't SSC Volunteers yet. Apparently they saw us lining up for a picture and thought we looked like a fun group so they joined in.
Everything is fine until it isn't. That's a pretty good description of the month of March, not just for the SSC, but for the whole world. On March 5, eleven days before the Bay Area's Shelter-In-Place directive, Latitude 38 held their scheduled Spring Crew Party to a jam packed crowd at the Golden Gate Yacht Club. There was tremendous energy in the room, with more than 200 attendees present, and strong interest in what the SSC was doing. The SSC used the opportunity to debut two new exhibits—our all-new Archimedes Puzzler and an impressive Visual Navigation exhibit. But it was also a sort of last hurrah ! We hope to get back to this type of event soon!

We debuted Version 2 of the Archimedes Puzzler, featuring a sea-level magnifier and bigger shark!
Paul Kamen explains to Laura Parent how a sextant works.
We debuted our new Visual Navigation exhibit, demonstrating how angles measured with a sextant, or even with fingers on an outstretched arm, can be used to estimate distance off. We brought a prototype version of an educational wooden sextant (not recommended for navigation) that can be produced for a few dollars.
L to R: Ron Young, Paul Kamen, Jim Hancock
A wise man adapts himself to circumstances as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it.

This Month's Newsletter Banner
The banner for this month's newsletter is a picture of rough weather at sea. From the height of the waves, the number of breaking crests and the streaks on the water, one can estimate this to be gale force conditions, with wind speeds in the range of 34 to 38 knots. Offshore sailors know that when weather like this strikes they have to adapt, shortening sail, altering course or seeking shelter. Being flexible and adapting to current conditions is essential to the offshore sailor, just as it is to those of us sheltering in place for the current COVID-19 crisis.
Leadership Corner - Flexibility and Adaptability
Flexibility and adaptability are what allow us not just to survive new situations, but to thrive, even as the world changes around us. The actions we take to adapt can create a sense of empowerment, open new doors and give us hope for the future. Flexibility is so important that the expression Semper Gumby has become an unofficial motto of the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Coast Guard and the Navy Seabees.

The actions of others can inspire us and build our faith in humanity. There are many examples, but I would like to share two that are close to home. The first is a story about the North Sails Loft in Freeport, Maine. They heard about the shortage of face masks among healthcare workers and began using their space to cut and sew masks. Read more here.

Karen Haley cuts cotton for masks at the North Sails loft in Freeport, Maine.
Danny Beesley
Even closer to home is Danny Beesely at the College of Alameda FabLab . Danny is the builder of our first exhibit for the Sailing Science Center. He is now coordinating local efforts to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers. Says Danny,

I have taken on a role as middleman, focusing on centralized materials purchasing and distribution for the entire Bay Area. We have designed a prototype face shield and have an approved design and an order potential of 10k. Production will happen at a manufacturer in West Oakland. These will be provided to Alameda Health System .

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

Charles Darwin
At the SSC we are also responding to current events. It’s important to us that as we do this we stay true to our mission, our values and our strengths. In a broad sense, what the SSC is here for is to inform and inspire. With today’s technology these are things we can continue to do even during quarantine and lockdown.

Ahead of us is a changed future: one in which, at least for several months, people are likely to avoid contact with things that were recently touched by others. This will temporarily dampen enthusiasm for hands-on, interactive exhibits, but there is still a wide range of experiential learning that we can support. As with many other organizations, we are working to develop more content for online delivery and through virtual experiences. We will share what we have as it’s ready. Above all, we want to send thee messages: we are here, we are strong, and we want to inspire and encourage fortitude in others. Be healthy!
Social Media Corner
Social Media Logos
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Like  this guy , you're probably looking for ways to get your sailing fix at home - and we're here to help out!

In the coming month, we'll be sharing some cool educational links, home projects for kids and more -  all with sailing in mind!

To (virtually) join us on the water:
Got something bigger to share with our community?
Small Stuff
Man scanning the horizon with binoculars
On the Horizon
In response to the COVID-19 crisis the SSC announced on March 17 that we were canceling or postponing all upcoming SSC events through at least April 30. While we can hope that things will begin returning to normalcy by that time, we are likely to see social distancing measures continue for much longer.

At the SSC we are as eager as anyone to return to "life as usual" and will let you know when that happens.
Move the Needle!
These are things YOU can do to move the SSC vision forward:

Make a difference. Move the needle!
New Volunteers

We want to give a big shout out to those who raised their hands in March to say they could help. This included Preston Thomas, Ken Passeri and Micaela Zaverdinos . We are very excited to have all three of you making waves with the Sailing Science Center team! Welcome!
That's all for this month.


Jim Hancock
President and Founder
The San Francisco Sailing Science Center is a Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation recognized under IRS Section 501(c)(3), Tax ID 82-3631165. Your donation to the Sailing Science Center is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.




*STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math

Ron Young * James Hancock * Meagan Strout * Travis Lund * Jeff Owens
Carolyn Davidson * Kira Hammond * Mike Beller

Morgan Davidson

Christine Cid

The Sailing Science Center News is published on the first business day of each month. It is sent to team members, partners, volunteers, sponsors and supporters of the San Francisco Sailing Science Center. You are receiving this because you are considered to be in one of these groups. If you wish to be removed from the mailing list, please click the Unsubscribe link below. We do not sell, share or otherwise give out our mailing list beyond our organization.
San Francisco Sailing Science Center
One Avenue of the Palms, Suite 16A
San Francisco, CA 94130