Photo by Martha Blanchfield / Renegade Sailing
Sailing Science Center News
July 2020
Vol. 3, No. 11
Welcome to the July issue of the Sailing Science Center News! Our theme this month is Empathy . Recent protests over the killing of George Floyd have attracted the attention of the world. The lessons from these outbreaks are meaningful at all levels of leadership, which is why we have chosen Empathy as our theme. We encourage you to read this month's Leadership Corner and invite you to share your thoughts with us on what has been happening.

Keep reading for other updates from the SSC!
I don't like that man. I must get to know him better.

― Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President
Employee Spotlight - Mina Matsumoto
Mina Matsumoto
July’s spotlight is on Mina Matsumoto. Mina is the SSC’s first employee, interning with us before her third year of a four-year JD/MBA program at UC Berkeley. Born in Ann Arbor, by the time she was eight Mina had lived in Michigan, Australia, Japan, Mississippi, and California. Her family settled in LA, where her father teaches mathematics at a local community college. Her mother paints and teaches art, and her older brother teaches computer science.

Mina loves learning and being a student. After high school she earned her BA in International Business at Pepperdine University. Her next stop was a job in New York, as an Assistant Buyer and Planner for Bloomingdale’s. While in New York Mina discovered Hudson River Community Sailing, where she learned to sail on a J/24. A year later she had her Skipper rating. On her second outing with friends, the boat’s rudder broke, becoming unusable. Mina says she learned a lot about leadership and preparation that day, as they returned to the dock using the boat’s outboard. Mina says sailing has taught her more about people and leadership than any classroom experience.
As crew you are just being told what to do. As skipper I was in charge; in some ways it is less fun because you are responsible for the boat and the crew, but the personal growth is more rewarding. It’s like the difference between being a parent and being the fun uncle.
― Mina Matsumoto
Mina in front of Building One
From Bloomingdale’s, Mina returned to school to join Berkeley’s MBA program. During the fall of her first year she found herself at the Cal Sailing Club, looking for someone to check her out on the boats. Paul Kamen—one of our most active volunteers—filled the role. Paul suggested she volunteer with the SSC, which she did. At the end of that year Mina approached us to probe the possibility of a summer internship. Without our 501(c)(3), or any fundraising, the board decided against it. But a year later Mina reached out again, and this time we were ready. It has been a stroke of good fortune.
An easel with a painting on it
Recent artwork by Mina
Six weeks in, Mina has excelled, consistently exceeding expectations, taking initiative, and producing top results. Her biggest tasks have been migrating our contact data into Salesforce, and working with SSC volunteer Emma Sarkisyan and staff at Wilson Sonsini to draft a variety of legal documents. From day one, Mina approached her role with a founder’s mindset and a do what’s needed attitude.

Most days with Mina start and end on Zoom—a sign of our COVID-19 times. In fact, we have only met twice in-person, but Mina is an independent worker, with productivity that is off the charts. When she is not working, Mina likes sailing, reading, playing piano and ukulele, biking, painting, and watching classic films. We are really going to miss her when the internship is over. It’s great to have you aboard, Mina!

June Volunteer Event
Collage of sailing pictures
Pictured L to R: Pip Ziman, Victoria Marcus, Ros de Vries, Jim Hancock, Nathan de Vries
Summer Sailstice - Sign Up and Sail!

On June 20 the SSC ventured cautiously back to its first in-person volunteer event since March, spending four hours on the Bay aboard Pip Ziman's Jeanneau 42 sloop, Touché. We kept the head count down and masks were mandatory, but with the breezy conditions there was always plenty of fresh air. Everyone had a great time and we even got to fly Pip's big red spinnaker (see below).
Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
In the News
New Diversity & Inclusion Team
In June, the SSC formed a new Diversity and Inclusion team. The team is seeking to identify specific actions the SSC can take to increase the diversity among its board and volunteers, while encouraging diversity and inclusion in the areas of sailing and science more broadly.

Within the SSC we want to achieve diversity in age, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, national origin, and educational background. We believe that having a diverse team positions us to better understand and serve the populations in our community.
We are very excited to announce that the SSC is now registered with AmazonSmile ! AmazonSmile is a shopping platform that gives you the same wide selection of products, low prices and convenient shopping features as on The difference is that when you shop at AmazonSmile ( ), the AmazonSmile Foundation donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the charitable organizations you select. This is done at no extra cost to you!

Click this AmazonSmile link to start shopping and giving to the SSC today!
Newsletter Back Issues
A stack of calendar pages with August 2017 on the top
The SSC got lucky last month when we regained access to nine of our earliest newsletters that we had thought were lost for good. Unbeknownst to us, the newsletters had been formatted on the Campaign Monitor platform by a volunteer who was helping us at the time. When he left we thought we would never see those issues of the newsletter again. But in early June, volunteer Ros de Vries, who works for Campaign Monitor , discovered the missing issues were still there.

You can see the old newsletters in our archives, which are linked here . It's fun to see how far we've come.
Empathy is not truth or reality, it is the other person's point of view.

Chris Voss, Former FBI Hostage Negotiator
This Month's Newsletter Banner
Empathy means understanding the other person's perspective. The crewman on the trapeze in this photo just got doused from a passing wave (note the spray falling from him). The helmsman may or may not feel sorry for him, but having been there himself, he understands his fellow sailor's perspective.
Photo courtesy of Martha Blanchfield Renegade Sailing
Wanted for the SSC

Do you have photos you want to share? The SSC is looking for great shots to use on our newsletter banner and elsewhere. Photographer attribution will be given.

Apps Script Developers
The SSC is looking for a Google Apps Script developer interested in writing automation macros for our internal systems. If you have experience in C++, Java or Java Script you're most of the way there.

Salesforce Developers
The SSC is setting up on Salesforce as its new Contact Relationship Management (CRM) tool. As with any business, we are customizing it to meet our unique needs. Give us a shout if you are proficient in Salesforce and want to get involved in the SSC.

Email your inquiries to .
Social Media Corner
Social Media Logos
Get Social With Us...
This month is all about conversation. What is it that you love about sailing, science and the sea? Follow us on  Facebook Instagram LinkedIn  and  Twitter  as we share our favorite stories and responses from you.

Join us for Virtual Regatta, every Friday @ 5:45pm PT - from July 10!  All welcome, it's a lot of fun, and yes, it's free to play!  See details on Facebook.

Got something to share with our community? Email us at .
Follow us on  Facebook Instagram LinkedIn  and  Twitter .

Got something bigger to share with our community?
Small Stuff
Man scanning the horizon with binoculars
On the Horizon
SSC continues to be COVID-conscious and cautious. We have scheduled another virtual volunteer event for July, and are working behind the scenes on longer-term initiatives for teaching science and for raising SSC to the next level in every area. We are also looking to hold smaller outdoor events in both July and August.

Stay tuned!
Move the Needle!
These are things YOU can do to move the SSC vision forward:

Make a difference. Move the needle!
New Volunteers
We want to give a big shout out to Sandira Calviac , who raised her hand in June to say she could help. We are super-excited about the range skills and interests that Sandira brings to the SSC. Expect to hear more about Sandira in upcoming issues! Welcome, Sandira!
Leadership Corner - Empathy
In leadership, there may be no ability more valuable than empathy. Removing ourselves from our own point of view and seeing things from another’s perspective is a key attribute of effective leaders.

That's all for this month.


Jim Hancock
President and Founder
The San Francisco Sailing Science Center is a Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation recognized under IRS Section 501(c)(3), Tax ID 82-3631165. Your donation to the Sailing Science Center is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.




*STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math

Ron Young * James Hancock * Meagan Strout * Mike Beller
Travis Lund * Jeff Owens * Carolyn Davidson * Olivier Lauzeral

Morgan Davidson

The Sailing Science Center News is published on the first business day of each month. It is sent to team members, partners, volunteers, sponsors and supporters of the San Francisco Sailing Science Center. You are receiving this because you are considered to be in one of these groups. If you wish to be removed from the mailing list, please click the Unsubscribe link below. We do not sell, share or otherwise give out our mailing list beyond our organization.
San Francisco Sailing Science Center
One Avenue of the Palms, Suite 16A
San Francisco, CA 94130