Dear LOBA Members and Friends,
In partnership with
Safe Quiet Lakes, we are participating in the "Your Lakes, Your Views 2017" survey on lake activities.
We want to know the positives about activities on the water and the lake environment, and what, if anything, detracts from your enjoyment of the lake. Building on the results of a 2013 survey, these findings will be
used by local and federal governments and by lake associations as a basis for developing programs and strategies.
We want to hear from as many people as possible!
We encourage you to complete the survey yourself and forward this email to family members and others who also use the lake.
Your responses are entirely confidential. Results will be tabulated by expert research firm, ERIN Research Inc., and reported in aggregate form. No individual participant or their responses will be identified. Safe Quiet Lakes will distribute a summary of the report to participating associations and on its website. Results will also be shared with elected officials, the OPP, Transport Canada and local media.
Click here to go to the survey.
The survey is available now through to Monday July 10
, 2017, and will take about 15 minutes to complete.
Thank you in advance for your participation and ongoing support.
Best Regards,
Pat Birnie
Chair, Safety Committee