Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.
Dream Journal ~ June 2020 
We at CCDO believe in dignity,
equality and justice for all.

We see people from the inside out.
We abhor Racism and our hearts go out to those who suffer.
We all deserve to feel safe in our homes and our lives.
Father’s Day
On 21st June we celebrate Father’s Day . We have 6 fathers on our CCDO team and they have 10 children between them. We want to keep them safe going to work riding their motorcycles.

In honor of your father, consider donating $50 towards the maintenance and repair of their bikes that get a beating on the bumpy countryside roads.
Rotary WASH Housing projects
We are very proud to announce the approval of a Rotary Global Grant of $80,000 for our Safe Home project. We worked diligently with our partner Rotary Club Sentosa to supply all necessary and detailed documentation for this big project that will make a huge impact on the Cambodian countryside. Phase one of the project is 100 homes in two villages that will receive new zinc roofs plus rain gutters and ceramic water filters. Rotary will also build 64 latrines and 40 wells.

The work will begin in July and will be completed in 4 months.

A big thank you to Rotarians Michael Quek, Marion Teo & Karen Kang who orchestrated the project and continue to be our advocates in their business community. We are looking forward to welcoming the again in Cambodia when it is safe to travel.

A Survivor’s Story
We have asked our generous supporter Cambodian American Peng Lim to share his personal story to inspire our Cambodian students. His words show the importance of hard work & education and the possibilities open to everyone that strives to reach for the stars. It is especially meaningful for our village students to have a role model they can relate to.
I am a genocide survivor of the Khmer Rouge.

I was born in 1978 and escaped to Thailand with my parents and 4 siblings. My childhood was spent roaming around in the Chanthaburi refugee camp. 

I arrived in America at the age of 9 in 1987. It was difficult assimilating into American culture, but nothing compared to what I just left. This experience has taught me to have perseverance. My parents chose to come to America to give my siblings and me a better life. They were always focused on education, because they knew that it is the pathway to a better life. Having an education would give so many more opportunities. 

I, along with my 5 siblings are college graduates and successful. I graduated from California Polytechnic State University with a degree in Computer Science. I am currently working in Silicon Valley as a manager at VMWare. I would not be where I am without an education and perseverance. 

It was bittersweet for me to visit the CCDO school. 

Bitter because I recognized what my life could have been if my parents had not made the risky decision to leave and pursue a life where education is free and available. Worst yet, what my children's life could be if I had not been able to go to school and pursue a higher education. 

Sweet because I am in a position where I can help the children of my own country. I am grateful to be able to support the education in my birth country so they may have a better life. 

“The more that you read,
the more things you will know,
the more that you learn,
the more places you’ll go.”
–  Dr Seuss
Mr. Lim brought his whole extended family on a visit to our schools and projects and his brother in-law made a very interesting and informative YouTube video of their visit.
COVID-19 Awareness Continues
Even though the official Coronavirus figures from the Cambodian Government are ‘low’, we continue to spread preventative information and hand out free masks and bars of soap to the rural villagers in the Angkor Thom & Puok districts. CCDO has already distributed 30,000 Masks and 35,000 bars of soap. Learning correct hygiene methods and having enough soap can make a big impact on future behavior and improved general health.
English Classes Online
Most children around the world are being homeschooled at the moment with the help of the Internet. Even though the access to technology is very limited in Cambodian rural areas our CCDO Education department is striving to make video materials available. 
Under the guidance of our Teacher Trainer, Sitha Sok , our education department has been busy making videos of English lessons so that they can train government English teachers from 507 local schools.

We were contracted by the Ministry of Education to produce these videos so that the new English teachers they hire, can better teach their students.

Community Classes & Breakfast
Seeing that the government closed the schools until 1 November, the local communities have opened their doors to teachers to conduct small size classes in community centers and homes. We have been providing breakfast for the students coming to classes and any child that is hungry in this time of crisis. The food is prepared by our CCDO cooks in the school kitchens and the government teachers transport the food to the community centers.

Staff News
Congratulations to Carol & Mark Duster
on their 50th Wedding Anniversary!

Carol is a very enthusiastic CCDO Board member  and helps with the education and the CCDO Ambassadors.  Mark is a pediatric heart surgeon who volunteers each year at Angkor Hospital for Children . They are the essence of a perfect couple and are always giving back to society. Thanks for being part of the CCDO.
Ordinary people can do extraordinary things
to change lives, one child at a time.