March 31, 2021 


THE SACRED TRIDUUM (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday) begins tomorrow,Thursday!

Inside is the updated schedule for HOLY THURSDAY, GOOD FRIDAY, EASTER VIGIL & EASTER SUNDAY, & DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY with clickable live-stream links is below.

Prepare for the Sacred Triduum!
For those who did not get to attend or watch online Fr Peter's preaching last Friday (March 26) and Saturday (March 27) on "The Seven Last Words of Christ" (2 parts)- see below.

Below, see photos and videos of the "The Passion of the Christ, which was presented by the Young Adults of St Antoninus last Saturday, March 27.


Daily Zoom Rosary schedule this week
We will not have our Zoom Rosary tomorrow, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We will resume on Easter Monday.

The Divine Mercy Novena starts on Good Friday ends on Easter Saturday, the day before Divine Mercy Sunday. 
On Good Friday, we will pray the novena in church at 1:30pm, before the Stations of the Cross. On Holy Saturday, we will pray this in church at 7:30pm, just before our Easter Vigil Mass, and on Easter Sunday we will pray this during the Holy Hour at 9am. Then from Easter Monday thru Easter Friday (April 5-9), we will pray this 15 minutes before Mass. And finally, on the 9th day, the last day of the novena, we will pray the novena during our 7pm Divine Mercy vigil. Only 2 of the 9 days will be part of our live-stream- during the Easter Sunday Holy Hour and during Divine Mercy Vigil.
HERE is a digital file of the Divine Mercy Novena with the Chaplet that comes with the novena.

Divine Mercy Sunday is coming up-- April 11!
In the coming days, we will post more information about this great feast of Divine Mercy Sunday. For now, just some logistical information.

After our 10 am Mass, we will have a brief outdoor Divine Mercy procession.

This will be followed by a barbecue party on the parking lot in celebration of the Divine Mercy Sunday!
And-- there is another reason for this celebration- our pastor's birthday!

Fr Joseph's birthday is on Tuesday April 6, but the parish is celebrating his birthday on Divine Mercy Sunday April 11 with a cookout! Come all!
We will have a large barbecue pit and cook chicken, meatballs, hotdogs, marshmallows, roasted vegetables, etc.

Anyone is welcome to bring the following: beverages and individually packaged desserts.

Note: social distancing, sanitation and mask-wearing will be enforced. More information will be forthcoming.

Please consider making an Easter offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. See links below. Thank you and God bless you!

Our 2021 Annual Appeal is ongoing. We need everyone's support. More inside.
Holy Thursday (4/1/21)

8:00 PM- Mass of the Lord’s Supper & Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament until midnight.

Come in person!
In Church & Live-streamed


or you can go to our Youtube channel :

Or just click below for Thursday (Put "reminder" on ):
Good Friday (4/2/21)

Today is a day of Fasting & Abstinence. Fasting is obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding from age 14 onwards.

1:30 PM- Divine Mercy Novena (Day 1)

2:00 PM- Stations of the Cross

3:00 PM Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion.

All in Church

Come in person!

All liturgies will be in in Person. Live-streamed only for Stations of the Cross and Passion celebration under one link


or you can go to our Youtube channel :

Or just click below for Friday (Put "reminder" on )
Holy Saturday (4/3/21)

7:30 PM  Divine Mercy Novena (Day 2)
in Church

Come in Person!
Easter Vigil
(Holy Saturday night)

8:15 PM 
Easter Vigil Mass

Come in person!

In Church & Live-streamed

Easter Sunday 
9:00 AM Holy Hour Divine Mercy Novena (Day 3)
10:00 AM- Holy Mass
in Church

Come in Person!

In Church & Live-streamed


or you can go to our Youtube channel :

Or just click below both the Easter Vigil Mass & Easter Sunday Mass (Put "reminder" on )


Divine Mercy Vigil    
  (Saturday 4/10/21)

7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions, Divine Mercy Chaplet & Novena
Lower Church
In Person & Live-streamed

Divine Mercy Sunday       (4/11/21)
9:00 AM Holy Hour & Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Following Mass will be a brief outdoor Divine Mercy procession.

Then a parish barbecue in the parking lot.
YouTube links for Divine Mercy Mass will be provided later.
Recorded Lenten Mission talks by Fr Peter:
For those who did not get to attend or watch the live-streaming of "The Seven Last Words of Jesus" preaching by Fr Peter Okafor (Two parts- March 26 & March 27) - see videos below.
Part 1
Part 2
The Young Adults of St Antoninus presented the "Passion of the Christ" last Saturday, March 27, 2021. They gave an inspirational performance of the story of the Passion of Jesus, with narration using Scripture verses.

The play started in the lower church with Jesus and the twelve apostles at the Last Supper (with the help of a group of friars who were among them as apostles). This quickly accelerated with the trial of Jesus and His condemnation. Following this was the "Way of the Cross"- with Jesus carrying His cross, and the mob and audience following Him, all the way outside the Church and to the front lawn of the rectory. Jesus was whipped and mocked as He staggered with the wooden cross on his shoulders. On the way, he was helped by Simon of Cyrene, met Veronica, met the weeping women of Jerusalem and the jeering bystanders
The scenes of the Crucifixion, the Seven Last Words and dying of Jesus were so breathtakingly moving. At the end, Jesus was taken down from the Cross and put on the lap of his grieving mother. The cast gathered the audience and we knelt on the ground and prayed together, with a final blessing given by Fr Joseph.

Efua Bolouvi was outstanding as the director of the play, narrator and main singer with an angelic voice.
Matthias Ahmed was wonderful as Jesus and depicted Him with great sensitivity, speaking his lines (all from Scriptures) with such gentle power. Other performers were: SorelleMatone-Takaumbo as Mary, Ahmed Marie Traore as Peter & Roman soldier, Jefferson Kabore as John, Kenechukwu Akpu as Pontius Pilate, Junior Vertil as Judas, Brian Onyeze as James, high priest & Simeon of Cyrene, Vivian Igwagu as Veronica, Kizito Eke as a Roman soldier, and Borel Tafopi as the other Roman soldier. The Crying women were Sorelle Matone-Takaumbe, Blessing Emele, Mary Eneanya, Ifunya Anemelu, Ebube Anemelu, Chidiogo Anemelu and Vivian Igwagu. Angela Wright did the indoor video and KC took the outdoor videos.

Kudos and blessings to the Young Adults of St Antoninus for a wonderful & heartfelt performance!

Below are some video clips (click to watch), followed by some photos:

The Last Supper
Jesus is condemned to die

< Narration and singing
The Way of the Cross
Jesus is nailed on the Cross
Jesus dies on the Cross, as weeping women look on
Jesus is taken down from the Cross
Praying audience

Mary embraces her beloved Son.
Fr Joseph leading a final prayer and giving a blessing
Please click to see the schedule

Please consider making an Easter offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Thank you and God bless you!
At this time, we would greatly appreciate your support for the operating expenses of this parish. We also have a continuing Harvest Appeal for much needed work on our HVAC system. Watch Fr Joseph's brief video on the reason for this Harvest appeal.

We are now accepting Zelle for online contributions. 
All you need to do is enter on the Zelle info:
Name: St. Antoninus Catholic Church
This means that you can open a Zelle account and put St Antoninus as a recipient.
If you don't have a Zelle account yet, it is easy to do this one time setup:
When you sign up, please include your email or phone number. Thank you.

Other options for Offering:
You can click below to choose other convenient online options and methods for your donation.
You also have the option to mail in your tithe:
St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Thank you and God bless you!"
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)