*Special Teaching of Cham Ma in Greece!

*The Children Need Us!

*Embark On A Sacred Healing Experience

*Blessing Ribbon

Click On Rinpoche's Video Below

The Special Teachings of Yum Chen Sherab Cham Ma ~ Great Loving Mother

Yum Chen Sherab Cham Ma

The Great Loving Mother

August 24th – 31st, 2024

Crete, Greece

In person and Via Zoom

Step into a realm where the powerful healing nature of Crete meets the profound blessings of Yum Chen Sherab Cham Ma—The Great Loving Mother.

We warmly invite you to a transformative retreat where Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche will guide you through the deep teachings of Cham Ma, surrounded by the healing energies of Crete’s majestic landscapes.

Embrace the Power of The Great Mother:

Immerse yourself in an environment where every element is infused with healing energy. Here, you will find yourself receiving the blessings, healing, and protective power of Cham Ma.

This deeper teaching will empower you to call upon her and manifest the nurturing presence of the Loving Mother.

Why Join This Retreat?

  • Healing Environment: Experience the unique convergence of spiritual energy and the natural healing power of Crete’s mountainous landscapes.
  • Profound Teachings: Learn how to harness the wisdom, compassion, and protective guidance of Cham Ma through focused teachings and practices.
  • Spiritual Empowerment: Discover how to invoke Cham Ma's presence, allowing her to hear your inner voice and help you manifest what you need to thrive.
  • Community of Seekers: Connect with like-minded individuals who are on their own paths of healing and discovery.

Your Retreat Experience:

  • Guidance from Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche: Receive in-depth teachings from a master of the Yungdrung Bon tradition in an inspiring setting.
  • Cultural and Spiritual Immersion: Alongside spiritual teachings, explore the rich cultural tapestry and natural beauty of Crete.
  • Holistic Healing: Engage in practices designed to elevate your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

Join us for this sacred journey into the heart of spiritual awakening, set against the backdrop of Crete’s enchanting mountain vistas. This retreat offers not just teachings, but a profound experience of connection and transformation.

Comfortable housings, all meals are included, two excursions, airport pick-up and an incredible and powerful experience.

Spaces are limited. For more details and to reserve your place, please visit our website or contact us directly.

We are excited to guide you on this path of enlightenment and healing under the protective embrace of Cham Ma.

Early Registration Ends Soon.

Click on: READ MORE for more information.



You can place a 50% deposit to hold your housing space. All Final Fees are due by July 1st


Single Room 1313.00

Shared room 1000.00

Dormitory 800.00

Zoom: 200.00

Fees include: Teaching, Recording, Housing, Meals, Transportation from airport to resort, Two excursions on the Island of Crete.

We are unable to hold a room without registration.

You can spiritually be a part of Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche and Yeru Bon Center's pilgrimage to Tibet.


May, June and July


We are incredibly fortunate to have organized a pilgrimage to Tibet at the end of May. This group of students is set to embark on an extraordinary sacred Yungdrung Bön journey. 

The group will visit sacred Yungdrung Bön sites ~ Menri Monastery (the original in Tibet), Yeru Wen Saka, other Bön sites, and ending their Pilgrimage at Rinpoche’s Latri Monastery.  

In the spirit of gratitude and reverence, we aim to make meaningful offerings to these monasteries we visit. Rinpoche has selected special Thangkas for this purpose for each Monastery.  

Many of you are not able to join in person. But you can be there in spirit.  You have the opportunity to donate towards the Thangkas or make a direct contribution, for blessings, to the Bon monasteries the group will visit in Tibet.

In recognition of every donation, Yeru Bön Center will create a special ribbon that will be taken to each monastery. 

Rinpoche has explained that by doing this, these ribbons will symbolize the blessings of every donor, absorbing the blessing of each holy site. You will be a part of their prayers indefinitely.  All 

names will be included for blessings from each location. 

Part of your ribbon will be left at Latri Monastery, or if you prefer, at Menri Monastery. The other half will be mailed to you, a tangible connection to your spiritual generosity, suitable for placement on your altar.

To make your donation and become an integral part of this sacred pilgrimage, please visit yeruboncenter.org, click on the donation tab, scroll down and click on Yeru Bön Center Donation:  Please note if you would like your donation directed for the Thangkas, or to a specific Monastery for blessings.


the purpose of this donation

Be a Blessing to the Children at the Bön Children's Home

This May, a dedicated member of our board will travel to the Bön Children's Home in Dolanji, India. This visit is pivotal, as it allows us to assess the needs of the children and the facilities, helping us identify the most effective ways to support their growth and well-being.

The Bön Children's Home serves as a sanctuary for orphaned and underprivileged children from Northern India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim. It provides them with the essentials: housing, clothing, food, and education, all designed to foster their development and pave the way for promising futures.

At Yeru Bön Center, we are committed to expanding our support. Our efforts include raising funds to enhance educational opportunities, maintain the facility, and meet the personal needs of the children—ensuring they receive the health, education, and quality of life they deserve.

By supporting the Bön Children's Home, you join a community of compassion, kindness, and gratitude. Every contribution, no matter its size, brings blessings and profound positivity, significantly impacting the lives of children in need.

Please consider making a donation today. Together, we can ensure that the children at the Bön Children's Home have the opportunities to grow, learn, and flourish. Your support creates a ripple of positive change that transforms lives.

PLEASE HELP onation Contribution

Click on video below to hear Rinpoche's message

Embark On A Sacred Journey:

The Way of Bön Learning with Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche

For centuries, seekers of the ancient Bön wisdom have embarked on transformative journeys, traversing mountains and valleys in search of a Bön master's teachings.

This age-old quest for spiritual enlightenment required resilience, as the journey itself was part of the teaching—a test of faith and determination.

Today, we invite you to continue this revered tradition at the Yeru Bön Center. Nestled in the serene landscapes of Costa Rica, our retreat offers a rare opportunity to sit in the presence of Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche, a revered master of the Bön lineage.

Unlike any before, the upcoming teachings will delve into the mystical practices of Yungdrung Bön, focusing specifically on its profound healing powers with the Dakini's and Khadros—a theme specially chosen by Rinpoche for its unprecedented relevance and depth.

Join Us for a Profound Spiritual Encounter:

  • When: January 5th to 13th, 2025
  • Where: Yeru Bön Center, Costa Rica

During this retreat, you won't simply learn; you will experience the living essence of this special Bön healing teachings.

The subject of the teachings will be unveiled at the retreat, ensuring that each lesson is tailored to the present needs and collective energy of the attendees.

This method has been cherished for its spontaneity and the personalized touch it lends to our spiritual teachings.

Whether you are a long-time follower of Bön or newly curious about its teachings, this retreat promises to be an awe-inspiring journey.

Open your heart to trust, faith, and warm-heartedness, and prepare to receive teachings that are not only learned but deeply felt and lived.

We look forward to welcoming you to this unique spiritual gathering, where the ancient wisdom of Bön is not just taught but is vividly brought to life, creating an experience that is as transformative as the sacred journeys of old.

Secure your place in this special gathering and experience the profound blessings of being in the presence of a Bön master.


Door To Bon offers:

  • Free prayers and audios.
  • Digital Teaching Recordings
  • Online Courses
  • Shrine Room Items
  • Books

Visit our media site: doortobon.org

The Enlightened Child

Yeru Bon Center is happy to announce the release of a new nonprofit children’s picture book: The Enlightened Child.

Adapted from the traditional story by Yungdrung Nyima, this book introduces young readers to the early life of Tönpa Shenrab Miwo, the Enlightened Founder of Bön.

This young-readers picture book contains 14 captivating digital watercolor illustrations that depict Tönpa Shenrab’s childhood. The images in this book were generated by AI, with additional photo editing by Yungdrung Nyima.

This is a non-profit project. All profits from sales of this work will be donated to Bön Children’s Home in Dolanji, India.

This book is a delight and not just for children. The way Nick told the story of Tonpa Shenrab's childhood is beyond lovely. His AI directions of colors and illustrations are unique and enchanting.

We recommend you purchase one of these beautiful books for your Bön collection.