JULY 2024


July Highlights:

Watch an exclusive briefing of the 2024 Point-in-Time Count results, access victim services tools and training, review the Q2 Sacramento Homeless Policy Council report, read leader and advocate Joe Smith's story on our blog, learn about the California homelessness funding victory, and much more in the newsletter below. Plus, don't forget to respond to our poll on where you call home at the bottom of this email!

Dear Rolf, 

In 2023, our community established standards for publicly funded programs addressing homelessness. These standards mark a significant achievement and guide our region towards greater consistency, equity, and quality in our prevention and assistance programs. In doing so, we are stepping towards making homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring in our region. 

The development of these standards involved collaboration among Sacramento Steps Forward, Sacramento County, the City of Sacramento, the Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC), the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency, more than 30 community-based organizations, and individuals with lived expertise of homelessness. Drawing on national, state, and local evidence-based practices, the standards encompass various program types, including Homelessness Prevention, Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Transitional and Interim Housing, Rapid Rehousing, and Permanent Supportive Housing. With these standards, we aim to lay a robust foundation for long-term, systemic change. 

The standards drafting phase, from August to December 2023, included multiple reviews and a public comment period. Feedback from stakeholders, including housing service providers, community advocates, and local government representatives, was integral to refining the standards. Additional feedback from emergency shelter providers highlighted the importance of flexibility and the role of funding and capacity in meeting these standards. These comments have been meticulously reviewed and incorporated to ensure the standards are both comprehensive and practical. 

Recognizing that many programs lack the funding, training, or capacity to fully meet these standards, we will continue to collaborate with system partners and providers throughout 2024 to ensure that implementation is flexible and achievable. As part of this work, we will invite providers to demonstrate where non-conformance is due to these specific barriers. 

In 2025, we will begin training and technical assistance tailored to service providers’ needs as we continue to implement the standards in the larger homelessness response system. 

Throughout this work, we will actively support our community’s commitment to begin sharing quarterly progress updates on homelessness response programs’ performance to expand visibility and accountability. We expect that this data will become publicly available later this year.  

We appreciate the support and partnership of all involved in developing and implementing these standards to achieve high-quality, equitable homelessness response. 

With deep appreciation, 

Ayanna McGee, PhD

More About the Community Standards

Watch Now: Point-in-Time Count Volunteer Briefing

Recently, Sacramento Steps Forward (SSF) held an exclusive live briefing for 2024 Point-in-Time Count volunteers. The session included a presentation walkthrough and a Q&A session with Dr. Trent Simmons and SSF CFO Rachel Bereza. The recording is now available for everyone to view. Check it out at the link below for an in-depth explanation of the count results.

2024 PIT Report Briefing and Q&A

The Sacramento Homeless Policy Council: Progress Update and September Invite

The Sacramento Homeless Policy Council (SHPC) convenes key leaders to share and collaborate on strategies and actions addressing homelessness. Jurisdictions from across the county are represented to discuss plans and progress, providing the public an opportunity to listen and learn about the homelessness response system. Review the Sacramento Homeless Policy Council Q2 Report to see recent updates and efforts and register now to join us for the next SHPC meeting in September.

Sacramento Homeless Policy Council

Access Tools and Training: Victim Services for Any Client

Did you or your agency miss last month's live training? You can now watch the recording and access training materials using the link below to get the tools, resources, and information needed to identify and assist clients who have been victims of domestic violence or human trafficking. Additionally, you can check out our Training Opportunities page for community discussions, learning opportunities, conferences, and other training resources.

Victim Services Training and Materials

Upcoming Public Meetings for the Continuum of Care (CoC)

The Sacramento Continuum of Care (CoC) leads our community's efforts to prevent and end homelessness. Learn more about the CoC and its committees using the button below and by joining one (or more) of the upcoming public meetings (Zoom details under "Meeting Details" tab of each committee). Note: the CoC Board and Point-in-Time Count Committee will not be meeting in July, and the HMIS and Data Committee Q3 meeting is being rescheduled.

Meeting Details

In the News with Sacramento Steps Forward's Dr. Trent Simmons

A recent piece from Spectrum News 1 highlights the story of Margie Oneal Johnson—one of the many individuals able to access support thanks to increased investment, collaboration, and capacity in Sacramento—and brings in Dr. Trent Simmons to speak to how stories like these relate to the point-in-time decrease in homelessness counts since 2022. Learn more in the clip below.

Trent Simmons on Spectrum News 1

An Advocacy Victory: California Homelessness Funding Approved

Reversing proposed budget cuts to homelessness services, the Budget Act of 2024 was approved on June 26. It allocates $1 billion for the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Round 6 (HHAP-6) grant funding in the state budget for fiscal year 2024–25. This decision comes after advocacy throughout the state for continued homelessness funding, and is great news for our community. These funds will allow for the continuation of much-needed resources throughout our region and state, including local shelters, Coordinated Access System programs, Problem-Solving Access Points, youth programs, and much more. 

Read the full approved budget at the link below.

Budget Act of 2024

Read About Leader and Advocate Joe Smith’s Story

Learn about Joseph Smith, Hope Cooperative's Director of Residential Services, in our volunteer blog series. Joe has turned his lived experience into a career dedicated to homelessness services, making significant impacts through his compassionate leadership.

If you know someone making an impact through volunteer work in Sacramento, or if you'd like to share your own story, please email our team to recommend them (or yourself) for a feature in our blog series.

Joe Smith's Story

Sacramento Steps Forward on the Johnson v. Grants Decision

In a ruling released on June 28, the Supreme Court held that "the enforcement of generally applicable laws regulating camping on public property does not constitute 'cruel and unusual punishment.'" This ruling does not directly criminalize homelessness, but rather puts the responsibility for effectively addressing homelessness policies into the hands of local and regional communities.

Nothing in the Supreme Court decision detracts from our region's ability to prioritize evidence-based solutions, show compassion for everyone in our community, and commit to meeting our needs for housing and supportive services. By collectively investing heavily in prevention, affordable housing, and human-centered social, behavioral and medical supportive services, we have made and will continue to make progress towards ending homelessness.   

Read more from the full ruling below.

Court Ruling

Join the Sacramento County Behavioral Health Youth Advisory Board

Sacramento County is looking for youth age 14–24 to join the Behavioral Health Youth Advisory Board and represent voices from District 1. Members meet twice monthly and receive an annual stipend of $1,500 while making a difference in their community. Associate member positions are also available. Apply at the link below or share the flyer on the left.

Board Application

Funding Opportunity for Providers

The City of Sacramento's Department of Community Response is inviting proposals from qualified agencies to operate the North 5th Navigation Center, including supportive services and rehousing efforts. This program will provide 24/7 shelter for up to 163 individuals at 700 North 5th Street, ensuring low barriers to entry and accommodating participants with pets, partners, and belongings. Proposals are due by July 19, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. PST. Learn more and submit proposals at the link below.

Shelter and Rehousing Bid

Prepare Your Agency and Clients for Fire Season

Eight of the ten largest wildfires in California history have occurred in the last five years and, of those, the top three devastated Northern California and parts of the Sierra. Please use and share the resources in the attached flyer from LISTOS California to help protect yourself, your agency, and the most vulnerable in our community.

As summer heat continues, also make sure to use and share the active cooling center map through 2-1-1 Sacramento.

Wildfire Preparation Flyer

COVID-19: Free Local Clinics

Don't forget that the Sacramento County Public Health office is providing weekly COVID-19 clinics, happening at various locations in Sacramento. Take a look at this week's schedule linked below. Remember, all clinics are free and available to eligible individuals. Walk-ins are accepted, and appointments can also be made through "My Turn". Let's take action to protect ourselves and our community together! 

See the COVID-19 Clinic Schedule

Current Job Openings at SSF

Sacramento Steps Forward currently has openings for the following positions:

If you or someone you know may be interested, please use the link below to learn more, share information, and/or apply.

Learn More and Apply

Poll: Where is Home for You?

Help us provide more relevant information in future newsletters by letting us know where you are located.

Data will not be shared with third parties.
Sacramento County
The Greater Sacramento Region (outside of Sacramento County)
Northern California (outside of the Sacramento region)
Southern California
Outside of California
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