June 2021 - Volume 59, Issue 6
The Scottsdale Treffen
Photo Elaine Fat
On the Masthead. The landmark is called the Red Canyon Tunnel on Hwy 12 in Utah. There were 8 cars on the caravan to Treffen with the Parras, Onetos, Fats (including Weyland), Majetichs, Lozitos, Simpkinsons, and the Aronsons from Diablo Region. See article below for the trip.
From The Editor
Mike Willis
The 4th of July Parade has been cancelled.
Thanks to all of you for supporting The Drifter by submitting articles.
Take a look at our events calendar below under Vice President Sally Boeck. I did leave some of events that have occurred to show that events are starting to come back. You can keep up to date are happening by using our webpage.
We continue to look for a Webmaster. In addition as will be covered below we are now looking for 2021 Board Members to fill the vacant positions. Please send an email to President@svr-pca.org
When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage (link) or a file not to exceed 5MB.
In addition The Drifter is available to our advertisers to also submit articles to our members. Please contact me about timing for any of these articles.
This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also remember that all advertisers are linked to their web page.
Editor Comments
President's Column
Vice President Calendar Information
Scottsdale Treffin
Rallye School
SVR Membership
Detailing Seminar
Secretary Board Minutes
Porsche Car Show
SVR Autocross School
Brookfields Monthly Breakfast
Marie Smith
Fats Dinner
2021 GGR Track Dates
In The Zone
2021 PCA West Coast Series
SVR October Fest
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
Vacant, Flyers
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Ed Parra, Reporter
Skip Quain, Contributor
Not about Porsches, just like the thought
Rik Larson, SVR President
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
May 2021
Events are happening
· With just 4 counties left in the red tier for the COVID situation, we expect to be able to move to the presentation of more events without many of the restrictions associated with gathering size, mask wearing, etc. Feel free to contact any board member with your ideas for an event. Because we do not have a Social Director, the entire board is functioning in that capacity.
· I dropped by the AX school being held at Porsche Rocklin and was pleasantly surprised to see that almost all of the attendees had been in the region for less than 2 years (some only for a couple of days).
· Also had the chance to meet the new general manager at Porsche Rocklin, Mark Meyer. Mark comes from the Niello Volkswagen facility where he was the general manager for the past 3 years.
· 60 people attended the dinner at Fat's Asia Bistro on May 18th. So much food --- many folks took home many leftovers. Thanks to Cookie Anderson and Collin Fat for presenting this event.
· Jerry Alter reports that our 1st Saturday breakfasts are back on for Saturdays. The first one will be on July 3rd (yes, the 4th of July weekend).
· Werks Reunion registration (Werksreunion.com) opens on June 16th. The location this year will be different that the past 3 events. And the Porscheplatz at the WeatherTech Raceway that same weekend is going to happen. You can get tickets at their website now. Parking will be in the Blue section at Turn 5.
Volunteers Needed
· We continue to seek volunteers to fill various positions. Our interim webmaster, Bill Fargo, continues to react quickly to our updates regarding events. And he is serving on an interim basis. We appreciate all of his support. Interested in serving as our webmaster? You can contact me anytime if you are interested in discussing any of the vacant positions.
· Vice President Sally Boeck (see her article elsewhere) is looking for people to present events in 2021. The board decided to not have a planning session for events in 2021………we will continue to solicit events from our members.
2021 Formula E
The Monaco Formula E race in May was not kind to the Porsche team. André Lotterer finished in 17th place and Pascal Wenhrien retired from the race. The next 2 races are in Mexico on June 19th and 20th.The races are on CBSSN ------ live!!
Sally Boeck
Vice President
We had a great evening on May 18th at Fat’s Asia Bistro for our first SVR dinner meeting of the year. The food was fabulous and there was plenty of time for socializing and reacquainting after such a long time with no dinner meetings. Many people contributed to Share of the Wealth and it seemed to take FOREVER to draw tickets and find a good home for all the goodies donated. Thanks to everyone for coming out and contributing to the evening. And, a very special thanks to Cookie Anderson, and Collin and Elaine Fat for this very nice event.
People are gradually becoming accustomed to registering for events on MSR (msreg.com). It certainly saves time when you check in at an event. I, too, had to go through the process of setting up an account and electronically signing the speed waiver. It wasn’t too difficult. Don’t let this process scare you away. Each time you register for an event, it should get easier. Keep in mind that you only need to sign the speed waiver once for the year. If we are lucky, we won’t have to use the waiver next year for dinner meetings.
My thanks to Jerry Alter for the Wednesday breakfast at Brookfiled’s and to John Leet and his crew for putting on the autocross school and the second SVR autocross at Thunderhill Raceway Park.
The Board continues its efforts to expand our calendar with future events. It takes a lot of effort to get started up again after the COVID lull. If you have good memories of past events that you would like to see again, feel free to call me with your ideas. Putting on events can be fun and is a good way to make new friends. Feel free to contact me with your ideas - I’m happy to help.
The Scottsdale Treffen Adventure
By Ed Parra
Photos by Collin and Elaine Fat,
and David Aronson
The Scottsdale Treffen was held at the JW Marriott Camelback Resort and Spa from May 5-9, which attracted Porsche enthusiast from all over the US, including folks from as far as Maryland and Florida. This beautiful resort in Scottsdale, AZ has a unique landscape of cactus and palo verde trees. The resort is tucked away between Camelback and Mummy Mountain. Each hotel registrant had “casita” rooms which added to the uniqueness of this resort.
Treffen proved again to be very popular as the event sold out in about 30 minutes when registering, much faster than the 2019 Santa Barbara Treffen which sold out in an hour. It was obvious many of us were ready to get out of the house to tour after a year of Covid lockdown. According to PCA there were 147 cars with 280 attendees registered. Several members from the Sacramento Region were glued to their computer when registration opened to ensure attendance. The eight were Nick and Kim Majetich, Andy and Deborah Simpkinson, Bob and Karen Lozito, Ed and Terri Parra, David and Ronni Aronson, Collin and Elaine Fat, Weyland Fat, Brad and Beverly Oneto and Susan and Noah Bentley.
Most of us departed as a caravan towards Scottsdale several days before the start of Treffen in order to visit National Parks in Utah and Arizona. After spending Sunday evening in Las Vegas, we headed to Zion Park early in the morning. Upon arriving we boarded a tour shuttle, one of many taking us through the narrow canyon. Zion Canyon has a unique geographical beauty with cliffs jetting straight up. We also walked a couple of trails for a more intimate view of the canyon. Hiking built an appetite so after we left Zion Park, we headed to one of the best BBQ restaurants in Utah. This small but popular restaurant is called the “IDK” restaurant (Owner said it stands for “I Don’t Know”). When we arrived, there was a line of people extending outside, waiting to get in. The wait was very well worth it as the brisket, sweet chicken, pulled pork and ribs were killer!
The next day we visited Bryce National Park. Bryce is a broader canyon, albeit equally unique and beautiful with its hoodoo outcroppings. The Park road is designed for cars to drive along Bryce Canyon and stop at the most scenic points, allowing us to take breathtaking photos. Later in the afternoon we visited the East entrance of the Grand Canyon. After enjoying the Grand Canyon sites, we drove to Flagstaff for home-style delicious Italian food at “Fat Olives” restaurant. The next day we drove through some of the most beautiful scenic roads in Northern AZ. We cruised along Oak Creek arriving at Sedona, then stop to do some shopping. Next, we headed to Payson, AZ driving the scenic road along the Mogollon Rim.
Each Park and scenic drive had its individual magnificence, beauty and splendor which makes them some of the most visited Parks or sites. Caravanning with friends makes it more enjoyable and the weather during the entire trip was perfect.
Scottsdale Treffen officially opened on May 5, with a Cinco de Mayo thematic welcome reception. A group of young women forming the Mariachi group did a nice job belting out traditional ballads. The music added to the enjoyment along with the Mexican hors d'oeuvres and margaritas.
There were several tours and events planned over the next few days with 8 different tours to choose from: Fountain Hills, Cave Creek, Prescott, South Mountain, Sedona Red Rock, Mingus Mountain, Old Town Scottsdale/Wine Tour and Desert Botanical Garden Castle. Treffen also hosted an outdoor BBQ dinner adjacent to Mummy Mountain on Thursday, as well as the formal closing dinner on Saturday. The meals and service were excellent at the Marriott.
However, one dinner that was fun and memorable was at Kasai Teppanyaki Restaurant in Scottsdale on Friday, which was coordinated by Collin. Treffen volunteers, Ken and Karen Shahoian joined our caravan group dinner. We also invited former SVR members who now live near Phoenix to join us, Robert and Teri Smith as well as Liz Houser. It was a delicious dinner with rousing entertainment from the teppanyaki chefs. Thanks again Collin for coordinating a fabulous dinner.
The Scottsdale Treffen venue was upscale and offered unique surroundings of desert fauna and flora. All of us thoroughly enjoyed ourselves for the week. Also, during our Saturday farewell dinner, PCA reminded us that the Spring 2022 Treffen would be held in Colorado Springs, CO. Several of us have already discussed a caravan to visit some beautiful natural sites along the way. Can’t wait!
Bryce National Park, driving to another scenic point
L-R: Bev Oneto, Karen Lozito, Elaine Fat, Kim Majetich, Debbie Simpkinson, Ronni Aronson, Terri Parra
Colorado River,
East Rim Grand Canyon
Terri and Robert Smith dining with Karen and Bob Lozito at Kasai Teppanyaki
Jim Robison
Redwood Region PCA is presenting a time-speed-distance (TSD) rally school on Saturday June 26 th at Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park. The event is free and open to all PCA members, from any region. Preregistration is required and will be limited to the first 50 applicants (25 cars). You will be required to pay a $7.00 per car parking fee at Sonoma State University.
A TSD rally is a team event; each car will require a driver and a navigator. The objective is to follow the prescribed route and arrive at each checkpoint exactly on time, with points deducted for both early and late arrival. The correct arrival time is based on the official miles of the official route and the assigned speeds along the route. The job of the navigator is to read the route instructions to the driver and to perform the necessary calculations to determine if they are on time, running early, or running late. This short video from the Rainier Auto Sports Club gives a good description of TSD rallies.
School begins at 10:00 with one hour of classroom demonstrations and discussion, followed by a one-hour practice rally. Both drivers and navigators should attend.
Because we will be driving on public roads at legal speeds, a TSD rally is suitable for any car. An SUV or sedan is just as likely to bring home a trophy as a sports car. The only equipment you will need is a working odometer, clock and calculator (smartphone) and clipboard, pen or pencil. The video shows some sophisticated rally equipment, but none will be required or necessary for the planned, entry-level events.
Preregistration and completed online wellness screen are required prior to attendance. A link to the screen and parking instructions will be emailed the week before school. Register at MSR at https://www.msreg.com/RallySchool2021
In addition to the rally school, Redwood Region has planned two TSD rallies. Die Trockenbach Rallye will be a four-hour event on Saturday, July 24th, starting in Windsor and finishing in Healdsburg. The Devil’s Gulch rally will be a 6½ hour event on Saturday, August 28th, starting in Fairfax and finishing in Rohnert Park. Both rallies will be free and open to all PCA members or Porsche drivers. Awards will be presented to the top three finishers in each rally.
Fans of Ida Clayton Road will be disappointed; there are no dirt roads on either rally nor on the practice run.
Ken Shahoian, Membership Director
Over the decades, I’ve found a few common areas that can start, and continue, a conversation between Porsche owners. Probably across all levels of car enthusiasts, now that I think about it. Number one might be color. As we’ve found buying a Porsche is usually aspirational, a prospective owner is looking to fulfill an exact dream. Poster of a black 930 Turbo on your wall as a teen? A silver Boxster sitting on a lot where you were having your car serviced? That’s usually where it all starts.
But what about the GT3 you saw when out-and-about that is, well, what color IS that? All you heard the owner say was “PTS” or Paint To Sample. Yeah, it’s blue, but…… If you didn’t know, PCA now has you covered. One of the biggest undertakings by National in the past few years is compiling a color database. They’ve named it Rennbow, and you can access it at https:// rennbow.org. Presently 509 unique colors are listed, from 1950 through 2022. (2021 and 2022 appear to be a work in progress.)
More than just a color database, the editors have devised a rating system—paint cans from 1 to 5. A “1” is a Porsche classic color, Guards Red, Arctic Silver, Black, White. “5” are called unicorns. Unicorns are Paint To Sample, or colors that for whatever reason didn’t become popular. Maybe we call them bold or polarizing. Say you’re looking for an old 911, and you come across a 1973 911 S in Linden Green. You’re probably looking at 1-of-1.
Head over to that site, use the drop down menus to see all the colors available for your model line and year. Maybe you’ll find an uploaded photo of the Lime Gold you could not locate on your 2013 Boxster search, and that will lead to you: 1. Happiness that you are the proud owner of the perfect Midnight Blue car you did buy, or 2. You are shortly preparing a For Sale ad to that hunt for what you know you absolutely want.
As you spend time looking around, and believe me it’s addictive, you’ll see models in colors you didn’t know were built. In poking around for a representative unicorn color, I clicked on Zanzibar Red. It was an optional color about 20 years ago, then PTS. It’s rated “4 paint cans.” But as you look at the uploaded photos, what stands out—a Carrera GT. Now THAT is Paint To Sample unicorn. So you never know what you’ll find.
The site is member driven, so feel free to upload the best you’ve got.
Editor Note: My first Porsche was a 1973 917 2.0 Sepia Brown. This was a paint to match color. I know of only 2 others in all these years.
Membership reports for May 2021
There are anniversary for April (wrong file included last month),
And also May Anniversary
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to www.pca.org and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.). Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: membership@svr-pca.org. New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: www.pca.org/pca-test-drive Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at www.pca.org
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director, Ken Shahoian at: membership@svr-pca.org
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Nancy Olson, Secretary
SVR Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Called to Order at 7:09
Location: ZOOM Video Conference (Due to restrictions levied by the state of California and COVID-19)
Board Members Present (4 needed for a quorum)
Rik Larson, President
Sally Boeck, Vice President
Nancy Olson, Secretary
Bob Peake, Treasurer
Ken Shahoian, Membership Director
Introduction of guests
Dick MacFarlane
Review of Agenda
1. Correspondence Received
a. RegionFocus Webinar on Social Media (April 20th)
b. RegionFocus Webinar on Rally 101 (May 18th) All Webinars are available PCA website.
c. FACEBOOK – concern was made against not posting other events besides Autocross. Concern was resolved.
d. Possible events -- Tech Session at Detail Maniac (see below)
2. Old Business
a. Minutes from previous Board Meeting on March 2, 2021 and April 6, 2021
i. Motion was made to accept minutes. Motion was approved (6-0)
b. Past SVR Event Feedback, Reports filed, Waivers, Expenses, etc.
i. AX on April 17th at Thunderhill
1. John Leek reported on event.
2. Post Event and Observer report was filed.
ii. Caffeine and Porsches on April 24th at Fat's in Folsom
1. Rik Larson reported on the event – enjoyed by all.
2. Rik Larson will be filing Event Report.
iii. Caffeine and Porsches Tour on April 24th, ending in Placerville
1. Ken reported on tour and the lunch.
2. No reports at this time.
c. Oktoberfest Event date? Includes Charity Auction? --- Willis and MacFarlane
i. No report given – Both organizers were not in attendance
d. FACEBOOK status (we are getting there) - John Leet, Rik Larson
i. John Leet reported that there is a corporate Facebook support
ii. John Leet has received a “long” list to complete to gain access to the account. John and Rik will be working on completing this list.
e. Future Board Meetings at Firehouse #32
i. Cookie is attempting to arrange future meetings held at Firehouse #32 board room. The goal is to resume in person Board meetings.
f. Update on July 4th Pocket Parade
i. Not a SVR event.
ii. Permit is still pending approval from the City of Sacramento.
g. Update on Christmas Party
i. No report
h. Electronic Registration Fees
i. April/May 2019 Drifter that discussed this detailed Board paying theses fees.
ii. Rik Larson reviewed previous meeting minutes for supporting details/motion concerning the Board covering these fees.
iii. John Leek explained his experience with Speed Waiver Fees and recommended contacting Collin Fat for support.
iv. Bob Peake explained how he could create a “Cost of Goods Sold” accounting category and recommended that we use club card to pay the fees as a tracking system.
v. After further discussion it was agreed for this Board to adopt this policy.
vi. Motion made to cover MSR Registration fees and Merchant charges. This will include creating a Cost of Goods Sold for accounting purposes. Motion was seconded and passed (6-0)
vii. Motorsport Reg (MSR): Discussion: there is no link for guest to sign waiver and what would it take to resolve this issue
3. New Business
a. BUDGETS submitted for approval
i. Auto Cross - John Leet explain purposed budget and clarification on needs/adjustments.
ii. Mendocino Tour --- November 5-7, 2021
1. Start at Porsche Rocklin (additional issued)
2. MSR registration
3. Bill is creating flyer
4. Motion made and second. Motion passed 6-0
iii. Tech Session at Detail Maniac on Sunday, July 25th, chaired by Bob Peake
1. Detail program with lunch free to attendees
2. Insurance coverage will be requested
3. Detail Maniac will create his own flyer for advertising
4. Motion made and second. Motion passed 6-0
4. Upcoming Events
a. June 27 Concord Judging Class at Kim Nelson garage
i. Email will be sent out with details and how to register for event
ii. Insurance will be requested for event
iii. Registration via MSR
b. Car show at the California Auto Museum – Ken Nelson Chair
i. All Porsche Car Show June 19 10am to 1pm
ii. Food Trucks
iii. Flyer will be created
iv. 356CAR will cover insurance (since it is there event)
v. Opportunity to invite New Members
c. Breakfast at Brookfields on Wednesday, May 5th
d. Dinner at Fat's on Tuesday, May 18th
e. AX School on Sunday, May 23rd (and Saturday, May 29th) – Recommend inviting Outlaw Porsche club to join in this event.
f. AX on Sunday, May 30th
5. Board and Chair Reports
a. President's Report
i. Update on COVID-19 and PCA events
1. Treffen Scottsdale --- SOLD OUT!!!
2. Parade - French Lick, Indiana --- 1000+ cars, Registration TEMPORARILY CLOSED
ii. Preferred way of contacting SVR board and chairs
iii. Stuff (in boxes) at various Board members houses (Bob, Rik, etc.)
1. Move boxes into storage
iv. Board Vacancies --- Social Director
v. Chair Vacancies --- Advertising, Historian, Safety, Tour
vi. SVR Policy Statement --- latest version (Oct 2019) is on website -- needs updating (positions, board of directors is now 7 people rather than 10, etc.)
b. Vice President’s Report
i. Calendar
ii. COVID-19 Waivers
iii. Insurance requested
iv. Planning Meeting for 2021 events
1. Article was placed in the Drifter
2. Ken recommended that we reach out to members who have done previous events to host a future drives/dinners.
c. Secretary's Report
i. Nothing to report at this time
d. Treasurer’s Report
i. Bank Summaries reviewed (see Treasurer report)
e. Social Director’s Report --- vacant position
f. Membership Director’s Report
i. Monthly Numbers --included in the May DRIFTER
ii. Events will be planned within the next couple months
g. Safety Chair Report --- vacant position
i. AX handled by Greg Zajic
ii. Other events covered by Rik or designee
h. Webmaster Report
i. No report
i. Drifter Editor Report
i. Advertiser status for 2021
ii. Deadline for June DRIFTER is May 25th
j. Past President’s Report/Comments
i. No report
k. Chair Reports
6. Next Meeting: June 1st --- 1st Tuesday of the month
7. Adjournment later than 9:08
a. Oktoberfest
a) Volunteers, filling of vacant positions (board and chairs)
b) Planning events will be done by board members reaching out to previous chairs
c) Transition of items from 2020 SVR Board and Chairs; location of boxes, assets, etc.- Storage key
d) Post Event Reports – Sally/Rik
e) Facebook Corporate Response
f) MSR Fee and Speed Waiver
g) Training MSR - Nancy
h) 2021 Calendar (SVR, Zone 7, PCA)
i) CRAB 38
j) New logo --- Bill Fargo and Dick MacFarlane --- 356 front end
k) 60th SVR Anniversary ---- May 7, 2022
Sally Boeck, Vice President
Nancy Olson, Secretary
Bob Peake, Treasurer
Ken Shahoian, Membership Director
VACANT, Social Director
Jerry Alter, 1st Saturday Breakfast Chair
John Leet, Autocross Chair
Al Price, Concours Chair
Al Price, Social Media Chair
Al Price, Technical Chair
VACANT, Tour Chair
Bill Fargo, Webmaster
Ken Nelson, Niello Liaison
Dick MacFarlane
Participants at the SVR Autox School
SVR Autocross Schedule
Autocross is a fun and safe way to drive your car at it's limits of acceleration, braking and cornering. New drivers are welcome!
Registration is open for our annual Autocross School,
as well as Autocross #2.
What better way to spend the Memorial Day weekend!!
The 2021 SVR autocross calendar is
6/19 - AX #3 Registration now open
7/17 - AX #4
8/21 - AX #5
9/18 - AX #6
10/16 - AX #7 (2-day Zone Series Event Co-hosted with Redwood Region event on 10/17)
Marie Smith, May 27, 1915 – May 14th, 2021
By Linda Bradford
Marie Smith, age 105, passed away on Friday, May 14th in Chico, two weeks before her 106th birthday. Marie and her late husband, Marv, who passed away in 2010 after 64 years of marriage, were generous and dedicated members of SVR since 1967. She leaves behind her son and daughter-in-law, Steven and Vicki Smith, of Chico, CA.
Marv & Marie were major donors to our annual charity picnic, which was more of a “white elephant” auction with a little comic relief. Marv’s wooden art pieces were always a major share of our charity proceeds for many years. Their continuing donations from the 60’s through the 90’s, and a few years beyond, were invaluable to the club, and to many charitable organizations in the Sacramento area.
But do not discount Marie’s contributions, she was a fabulous cook and baker. She spent many hours baking cookies just for the auction. Her bags of cookies helped sell many of the most unusual ‘white elephant’ donations. Kirk and Larry Wilson got a lot of credit for being auctioneers, but they always had a secret weapon- Marie’s cookies.
A bare-bones history of her life: Marie was born in 1915 on a remote farm in upper Maine, somewhere close to Canada. She was the oldest of five children, and she was 5 years old when her mother did not recover from the birth of her last child and died a few weeks later. When I first met her in 1981, she learned that I had lost my mother shortly before high school, and it became a common bond we could always talk about, and we frequently did. It was so much more traumatic for her at age five, I can only hope talking about it helped her in some way.
During WWII, Marie had escaped or probably she just left the family farm for Rhode Island. She and Marv, complete strangers, just “locked eyes upon each other” one day while he was on shore leave from the navy. It was love at first sight for both. I will not tell her much saucier version of the story. She waited for him, the war ended, and he returned safely. They married, lived in Northern California for a few years, had a son, bought a Porsche, and joined SVR. They lived in Willows before buying a home in Roseville in 1968, and I may have the exact order of these last events completely wrong, I was not there.
I do not think Marie’s life began until the day she met Marv and they had 64 years of marriage, all but the last few happy, until Marv’s Alzheimer’s disease progressed beyond Marie’s ability to care for him. He was moved into a nursing facility which provided full time care. Kirk and I were moving back to Sacramento when he passed away in 2010. Marie was just devastated and would barely eat. Pat Wilson, MaryJane Johannsen, and a few of her other longtime friends started a monthly luncheon to get her out of the house and cheer her up. After spoiling Marv with her fabulous cooking for most of their lives, she would only eat hamburgers and fries. The first time she came to dinner at our first apartment, I bought a Julia Child cookbook and cooked rack of lamb, being just completely clueless. I could have served her a hot dog and she would have been thrilled to just be invited. She did inspire me to subscribe to a few food magazines and I found many easy recipes.
Worried about how depressed she was, I just started calling her up, and paying her little afternoon visits a few times a week. We sat in her family room, watched TV & the news, and talked for hours. We had rarely spent time alone over the years and I did not fully appreciate how smart she was, and at 95, she was still sharp, and still funny. The DMV would not renew her license, and her son sold her car. After a few years she started getting frail, and her son hired a health aide to come in and feed her a few days a week. He finally convinced her to move to Chico and she knew it was time.
At some point, she needed more care, and he settled her into a small, assisted living facility where she had a private bedroom and bath, and everyone gave her lots of attention. We attended her 100th birthday party and made a few trips to Chico to take her out to lunch. At age 102, she went for a ride in a WWI plane with an open cockpit, and when a reporter asked if she enjoyed it, her reply was “I’m not dead yet!” They played it on KCRA all day.
Marie’s last few months were spent under hospice care, and I hope she died peacefully, and in her sleep. I realized a few days ago that after forty years, I am almost the same age as she was when we first met in 1981. Rest in peace, dear friend, we will always remember you.
2021 Fat's Dinner - Host Collin Fat,
Organizer Cookie Anderson
Photos Collin Fat
Our 2021 track season is shaping up along these lines:
• July 3-4: Sonoma Raceway DE and Club Race (1ST GGR hosted weekend at Sonoma since 2008)
• August 28-29: Sonoma Raceway Club Race only (with NASA)
• September 25-26: Thunderhill DE and Club Race (3 mile)
(Diablo Region will host its DE on Friday, September 24)
• October 9-10: Sonoma Raceway Club Race only (with NASA)
Yes, there is no Laguna weekend for GGR as of this writing. However, to get your “PCA Laguna” fix, our friends at Diablo Region will be hosting a one-day DE at Laguna on Friday, March 19, and our friends at Central Coast Region will be at Laguna on Monday, October 18.
New helmet requirements, the Snell 2010 helmets will expire on December 31. (2015 helmets are good for another 5 years.) Snell 2020 helmets are now available at your favorite racer supply stores.
In The Zone
June 2021
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region
Photos Collin Fat
PCA National Event Updates:
With the CDC recently announcing that if you have been vaccinated, you no longer are required to wear a mask indoors or outdoors, confusion has arisen. Many states have adopted the new CDC recommendation while California is reviewing its current restrictions. For the time being, PCA encourages all regions to follow their state and local guidelines regarding the wearing of masks. For Zone 7 regions and counties, masks are still required indoors. Please ensure that your members comply until further guidance is issued by your county or the state.
Werks Reunion Monterey is on schedule for August 13th with registration opening on June 16th. Due to Covid concerns and the safety of our members and all spectators, all participants must register prior to the event. There will be no walk-in spectators allowed. Also being held will the Porsche Corral and Hospitality tent at the Monterey Historic Races at Laguna Seca on the weekend, August 14-15th. Volunteers are needed. Please send me an email if you are interested. You must have event tickets to volunteer.
Treffen Scottsdale was held over 4 days at the fabulous JW Marriott Hotel and Resort. There were 147 cars in attendance with some 280 in attendance. The volunteers of the Arizona region did a masterful job of planning and executing on some wonderful tours of the region and included 1) Sedona, 2) The Wrigley Home, 3) Distilleries, 4) Prescott and other spectacular sights in the Sonoran dessert. At the farewell banquet, Treffen chair Harry Season was thanked for his years of service in chairing the event by PCA executive vice president Cindy Jacisin. Harry introduced his successor, Alex Ching who will leading the next Fall Treffen at The American Club from October 13th to 17th in Milwaukee, Wi. Registration opens on August 4th and is sure to be another sellout.
Zone 7 Concours Series Updates:
Roy Schauben and Simone Kopitzki held their Phase 1 concours training session on May 16th via Zoom. There were 54 students in attendance for the detailed presentation which covered 1) what is concours, 2) Zone 7 categories and divisions, 3) guidelines for judging, 4) guidelines for participants, 5) guidelines for preparation, and 6) a review of the scoring procedure. The dates below are for the Phase 2 hands on training. You must have completed Phase 1 training in order to participate in the Phase 2 training.
Current Covid protocols will be followed including social distancing and the wearing of face masks.
Zone 7 Autocross Series Calendar Update:
Loma Prieta and Golden Gate regions held regional autocrosses at the Cow Palace on May 15th and 16th under overcast and somewhat damp weather conditions as drivers prepare for the next Zone events being hosted on June 26th and June 27th by both regions and which will be held at the Cow Palace.
A Zone course design course is in the works and will be led by Larry Sharp. We hope to have a date set for July so stay tuned. This course is designed to teach the basics of course design and is more suited to experienced autocrossers. The course will be held virtually. If you are an experienced autocrosser and would like to learn the basics of course design, don’t miss this event.
Volunteers Needed:
Part of the Rolex Monterey Historic races, August 14-15th, is the PCA Hospitality Tent and car corral at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca. If you are planning to attend and would like to donate a few hours of your time assisting at the hospitality tent, send an email to Collin Fat at cfat1952@gmail.com to let me know your interest in helping out.
Events of Interest:
1) Loma Prieta Region 50th (plus 1) Anniversary Gala, June 19
2) Monterey Bay Region 60th Anniversary, TBD
4) Porsche Parade at French Lick, Indiana, July 11-17; porscheparade.org, Wait list
5) PCA Werks Reunion, August 13; Monterey; werksreunion.com, Registration opens June 16th
6) Monterey Historic, Porsche Platz Corral August 14-15th.Tickets at weathertechraceway.com
7) PCA Fall Treffen at the American Club, Kohler, Wisconsin, October 13-17; treffen.pca.org
8) PCA Spring Treffen at the BROADMOOR, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 27-May 1, 2022
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their popularity. Registration for the Treffens typically opens 3-4 months prior to the event.
2021 Concours Series Calendar
Zone 7 Autocross Chair, Grady Carter
Events of Interest:
1) Loma Prieta Region 50th (plus 1) Anniversary Gala, June 19
2) Monterey Bay Region 60th Anniversary, TBD
3) Sierra Nevada Region Mammoth Lakes Tour, June 18-20th; email missmillie44@icloud.com
5) PCA Werks Reunion, August 13; Monterey; werksreunion.com, Registration opens in June
7) PCA Fall Treffen at the American Club, Kohler, Wisconsin, October 13-17; treffen.pca.org
8) PCA Spring Treffen at the BROADMOOR, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 27-May 1, 2022
9) Sacramento Valley Region 60th Anniversary Celebration, May 7, 2022
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their popularity. Registration for the Treffens typically opens 3-4 months prior to the event.
2021 PCA West Coast Race Series Schedule
With Federal and State directives pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Club Racing schedule is very fluid and subject to change on a day-to-day basis. The racing schedule shown below will be frequently updated with the latest official status of each of our races.
Charity Auction 2021
Charity Auction Committee
Dick MacFarlane ...Chair
We are 7 months away for our Charity Auction, but if your have any cool auctions items you would like to donate, I can get them now and store them until the event.
You may be moving, organizing, downsizing or just have an auction items you want to find a new home for.
- Books
- Posters
- Models
- Time share
- Car parts
- Apparel
- Wine
- Memorabilia
- Artwork
- You get the idea
Also, if you would like to join Lois and me on this not many meetings fun committee let me know.
Thank you,
TrackMasters Racing is a leader in the High-Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in these events. For the complete schedule click the link below.
PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.
Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to classified@svr-pca.org. PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.
Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to editor@svr-pca.org. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Ken Shahoian at
All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and also The Drifter is cited as the source.
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