1. Boccaccio, Giovanni.
The Life Of Dante Revised Translation by Philip Henry Wicksteed. Greenbrae,
California: Allen Press, 1992. 71 pages. 28 x 19.5 cm. Limited edition, one of 115 copies in Italian Old Style typeface designed by Frederic Goudy on Whatman paper, and printed by hand by Lewis and Dorothy Allen on an 1882 Albion handpress. Wood engravings by John DePol. Wide text margins, almost every page printed in two colors. Original prospectus laid-in. Orig. half dark beige cloth and decorated boards. Fine. $525.00
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2. Bryant, Arthur.
Historian's Holiday.
London: Dropmore Press, 1946. First edition. 84 pages. 26.5 x 20 cm. Limited edition, copy 1 of 25 signed by Bryant, printed on a hand press on paper hand made by Portals of Whitechurch. The author, an English historian and one time columnist for the Illustrated London News was also noted for his studies of Samuel Pepys. Unopened, bound by Evans of Croydon. All but one of the Essays herein were reprinted with the permission of the Illustrated London News. Toning to parts of vellum covers. Three quarter vellum and dark salmon boards, front cover decorated in gilt. Near fine. $250.00
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3 Conrad, Joseph, Gustave Flaubert, Henry James & Luigi Pirandello.
Four Fictions The Lagoon, The Legend of Saint Julian, The Jolly Corner & The Annuity [respectively].
Kentfield, CA: Allen Press, 1973. 168 pages. 37.5 x 25.5 cm. Limited edition, one of 137 copies. Illustrations respectively for the four titles: Blair Hughes Stanton, Michele Forgeois, Joseph Low and Paolo Carosone. Each story printed in a separate typeface and each on separate, distinctive papers in two colors on an 1846 Columbian handpress. Laid-in the Allen Press prospectus. Sight discoloration at spine head. Orig. white boards with light brown stripe front cover with back cover, a complimentary three quarters brown. Near fine. $695.00
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4. Coppard, A.E.
Count Stefan.
Waltham Saint Lawrence: Golden Cockerel Press, 1928. 57 pages. 22.5 x 15.5. Illustrated with engraving on wood by Robert Gibbings. Limited edition, copy 14 of 600 on English hand-made paper in 12 pt. Caslon Old Face. Another example of Gibbing's work when he owned the press. Bright copy, deckle edges. Bookplate of Richard D. Frtedlander. CHANTICLEER. 57. Quarter yellow buckram and hand-marbled boards. Fine. $120.00
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5. _____.
Cherry Ripe.
Np: Tintern Press, 1935. First edition. 47 pages. 26 x 17 cm. This is the first collection of these poems in a Limited edition, one of 150, this copy not numbered. Series of wood engravings by Sylvia Marshall, hand printed by Vincent Stuart at Brockweir, Cheptow, Monmouthshire. Bound by H.T. Wood. Small bookseller leather label of W.& G. Foyle, London. A short-lived press operating from 1934-1936. Nicks to leather spine label head and foot. Orig. green and violet striated cloth with violet leather spine label, yapp edge. Near fine. $175.00
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6. De La Mare.
The Sunken Garden And Other Poems.
London: C. W. Beaumont, 1917. First edition. 39 pages. 23 x 14.5 cm. The second book published by the press, typography and binding by Cyril William Beaumont, binding by Sangorski and G. Sutcliffe, limited edition copy 65 of 250. Printed in red and black on gray stock. Orig. gray cloth spine and decorated boards. Near fine. $100.00
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7. Erasmus.
A Letter About Sir Thomas More From Erasmus Of Rotterdam To Ulrich Hutten Dated: 23 July 1519.
Np: Np, [1935]. 12 leaves. Small folio, 31 x 23 cm. Limited edition, one of 100 privately printed in New York. The original letter cannot be traced but the greater part of this epistle was first published in 1536 and established in all the biographies of More. Text in Latin and English, the translation made by Laverne Madigan. At the end of this letter Erasmus terms Cicero a sycophant. Some mottling to covers, interior very clean and fresh. Laid-in calling card of Mr. Philip Hofer. Orig. brown boards lettered and decorated in gilt. Near fine in original, slightly nicked glassine. $170.00
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8. Franklin, Benjamin & William Strahan.
You Are Now My Enemy A Brief Monograph Regarding The Friendship & Correspondence Of Two Journeymen, Including What Drew Them Together, What Split Them Apart & How Their Trade United Them.
Kirkwood, MO: The Printery, 1972. First edition. Unpaginated, approx. 28 pages. 23 x 15 cm. Limited edition, one of 100. Facsimile letter from Franklin to Straham tipped-in on front pastedown, portraits of Franklin and Strahan tipped-in, ornamentation and borders in red and blue ink. Complimentary card from the publisher laid-in. Fresh, clean copy. Orig. half blue morocco and marbled boards. Fine. $150.00
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9. Ghose, Sudhin N.
Folk Tales And Fair Stories From India with illustrations by Shrimati E. Carlile.
London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1961. 146 pages. 31 x 20 cm. Six full page illustrations. Limited edition, copy 177 of 500. Fairy tales from Sanskirt, Pali, Hindi, Bengali and other Indian languages, some date from the Age of Buddha. The author hails from Burdwan, a town noted for its storytellers. COCK-A-HOOP 212. Orig. brown buckram front cover decorated in gilt. Fine in original chipped glassine wrapper. $150.00
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10. Gill, Eric.
Clothing Without Cloth An Essay On the Nude.
Waltham Saint Lawrence: Golden Cockerel Press, 1931. First edition. 20 pages. 23 x 11.5. Four wood engravings on wood by Gill. Limited edition, copy 204 of 500. 12 pt. Caslon O.F. type. CHANTICLEER 75. "The first of the `Saddle-back' Cockerels. The page is twice as high as it is broad, and the `double-opening' consequently square." Orig. scarlet buckram. Aeg. Fine. $385.00
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11. _____.
Sculpture An Essay on Stone-cutting with a preface about God.
Ditchling: Douglas Pepler, (1923). 41pages. 17 x 13 cm. The first edition entitled simply, "Sculpture An Essay," published 1918, no. 21 of St. Dominic's Press publications. This edition in book form with considerable additions and alterations, a Preface and three wood engravings by Gill. GILL 10. "This book comprises two esays previously published separately." TAYLOR & SEWELL A112. Printed on Batchelor hand-made paper, very bright and clean, Gill front cover illustration replicates that of the title page. Orig. beige linen cloth lettered in black. Near fine. $195.00
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12. Gourmont, Remy de.
Paris: Camille Bloch, 1929. First edition. 225 pages. 22 x 15.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 149 of 285 on Sur Velin Blanc de Rives paper with 12 hand-colored plates of a total of 36 original compositions (23 in black and white) drawn and engraved on copper by J.M. Labourer who later in life was associated with the Cubists. Text in French, a collection of short stories by Gourmont. Book label of Harry C. Goebel. Front cover printed in red and black, partly unopened. Orig. gray board chemise spine sunned and stiff cream paper wrappers, contents loose as issued laid-in are fine in very good reinforced matching gray board slipcase. $325.00
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13. Hardy, Thomas.
Selected Poems Of Thomas Hardy With Portrait & Title Page Design Engraved On the Wood By William Nicholson.
London: Philip Lee Warner, 1921. 144 pages. 23 x 16.5 cm. Printed in the Riccardi Press fount at the Chiswick Press. A clean, fresh copy, owner inscription free front endpaper, tiny nick backstrip back cover. Orig. beige cloth and gray/blue boards, spine labels front cover and spine. Very good/Near fine. $120.00
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14. Housman, Lawrence.
Of Aucassin And Nicolette A Translation In Prose And Verse From The Old French Together With Amabel And Amoris.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1925. First edition. 105 pages. 22.5 x 15.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 160 of 160 signed by Housman and Woodroffe on Kelmscott hand-made paper. Printed at the Shakespeare Head Press. Drawing by Paul Woodroffe engraved on wood by Clemence Housman. An early 13th-century French chantefable (a story told in alternating sections of verse and prose, the former sung, the latter recited). Nicks to yapp edges front and rear, rubbing to backstrip head. Orig. beige cloth spine and gray boards, paper spine label and yapp edges. Very good. $150.00
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15. Hubbard, Alice.
Garnett And The Brindled Cow Also Other Mothers.
East Aurora: Roycrofters, 1913. First edition. Unpaginated. 24 x 15.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 189 of 1003 signed by Alice Hubbard, all copies illumined by hand. Illustrated with photographs, latter with tissue guards. Unopened, bright, very fresh copy. Orig. half brown morocco, morocco tips, backstrip bands, Art Nouveau design in blind, lettering in gilt and marbled boards with matching endpapers. Fine. (#21556) $225.00
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16. Jones, David.
The Sleeping Lord.
London: Faber, 1974. First edition. 111 pages. 25 x 16 cm. Limited edition, copy 136 of 150 signed by Jones with frontispiece illustrated by him. Title page printed in yellow and black. Jones, Welsh by birth, artist and painter, he won notable praise from T.S. Eliot and Auden as one of the finest poets of the 20th century. He was introduced to Eric Gill, in the 1920's studied engraving, became a Catholic and joined Gill's Guild of St Joseph and St Dominic. Orig. light tan cloth lettered in blind, beveled edges. Fine in fine brown cloth slipcase. $525.00
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17. Lloyd, Robert.
The Actor by Robert Lloyd To Which is Prefix'd An Essay By Edmund Blunden The Whole Embellish'd with Theatrical Figures by Randolph Schwabe.
London: Beaumont Press, 1926. First edition. 43 pages. 24 x 15 cm. Limited edition, copy 41 of 60 (edition of 210) signed by Edmund Blunden, Randolph Schwabe and C.W. Beaumont, printed on Japanese vellum. Color lithograph title page, and four full page black and white lithographs. Lloyd, English poet and satirist, dead at age 31, shortly after the death of his friend Charles Churchill. DNB notes that "Lloyd joined Charles Churchill in a reckless career of dissipation." Bookplate of Richard D. Friedlander. Orig. vellum spine and decorated gray boards. Fine. $150.00
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18. Mann, Thomas.
The Transposed Heads A Legend of India.
Kentfield, CA: Allen Press, 1977. 108 pages. 33 x 22 cm. Limited edition, one of 140 copies in Goudy Thirty type on all rag St. Cuthberts mill paper, printed on an 1846 Columbian handpress. 15 illustrations printed in three colors, text with decorative Sanskrit running heads in color. Cloth binding fabricated by Indian villagers, binding hand-blocked in India in patterns primitive and charming. Introduction by Raghavan Iyer. Spine sunned. Orig. multicolored cloth, backstrip paper label. Near fine in acetate cover. $450.00
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19. Marty, Andre E. (Illustrator).
Daphnis Et Alcimadure Par Jean de La Fontaine Illustre De Quatore Eaux Fortes Originales Par Andre E. Marte Precede De Oraison Funebre D'Une Fable Par Paul Valery de L'Acadamie Francaise.
Paris: Xavier Haverman, 1926. 35 pages. 23 x 17 cm. Limited edition, copy 67 of 200 on Arches Paper (total edition of 275). This, one Marty's earliest works contains 14 full page etchings. The artist, famous for his Art Deco fashion designs was one of only four artists to contribute to every year of La Gazette du bon ton a leading pochoir fashion magazine in Paris and in Europe (1912 to 1925). Text in French, bright, very clean copy, book label of Harry S. Goebel. Orig. printed stiff wraps in clear plastic wrapper. Very good. $250.00
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20. Murphy, Gwendolen (Editor).
Micro-Cosmographie or A Piece Of The World Discovered In Essayes And Characters by John Earle.
Waltham Saint Lawrence: Golden Cockerel Press, 1928. 73 pages. 27 x 20 cm. Written at the age of 27 in 1627 and published anonymously when a Fellow of Merton College, it presents the experience of a man of the world as well as a cleric, and is even more remarkable since Earle was at the time an untravelled student at Oxford. Book-plate. Limited edition, copy 374 of 400, printed by Robert Gibbings on English hand-made paper. CHANTICLEER 55. Original red buckram. Small rear cover spot. Near fine. $100.00
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21. Nichols, Robert.
The Smile Of The Sphinx.
London: Beaumont Press, 1920. First edition. 58 pages. 23 x 15 cm. Limited edition copy 228 of 295 on hand made paper. Woodcuts by Ethelbert White, endpapers are colored woodcuts. Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols, noted war poet of World War I, and a playwright. Very fresh copy. Orig. beige basket weave spine, patterned boards, gilt spine letters bright. Fine. $100.00
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22. Popham, Hugh.
Three Cantos From To the Unborn -- Greetings.
London: Dropmore Press, 1946. First edition. Unpaginated. 10 leaves. 22.5 x 17.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 65 of 81 signed by Popham on J. Whatman hand made paper, watermarked 1852. From his obituary: "Perhaps the only British poet of stature to reflect the experience of young flyers in the Second World War." Title page in red and black. Spine toned toward lower half. Quarter vellum and gray boards lettered in red. Very good. $100.00
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23. Powys, Llewelyn.
The Book Of Days Of Llewelyn Powys Thoughts From His Philosophy Selected By John Wallis.
London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1937. First edition. 88 pages. Folio, 34 x 24 cm. Title printed in red and black, side notes printed in red, twelve full-page etchings by Elizabeth Corsellis. Limited edition, copy 261 of 295 on Batchelor hand-made paper, out of a total edition of 300, with a special watermark designed by the artist, and bound by Zaehnsdorf. Laid-in, an illustrated prospectus of four pages on salmon stock announcing Autumn Publications with a Subscription Form. PERTOLETE 118. Very slight bump to upper corners. Orig. quarter green morocco and brown canvas boards. Teg. Fine. $795.00
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24. Ramsay, George.
A New Dictionary Of Anecdotes, Illustrative Of Character And Events: From Genuine Sources. Arranged Alphabetically, According To The Respective Subjects.
London: Sherwood, Neely, And Jones, 1822. First edition. 636 pages. 21 x 14 cm. Hand-colored aquatint frontispiece by J.R. Cruikshank. Bound by Root and Son, raised bands, spine panels richly gilt, marbled endpapers, modest extremity and joint rubbing. Three quarter brown morocco and green cloth. Teg. Very good. $195.00
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25. Ravilious, Eric (Illustrator).
The Hansom Cab And The Pigeons Being Random Reflections Upon The Silver Jubilee Of King George V by L.A.G. Strong.
Waltham St. Lawrence: Golden Cockerel Press, 1935. First edition. 43 (3) pages. 24.5 x 16.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 114 of 212 in Perpetua type on hand made paper signed by Strong. There were also 1000 unnumbered and unsigned copies. illustrated by Ravilious with a full page frontispiece, first leaf engraving, and a series of repeated decorations (bandeaux). One of three books Ravilious illustrated for Golden Cockerel. This edition priced at one Guinea. CHANTICLEER 105. Sanford called this work, "one of our most successful efforts." Spine slightly sunned. Orig. blue morocco spine and marbled boards. Near fine.$500.00
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26. Robinson, Alan James.
H * P * M Harold Patrick McGrath.
Np: Cheloniidae Press, 1991. First edition. Unpaginated. 28 x 20.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 28 of 100 signed by Alan James Robinson and Patrick McGrath, printed at Wild Carrot Press with calligraphy by Suzanne Moore and Elizabeth Curtis. Etching of McGrath with tissue guard, printed in red and black with a few wood engravings by Robinson. This book is a collection of anecdotes and recollections, both reverent and irreverent in homage to McGrath. Title page in red, black and silver, embossed book plate of Richard D. Friedlander. Orig. marbled boards, front cover paper label. Fine. $175.00
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27. Rogers, Bruce (Designer).
Georgics of Virgil Translated from the Latin into English by J.W. Mackail Fellow of Balliol College Oxford.
Boston: Riverside Press, 1904. 110 pages. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 61 of 330. Bookplate of Louis V. Ledoux, prominent American author and poet. Wide text margins, bright, very fresh copy. WARDE 50. Orig. decorated boards, vellum spine. Fine in slipcase lacking lower panel. $150.00
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28. Russell, George William [AE].
Enchantment And Other Poems.
New York & London: Fountain Press & Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1930. First edition. 34 pages. 21.4 x 15.4 cm. Limited edition, copy 164 of 500 signed by AE on half title. (Russell took his pseudonym from a proofreaders query about his earlier pseudonym, AEon.). An Irish poet who maintained a lifelong interest in theosophy, the origins of religion, and mystical experience. Orig. decorated boards and beige cloth spine with paper spine label. Fine. $195.00
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29. Scott, Walter Sydney (Editor).
The Athenians * Harriet And Mary * Shelly At Oxford.
London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1944. First edition. 87, 84 & 79 pages. 25.5 x 18.5 cm "the complete set of the letters contained in these three books had lain for over a century in a drawer, till Mr. Scott found and collated them. Full titles for each follow: THE ATHENIANS BEING CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THOMAS HOGG and HIS FRIENDS THOMAS LOVE PEACOCK, LEIGH HUNT, PERCY SHELLEY AND OTHERS. One collotype portrait. Limited edition, copy 281 of 350 & HARRIET AND MARY BEING THE RELATIONS BETWEEN PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, HARRIET SHELLEY, MARY SHELLEY, AND THOMAS JEFFERSON HOGG, etc. One collotype portrait. Limited edition, copy 367 of 500 & SHELLEY AT OXFORD THE EARLY CORRESPONDENCE OF P.B. SHELLEY WITH HIS FRIEND T.J. HOGG, TOGETHER WITH LETTERS OF MARY SHELLEY AND T.L. PEACOCK, etc... Four collotype plates and a Shelley prose fragment. Limited edition, copy 218 of 500. COCKALORUM 158, 161, 163 respectively, A fresh, bright set uniformly bound. Quarter brown morocco and blue buckram boards. Near fine. 3 vols. $450.00
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30. Shelley, Percy Bysshe.
Prometheus Unbound A Lyrical Drama.
London: Essex House Press (Edward Arnold), 1904. 96 pages. Folio, 29.5 x 21.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 67 of 200 of 220 (20 printed on vellum). Frontispiece by C.R. Ashbee with text printed in red and black in Endeavour type. Wide text margins, bright copy, top front tie lacking, backstrip lettered in gilt. Orig. full limp vellum with yapp edges. Near fine. $650.00
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31. _____.
Zastrozzi A Romance With An Introduction by Phyllis Hartnoll And Engravings by Cecil Keeling.
London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1955. 131 pages. 4to, 23 x 15 cm. Eight full-page engravings. Limited edition, copy 193 of 200 printed in Bell type on Japanese vellum. COOK-A-HOOP 201. Shelley's first printed work, published 1810. A melodramatic work filled with supernatural and macabre events. Bright, fresh copy. Orig. quarter black morocco and marbled boards. Teg. Fine in fine matching marbled slipcase. $350.00
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32. Sterne, Laurence.
A Sentimental Journey Through France And Italy.
Waltham Saint Lawrence: Golden Cockerel Press, 1928. 154 pages. 23 x 15 cm. Six engravings on copper by J.E. Laboureur. Limited edition, copy 282 of 500 on English hand-made paper in 14 pt. Caslon O.F. type printed by Robert Gibbings. Signed presentation copy from John Carter dated MCMXXI "for Lucia with all good wishes and (since it is not yet January 17th) love." Bookplate of Richard D. Friedlander. CHANTICLEER 59. Bright, clean copy, front cover and spine slightly sunned. Orig. red buckram. Teg. Very good in nicked dust wrapper with slight loss at backstrip head in plastic cover. $195.00
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33. Stewart, Cecil.
Topiary An Historical Diversion.
London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1954. 35 pages. 25.5 x 20 cm. Limited edition, copy 458 of 500 on hand-made paper, in Pastonchi type with 13 color engravings by Peter Barker-Mill. COOK-A-HOOP 198. "Topiary might strike one as a rather down to earth subject, but in fact here treated in a most diverting fashion, tracing the art throughout the ages......." Bookplate of Richard D. Friedlander. Almost as new copy. Orig. half orange buckram, decorated hand-made paper boards. Fine. $120.00
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34. Suckling, Sir John.
A Ballad Upon A Wedding With Engravings by Eric Ravilious.
Waltham Saint Lawrence: Golden Cockerel Press, 1927. First edition. 13 pages. 19.5 x 13 cm. Limited edition, copy 342 of 375 printed by Robert Gibbings in 11pt. Caslon O.F. type on Kelmscott hand-made paper. The text taken form 1648 edition of the "Fragments Aurea." CHANTICLEER 49. Bright, very fresh copy. Book plate inside front cover designed by Rockwell Kent in 1928 for Iphigene Ochs and Arthur Hays Sulzbereger. Iphigene Ochs was the daughter of Adolph Ochs, publisher of the New York Times. Her husband, Arthur Sulzberger, worked at the Times, and became publisher after his father-in-law's death in 1935. Orig. quarter white buckram spine and batik boards. Fine in very good illustrated dust wrapper in glassine with a few nicks.$450.00
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35. Swift, Jonathan.
Directions to Servants By the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of Saint Patrick's Cathedral Dublin; with Decorations by John Nash.
Waltham Saint Lawrence: Golden Cockerel Press, 1925. 36 pages. 26 x 19.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 291 of 380 [350 for sale] on hand-made unbleached Arnold paper with twelve wood engravings by John Nash. Printed in black and green in double columns. CHANTICLEER 23. "An experiment, possibly in this case retrograde, in the revival of the bi-columnar page." Fresh, bright copy, free front and back endpapers toned at fore-edge. Orig. quarter bound parchment spine and green boards. Fine. $195.00
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36. Wells, H.G.
San Francisco: Arion Press, 2008. 331 pages. 23.5 x 15.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 52 of 300. Planitin text with Brush Script handset -- the 82 publication of the press. Laid-in 24 page pamphlet: Notes For Tono-Bungay by Edward Mendelson from the Penguin Classics of this title -- presents the books and chapters in the original edition and explaining bibliographic nomenclature of this realist semi autobiographical novel by Wells first published in 1909. Contents as new. Orig. brown cloth, front and spine paper labels. Fine in matching decorated slipcase. $475.00
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37. Wolfe, Humbert.
The Silver Cat And Other Poems Designed by Bruce Rogers.
New York: The Bowling Green Press, 1928. First edition. Unpaginated. 23.5 x 16 cm. Limited edition, one of 780 printed by William Edwin Rudge on Strathmore Artlaid paper. Pages printed recto only on light gray stock, the poetry framed in a silver foil rectangle, and silver cat device at foot title, with Bruce Rogers' silver thistle mark and initials printed on the colophon. Signed presentation copy inscribed by Wolfe to Ms. Hunt with a six line verse of the poem he wrote for the Jubilee in the Jubilee number of "The Queen." Laid-in, an TLS from Wolfe to Ms Hunt dated 4th May 1935 which explains the inscribed verse in the book. HAAS 151. Also laid-in, the entire Jubilee explanation in a hand written document in blue ink, 31 x 20 twice folded. Orig. publisher's olive green boards, spine stamped in silver foil. Fine in near fine olive green dust wrapper, two tiny chips at head. $375.00
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