In This Issue:

  • Conference Announcement

  • Jon's Corner

  • Leadership Applications

  • Kile's Corner

  • Honoring Black History Month
February 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the February 2023 Newsletter. Despite the winter weather we were able to do so many things! SUFU Staff were able to attend Disability Awareness Day at the Statehouse. We have started receiving application for our Leadership Training that will start in May. Our conference dates have been announced. Our chapters took time in February to learn about Black History. In addition, we have some exciting changes to our chapters in the coming months.
2023 SUFU Annual Conference

Mark Your Calendar! The 2023 SUFU Annual Conference is coming. September 19th and 20th in Waterville, ME.

We will be celebrating 30 years of SUFU! Mark your calendars to come celebrate with us!
Jon's Corner

Hey everyone,
I went to Disability Awareness Day on February 15th, at the Maine Statehouse. We had a table set up at the Hall of Flags. I was able to go around talking to different people. Many of the legislators at the Statehouse came to see us.
 One person that stopped by was Austin Theriault. He represents part of northern Maine in the House of Representatives. I was able to give him one of my business cards.
I was able to tell people what the purpose of SUFU is and what I do for work for SUFU.  I was also able to speak with individuals at the other tables that were set up. 

It was nice to be back at the Maine Statehouse in almost 3 years. We were able to talk about HCBS, Transportation, Jobs, and more.    

Leadership Training

Speaking Up For Us is now accepting applications for our 2023 Leadership Development Training. This training is over 3 sessions in May and June. This is an in-person training where we work on problem solving, team building skills, communication and more.

If you, or someone you know is interested in our Leadership Development Training you can find our application here.
Kile's Corner

Hey to all the self-advocates this is Kile Pelletier with a another Kile’s Corner for the month of February. 
The one thing that we participated this month, February, that I really want to talk to you guys about is Disability Awareness Day hosted by Disability Rights Maine (DRM).

Starting our series with self-advocacy at the Statehouse in Augusta this past Wednesday, we had Disability Awareness at the Hall of Flags. Going to the Hall of Flags at the Statehouse face to face was very important and because of COVID, we haven't been at the Statehouse for two years. Going back to the Statehouse and talking to our representatives for the state of Maine was fantastic.

We got to build relationships with the representatives and senators that are in different committees that can help us with different issues that affect us. 

I got to talk to my Senator President Troy Jackson and my district House Representative Austin Theriault. As I was talking to Austin Theriault, I found out that he is on the Committee for Transportation and transportation is one of the big issues that affect us. People with disabilities don't have a lot of choices for transportation to go where they need to go or do what they want to do, so it was good to find that out. 

Building a professional relationship with your representative and senator can help you, by talking to them about issues that affect you and they will try to help you with the barriers of these issues. Self-advocates should participate at the Statehouse when it’s Disability Awareness Day. You can talk to your senators and representatives and tell them what issues affect you. They always enjoy listening to your stories because it affects us and if they don't hear from us, they can't help us. They help make and pass bills that will help us in our lives.

At Disability Awareness Day, along with SUFU, there were many other tables set up with different agencies such as Disability Rights Maine (DRM), Maine Developmental Disability Council (MDDC), and Center for Community Inclusion and Disabilities Studies (CCIDS). They can point you in the right direction to make your lives better. I’d love to talk with you more about speaking with your representatives so please don’t hesitate to give me a call.

Honoring Black History
In February our chapters spent time learning more about Black History. Many expressed interest in learning more in future months. We watched some great videos and had discussions in our meetings. In some chapters we used Crash Course and watched the 1950's and 1960's. Crash course is a great resource on many different topics.

Stacy, presented at our Statewide where she shared information on Emmett Till, Fannie Lou Haber and more.

We invite you to look through these if you didn't catch them in our statewide meeting or bookmark them for the future.
What's on the blog?
Our Blog is a space where Self-Advocates share their stories. We invite you to check them out here.
If you are a self-advocate that would like to submit an entry for our blog please reach out to Laurie Coldwell or Jon McGovern.

We invite you to check out our website . Read our most recent blog post and subscribe to future blogs. You can also find the list of our chapter meetings, or follow us on Facebook. If you are a SUFU member we want you to join our members only Facebook Group. To do that please email Laurie Coldwell or Jon McGovern. We don't want you to miss anything.
Have an Idea for Something to be in The Connector?
Contact: Laurie Coldwell
Program Manager (207) 956-1004 / Ext. 4
Speaking Up For Us of Maine