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STRIDE Project on Urban Freight & Vulnerable Road Users Featured in ITE Journal

The relationship between cities and freight is undergoing an unprecedented transition as e-commerce accounts for increasing shares of goods movement. This article contextualizes this issue in terms of curb management and safety, details several emerging solutions, and discusses the future landscape in which these initiatives may be implemented. The authors (Dr. Evan Iacobucci, Dr. Noreen McDonald, Charles H.W. Edwards, Dr. Ruth Steiner, and Jeremy Griffith) discuss how the growth of e-commerce and last mile delivery has outstripped many cities’ extant capacity to provide loading/unloading space, resulting in increases in unauthorized parking behavior and corresponding safety hazards. They also discuss solutions and challenges. This work was produced as a part of STRIDE Project D5, which in part investigated the competition for curb space between expanding urban freight streams and needs of other road users.

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STRIDE Researcher Assessing State DOT Policies Affecting Adaptive Street Use Featured in Wired

Dr. Tabitha Combs, a transportation policy researcher at UNC Chapel Hill, was quoted in Wired on the work from home policies that were established during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and how commutes have been reordered as a consequence. She says the article is in line with the current findings related to her ongoing work in STRIDE Project E6 - that the impacts of the pandemic on transportation are just starting to unfold through changes in policy and practice.

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Technology Transfer Product: New, Simplified Freeway Weaving Speed & Capacity Models

What does it do?

The newly developed freeway weaving analysis model addresses known deficiencies in the current Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and generates relatively lower capacities than the current HCM, which are better aligned with field conditions. Agencies can use the model to improve the operation of weaving sections and mitigate the effects of impending congestion and associated safety risks.

Project Team: Dr. Nagui Rouphail, North Carolina State University; Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, University of Florida; and

Dr. Ishtiak Ahmed, North Carolina State University

View project page

Read associated article on "STRIDE Funded Work Yields New Weaving Segment Capacity & Speed Estimation Models for the HCM"

Recently Completed STRIDE Project Addresses Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in the Transportation Workforce (Southeastern U.S.)

The pandemic emphasized the deficit as many workers retired, but it also offered an opportunity to bring new thinking to training, recruiting and workforce retention – with the goal of better reflecting the communities they operate in. In the pandemic’s aftermath, public services have a chance to reach out and serve new populations. Recognizing the inclusion of all identities, abilities and expertise in the workforce allows transportation agencies to relate to and address the concerns of existing users while ushering in new ones. A recently completed STRIDE project, led by Dr. Mehri Mohebbi of the University of Florida, addresses these needs.

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Technology Transfer Products: Addressing Critical Issues for Transportation Disadvantaged Populations

STRIDE researchers developed four products to understand the travel characteristics of transportation disadvantaged populations including low-income, older adult, and rural populations and those with transportation barriers to health care.

Project Team: Eleni Bardaka, Ph.D., North Carolina State University; Xia Jin, Ph.D., Florida International University; Noreen McDonald, Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ruth Steiner, Ph.D., University of Florida; and Jeffrey LaMondia, Ph.D., Auburn University

Descriptions of the products are provided on the project webpage.

Congratulations to the STRIDE Student of the Year: Matteo Saracco (Georgia Tech)

Matteo Saracco is a master's student from the Georgia Institute of Technology. The U.S. Department of Transportation will present him with the Student of the Year Award during a ceremony held in conjunction with the Council of University Transportation Centers Awards Banquet on January 7, 2023 in Washington, D.C. Learn more about his work on STRIDE project Q2 titled Enabling the Shared Mobility Revolution led by Dr. Kari Watkins formerly at GaTech, now at the University of California - Davis.

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STRIDE Student Poster Showcase & Competition

The STRIDE Center is once again hosting a Student Poster Showcase and Competition which will take place during the University of Florida Transportation Institute Reception at TRB on Monday, January 9, 2023 at Penn Social in Washington, D.C. from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The winning posters (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place) will be announced at the reception. STRIDE-affiliated students have until December 12th to submit their entries.

For more information, visit the event's page.

Student Spotlight: Agustin Guerra (UF)

After spending years living in one of Latin America’s most congested cities, Agustin Guerra, a transportation doctoral student in the University of Florida (UF) Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering, set his sights on pursuing a degree in in transportation engineering. At UF, Guerra is working under the direction on Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, Professor and Director of the University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI) and the STRIDE Center. Guerra has participated in a variety of transportation projects affiliated with STRIDE. Most of his work has been highly technical in nature involving microsimulations and CAVs. 

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Student Spotlight: Jeremy Griffith (UF)

Jeremy Griffith is a master’s student in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Florida (UF). He completed his undergraduate studies in 2020 majoring in Sustainability and the Build Environment, a degree program in the UF College of Design, Construction and Planning. He's been involved in multiple STRIDE projects and believes the training he's received through participation in these projects has prepared him for a career as a transportation/urban planner. He graduates December 2022.

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Student Spotlight: Malikia Cherubala (Appalachian State/NCSU/ITRE)

Malikia Cherubala is a senior at Appalachian State University working with the Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) at North Carolina State University. An international student from the Democratic Republic of Congo, she is currently earning her bachelor's degree in Community and Regional Planning, with a minor in Sustainable Development as well as a certificate in Geographic Information Systems. She has worked with the ITRE team on a wide variety of public transportation-related projects, including the STRIDE-funded Locating and Costing Congestion for School Buses and Public Transportation.

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Student Spotlight: Luke Davis Morin (UNC Chapel Hill)

Luke Morin is a master's student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is working with Dr. Tabitha Combs on identifying local and state policies that have impacted the scale and success of COVID-19 street reallocations and how the policies can be applied in the Southeastern U.S. His work is part of a STRIDE year 6 project titled State DOT Policies Affecting Adaptive Street Use: Learning from COVID-19 Experiences.

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Careers in Transportation Seminar

Ondine Wells and Ines Aviles-Spadoni at the University of Florida STRIDE Center developed a new undergraduate course on Careers in Transportation. During the fall pilot of the course, 37 speakers presented information about their profession, their personal career path, and career development tips. Students completed an elevator pitch, a personal Odyssey Plan, an informational interview, and a Professional Profile project to develop their own skills. Weekly assignments included readings, videos, podcasts, and activities related to transportation issues. UF students registered for the class received 1-credit and non-UF students who completed a set of requirements received a Certificate of Completion. The development of the course was supported through a grant from the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) New Initiative Projects.

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Mississippi Summer Transportation Institute

Dr. Kejun Wen, Assistant Professor at Jackson State University directed the 2022 Mississippi Summer Transportation Institute (MSTI). The residential program engaged 24 high school students in one week of activities and field visits to learn about transportation career opportunities and develop college-preparatory academic skills with an emphasis on STEM. The MSTI program has been operating at JSU for 10 years.

Engineering Camp Pilots New Lessons

Dr. Dimitra Michalaka, Associate Professor at The Citadel, led a virtual engineering camp for the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics summer program. Twenty-five students entering grades, 8th, 9th, and 10th participated in the week-long camps. Three lessons developed by STRIDE were piloted in the camp: Curb Management, Transportation App Design, and Complete Streets. The lessons will be revised and available for free to educators next year.

Middle and High School Students Learn about Autonomous Transportation

Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha and Ms. Ondine Wells, both at the University of Florida, led workshops on transportation, careers, and engineering design for 24 middle and high school students participating in the summer CROP camp led by the UF CPET (Center for Precollegiate Education and Training). Students rode the autonomous shuttle that is part of the UF I-STREET Living Lab and compared University and 2nd Ave using Complete Street design principles. CROP (College Reach Out Program) focuses on increasing the number of under-represented students who are successfully admitted to a postsecondary program. 

STRIDE Webinars

STRIDE's fall webinar series featured fourteen recently completed projects.

Upcoming Webinars

December 7, 2022 - Register

A Better Understanding of Shopping Travel in the US

December 9, 2022 - Register

Examining modal shifts between automobiles, transit, and Uber trips and quantifying their impacts

Recorded Webinars

Archived STRIDE Webinars
The Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development & Education Center (STRIDE) is the
2016 Region 4 (Southeast) U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Center headquartered at the University of Florida Transportation Institute.

STRIDE Partners

University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI)
Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development & Education Center (STRIDE)