Spettabile Eduitalia Association

Si informa che l’edizione 2023 della Guida Eduitalia-Study in Italy, che ha già l’onore di essere introdotta dal Sottosegretario del MAECI con delega alla lingua e cultura italiana Maria Tripodi(1), è introdotta altresì dalla preziosa testimonianza dell’Ambasciatrice d’Italia a Washington S.E. Mariangela Zappia.

Condividiamo alcune estratti della presentazione.

Dear students,

it is a great pleasure for me to introduce the 2023 edition of the Eduitalia Guide “Study in Italy”.

[…..]“ No wonder that Italy and the Italian language have a very strong force of attraction all over the world, and particulary in the United States, whose students prefer Italy as a destination to study abroad.

The promotion of Italian language is a top priority for the Embassy of Italy in Washington, since it represents also a driving force for cultural and economic promotion, and it plays a crucial role in fostering ever deeper contacts, including peole-to-people, between the Unites States and Italy.

In this endeavor, Eduitalia is an active, precious and reliable partner of the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC that hosted last October -in videconference with our Consulates in Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelfia, Houston, Miami, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco- the annual Eduitalia scholarships award ceremony on the occasion of the opening of the 22nd “Week of the Italian Language in the World”. […..]

As Ambassador of Italy in US, I am glad and proud to see how much Italy and Italian are loved by Americans and I extend a very warm greeting to all those who decide to study in Italy: I wish you a wonderfull, life-chancing experience!

Eduitalia esprime la propria gratitudine all’Ambasciatrice S.E. Mariangela Zappia per l’introduzione della Guida Eduitalia-Study in Italy che, nel 2023, descrive 114 scuole di lingua, istituti specializzati nei programmi Study abroad statunitensi, Accademie e Università pubbliche e private italiane.

1)   Per approfondimenti relativi alla presentazione del Sottosegretario di Stato del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Maria Tripodi si può visionare la newsletter dal titolo  "IL SOTTOSEGRETARIO DI STATO DEL MAECI MARIA TRIPODI INTRODUCE LA GUIDA EDUITALIA-STUDY IN ITALY 2023" inviata in data 09.01.2023