Professional Development from STARLINK

News and Updates

Why do so many students leave college before they earn degrees? We know that students do not begin a college course with the intention of dropping out, yet many do. STARLINK Professional Development shares exemplary models of high retention strategies in our March course, Retooling Student Retention from Remedial to Remarkable.

Please be sure to check out our other March releases:

  • Navigating Relational Conflict
  • Monthly featured webinar: Student Retention Strategies

We look forward to seeing you online!

"Students who find support for their learning, receive frequent feedback about their learning and are actively involved in learning, especially with others, are more likely to learn and in turn more likely to stay." -Dr. Vincent Tinto

The Pedagogy of University Teaching

By: Rosalind R. Scudder, Ph.D.

Many students learn teaching from their teachers. It goes without saying that all college students can talk about which professors they like, those they don't, and why! Students can also remember what and how they learned in various classes and are said to appreciate that learning long after they graduate.

New faculty members, likewise, often pattern (or try to pattern) their first teaching experiences based on former professors' teaching methods, with the goal to be an effective teacher and respected and liked by their students.

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Online Cheating

By: Robert Ubell

Spooked by horror stories of an online cheating plague, how should university faculty members and administrators respond? Should they launch a virtual anti-cheating crusade, armed with high-tech surveillance, ending in disciplinary terror -- retribution, chastisement, and sanctions, marked by failing grades and expulsions? Or should they just throw up their hands in defeat, treating it as a chronic academic illness, no worse in our lecture halls and online than the lack of integrity found outside the campus gates, equally under siege by marriage infidelities, corporate malfeasance, and irresponsible politicians playing fast and loose with "alternative facts"?

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7 Places to Find Free Music & Sound Effects for Multimedia Projects

By: Richard Byrne

Creating your own music and or sound effects to use in videos or podcasts is one way to avoid violating someone's copyright rights. Another option is to look for music and sound effects that are either in the public domain or have been labeled with a Creative Commons license. The following seven places offer music and sound effects that you and your students can use.

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