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Your SSC Board


Wayne Wickham, President

Dan Cirillo, V.P.

Vacant, Secretary

Matthew Halick, Treasurer


Philip Ford, Membership

Robert Deitz, Youth Projects

Vic Shada

Sean Bechta

Ken Baccetti

Alec Dosio, Auctions

Ian Durrell

Joshua Matheson

Cal Ryan

  • 2024 SSC Fundraiser - Saturday, April 20th

A Message from your President

Please check out the story below written by Carson Burand, a new member of SSC. He bought a hunt from Kyle Nixon, who had purchased a Namibian hunt from our fundraiser in 2022. Long story short, he had the time of his life hunting and harvesting a Kudu, his childhood dream. We love to hear this, and I hope this inspires you to attend our next Dinner/Fundraiser on April 20. 

We have spent months planning this year's event. You may have already seen it, but this year's event will be outdoors at Sutter Health Park. Some of the highlights will be:

1.     Live Band – See CRISIS, one of the Bay Area's hottest rock hit cover bands. The band plays top rock hits from the 70s to the present, honoring the original sound but adding their energy and arrangements.

2.     New Interactive Games and Activities—How about playing a little blackjack, rolling some dice, or golf putting to win great prizes, including guns?

3.     Menu – Our menu includes Bison Brisket and Pasta with boar sauce.


For this year's club banquet, have you considered a sponsor table for your group? Get some friends or associates together and sponsor a Marksman table! You get VIP seating up front for ten people, an open bar with table service, raffle tickets, and more! For your company, you get your logo and name listed on the event website, the stadium scoreboard, the event program, and the SSC website, exposing your company to the club's over 500 members annually. You can use the QR code to register online or contact Robert Deitz with any questions at 530-391-0497 or

Get All Your Information on the Fundraiser in One Place!


Peter Maggenti is a dedicated outdoorsman and avid hunter. In this month's blog he details the Pheasants Forever Youth Upland Game Bird Hunt. Be sure to check out his story "Crackling Roosters" by clicking the button below:

Crackling Roosters


Carson Burand

Africa 2023

I grew up on a ranch in southern Colorado hunting small game, elk, & deer with very little success. In 4th Grade I had to write a non-fiction report. I chose to write mine about my favorite animal, a Kudu. I dug into the ins and outs of a Kudu and developed a lifelong goal to see one in its natural landscape. In fact, I had a photo of a Kudu on my first flip phone. As a young kid the possibility of seeing a Kudu one day seemed otherworldly. I felt as if becoming an astronaut and going to the moon had a similar probability. Much less get the opportunity to hunt one. In July of 2022 I was presented the opportunity of a lifetime. I happened to run into a Sacramento safari club member (Kyle Nixon) who had purchased an African safari during a safari club dinner live auction. He was unable to go and had overheard me discussing my love for hunting with a friend of mine. This man walked over and offered the trip to me for a very small fee (compared to what he had paid). I immediately said yes, took him up on this offer, & for the next year absorbed myself with planning and preparing for this trip. I joined the safari club, attended dinners, & researched everything I would need to know for my very own African Safari.

A year later, in July 2023, I went to Namibia and met with Steph Marais (Keibab Safaris). I was honored to take my girlfriend and a childhood best friend of mine with me. We were spoiled throughout; Steph & his wife are extremely nice and took excellent care of us, the trip felt like a resort stay with great rooms & a pool, anything we wanted or needed was readily available to us. The food was incredible, homemade, fresh meat from our successful hunts, & unique Namibian meals. I would go back just for those home cooked meals.

The hunting was very successful, & resulted in many adventures I will remember for a lifetime. We were also allowed to spend a lot of time watching and just enjoying the country and the Wildlife. Keibab Safaris also threw in a photo safari trip to a national park where we were able to see, learn, & enjoy the Namibian countryside & wildlife. The highlight, after 8 days, was a late afternoon hunt in a new area known to have trophy Kudu in the area. We spent hours identifying a lot of young bulls & cows. Right at dark, we put a stalk in on a watering hole. After jumping 5 to 6 young bulls and thinking we had blown our shot an old mature bull moved under a tree. This bull was obviously older & larger than the other bulls we had seen. Without hesitation, I lined up, took my shot, & a lifelong dream came true. Seeing this magnificent & beautiful creature up close was everything my 4th grade-self had dreamed of and more. 3 young adults who grew up in the western states with pure aspirations & admirations to a Kudu in Africa someday, lucked into a trip to Africa thanks to the Safari club & Kyle Nixon. We will be forever thankful for this opportunity & will forever cherish the memories we made.

California Legislative Update and Initial Bill Screening

Top bills of Concern:

AB 3064 (Maienschein) recasts provisions related to firearm safety devices and safes to require an annual fee for each device sufficient to pay all DOJ costs related to ‘research and development, report analysis, storage of prototype devices, and other program infrastructure costs necessary to implement the provisions of this division.

AB 3067 (Gipson) mandates that homeowner and renter insurance questionnaires include questions regarding the number of firearms, where located (including if in vehicles or structures outside the home), if they are stored in a locked container.

SB 53 (Portantino) effective July 1, 2025, requires any firearm to be stored in a locked box or safe that is on the DOJ approved list, unless under the immediate control of the owner or other legally authorized user. Recasts liability for the firearm owner associated with the lack of proper storage in compliance with this new provision.

SB 902 (Roth) would prohibit a person from possessing a firearm for 10 years if convicted of misdemeanor animal abuse. While no hunter supports animal abuse, there is no distinction in the law from an overzealous prosecutor with no understanding of hunting or hunting dogs.

SB 1160 (Portantino) mandates that every firearm in the state shall be annually registered with the DOJ. Requires every firearm that is registered to be subject to an initial registration and annual renewal fee. Requires the database of registered firearms to be available on CLETS. Each firearm not registered is subject to a required $1,000 fine.

SB 1253 (Gonzalez) turns the Firearms Safety Certificate into a permanent mandate for any person that possesses any firearm, including if that person is loaning or borrowing the firearm. Thus, making it a crime to possess any firearm, except an antique, without a Certificate.


AB 828 (Connolly) protects managed wetlands from water reductions related to requirements to limit groundwater pumping in certain basins.

SB 1163 (Dahle) extends the time for the pilot program to be developed to allow for salvage permits of consumable meat obtained from accidental vehicle collisions.

SB 1226 (Cortese) establishes in statute, consistent with CAAG opinions, a hunter’s ability to access navigable waters. The goal is to stop the occasional citation issued to an individual for legal access that the courts are then required to dismiss.

Senator Portantino Introduces Bill Requiring Annual Registration of Firearms

Sacramento, CA – Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – Burbank) introduced SB 1160 today, a measure that would require gun owners to annually register their firearms with the California Department of Justice.

“SB 1160 will give the state better data and help us understand how many firearms are in private hands and who owns them,” stated Senator Portantino. “Currently, we only have rough estimates on how many firearms are in California. This important step toward registration will also increase accountability and responsible gun ownership as we collectively endeavor to increase public safety.”

SB 1160 would require every firearm in the state to be annually registered with the Department of Justice. An annual fee would be deposited into a special fund for the purpose of carrying out the administration and enforcement of the firearm registry. The bill would require the department to establish and maintain a system for the annual registration of firearms and make the registration information available to other law enforcement agencies. SB 1160 also requires that reasonable efforts be made to notify firearms dealers, owners, and the public about registration requirements.  

Under SB 1160, registration will not be deemed as evidence that the firearm is lawfully permitted or that the registrant is the lawful owner of the firearm. The measure will prohibit the possession of an unregistered firearm, a violation that would be punishable as an infraction.

“This statue, which requires gun owners to register each firearm annually, is an important tool to remind all citizens of the civic responsibility that comes with owning a firearm. Indeed, the historic roots for this statue trace back to colonial America and serve as a reminder that with ownership comes responsibility,” stated Attorney Brian Hennigan and Loyola Law School Professor Laurie Levenson, who both suggested the bill idea to the Senator.

Senator Portantino has long been a champion of common-sense gun reform policies. During his time in the Assembly, he successfully authorized local governments to prohibit the open carry of handguns and rifles in certain areas and as Senator, he raised the firearm purchase age in California to twenty-one. The Senator has authored legislation related to firearms storage and gun purchase safeguards, as well as a legislation that reduces the number of firearms an unlicensed individual is annually able to sell and the frequency with which they are able to sell. Most recently, he authored legislation aimed at preventing tragic school shootings and a major gun reform measure that offers a new tool to combat the rise in gun violence and save lives – a private right of action. Last year, he partnered with Governor Newsom and Attorney General Bonta to enact SB 2, which implements significant improvements to strengthen California’s existing concealed-carry weapon (CCW) laws.

SSC Recipe for the Month




10 pheasant thighs

1/2 cup olive oil

Kosher salt and black pepper

4 celery stalks, chopped.

2 cups yellow onion, sliced from the root to the tip.

40 cloves garlic, peeled.

1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley.

3 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon (optional)

1 cup of white wine


Before I give you the instructions on how to cook this recipe, I would like to explain the origin. Our family used to use this recipe with chicken and decided to try it with pheasant. It turned out to be a family favorite.

1. Preheat the oven to 350F degrees. Heat the olive oil in a Dutch oven or other large ovenproof pot over medium heat. Sear the skin of the pheasant until nicely browned, removing the pheasant pieces as they brown.

2. Add the celery and onion and sauté stirring often, until all of the ingredients are translucent and soft, about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat. Add the garlic cloves, herbs, salt and black pepper and mix all of the ingredients well. Pour in the white wine and nestle all the browned pheasant pieces into the pot, skin side up and above the level of the liquid. 

3. Cover the pot and bake in the oven for one hour. Uncover the pot and continue to cook until the top of the meat is completely brown, typically 20 minutes. We typically serve this dish with mashed potatoes and white wine. Tip:  Use the softened garlic as a spread on French bread.

Submitted by Ken Baccetti

SSC Director

The Hunter's Code of Ethics


Recognizing my responsibilities to wildlife, habitat and future generations, I pledge:

  • To conduct myself in the field so as to make a positive contribution to wildlife and ecosystems.
  • To improve my skills as a woodsmen and marksman to ensure humane harvesting of wildlife.
  • To comply with all game laws, the concept of fair chase, and to influence my companions accordingly. 
  • To accept my responsibility to provide all possible assistance to game law enforcement officers.
  • To waste no opportunity to teach young people the full meaning of this code of ethics.
  • To reflect in word and behavior only credit upon the fraternity of sportsmen, and to demonstrate abiding respect for the game, habitat and property where I am privileged to hunt.

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