Sign Up For Little Sluggers T-Ball

SPS is proud to partner with Spokane Indians Youth Baseball to offer a fall T-ball league for kids ages 4-6!

Registration opens today and closes Aug. 15.

Games begin in September on Friday afternoons and practices will be once a week at an SPS elementary school. Scholarships and financial assistance available, and a t-shirt and hat are included.

More Information

Teacher Feature:

Emily Sobczuk, Holmes Elementary

What kind of growth do you see in your kindergarten this time of year compared to the first day of school?

I think students grow every year they are in school, but I can’t imagine that other grade levels see the rapid growth that kindergarten teachers do. Many students come in timid and unsure of themselves and leave as confident learners ready to take on the world. They come in not being able to stay in alphabetical order while walking to lunch to being able to put themselves in order and knowing exactly where the new student will stand based on the first letter of their last name. They learn to follow rules, take turns, and even include others in their play. They learn to share their opinions and listen to the opinions of others. They learn to consider multiple perspectives to help themselves solve social problems without an adult. Students may come in knowing a few letters or only being able to count to 5, but they leave kindergarten as scholars, readers, writers, scientists and mathematicians. Students come alive and come into their own. They begin to realize they are able to be successful in a space without a grown up being beside them at all times. The level of independence and confidence gained in one year is unmatched. 

Going to school all day long is a big change for many kindergarteners. What do you do as a teacher to ensure a smooth transition?

Transitioning to kindergarten can be a big change for both kindergartners and their grown ups. I think making connections with the families at the beginning of the year is key. We are fortunate enough to be able to start the year with WaKIDS and family conferences. At these conferences I am able to meet families and learn about my students as individuals. I am also able to learn how I can best support students and families. These conferences also give students a chance to meet me, become familiar with the classroom and materials we will be using, and tour the building.

At SPS, we also have a philosophy that kindergarten should begin like preschool and move toward looking more like first grade at the end of the year. This philosophy is helpful in creating a smooth transition. If students attended preschool, their first experiences of kindergarten will feel very familiar. Being able to start the year with an emphasis on play-based and social emotional learning allows me to meet the kids where they are and create a community of learners who care about one another. I think being part of a joyful learning environment and a community where students feel accepted and valued helps ease any anxieties they may have and keeps them coming back for more.

What can parents do over the summer to prepare their child for kindergarten?

I think the biggest thing that parents can do during the summer is to start talking about what kindergarten will be like and asking their child how they are feeling about it. Answering any questions they may have and asking if there is anything they are nervous about will help children begin to identify their feelings and may ease some of their concerns. Learning how to express their feelings and ask for help, if necessary, will be important skills they need in kindergarten.  

A school schedule may be a new routine for many children. Toward the end of the summer, I recommend practicing the new schedule. Starting a bedtime routine and going to bed early as well as setting up a morning routine that mimics what it might feel like on school days will help students be able to get the rest they need. We do have quiet time at the beginning of the year, but there are no naps in kindergarten so if your child still takes naps, it might be a good idea to start shortening them or phasing them out.

If parents want to start practicing some of the beginning of the year kindergarten skills, listening to a story and talking about it, following directions, practicing writing their name, drawing pictures, counting, and cutting shapes would all be beneficial.

What is something the public might not know about teaching kindergarten?

A kindergarten teacher wears many hats and everyday brings new and different experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Somedays I get to be a nurse and help put Band-Aids on a scrape or two. I get to be a mediator while helping students problem solve whose turn it is to be the mommy or daddy at the Housekeeping Center. I put on a coach’s hat when I help students learn to step with their opposite foot when throwing a ball and catch it with two hands. Sometimes I feel like a maid as I clean up paint spills, snack crumbs, and forgotten crayon wrappers or paper scraps. I am a computer technician as I constantly trouble shoot how students have locked themselves out of their computers and how I am going to get them back in. I am a dentist as I look into a wide-open mouth to inspect the first wiggly tooth and explain that the pain of a loose tooth is common and won’t last much longer. I am a professional photographer as I rush over to take a picture of the newest block structure or freshly made plate of Playdough cookies. At lunchtime, I get to go back to my waitressing days as I help open milk, grab an extra napkin, or help students eat a balanced meal. Every day I am a cheerleader as I congratulate students for completing a task they have worked on for days or encourage children to keep going and letting them know I believe in them. And of course, I get to be a teacher, as I read a new book, or teach a new math game, or introduce students to a new item in one of the Play-Based Centers or inspire a student to try something new or do more research about something they have shown an interest in.

To say the least, I burn a lot of calories and definitely meet my step goals every day! It truly is the best job in the whole world!  

Why is kindergarten such an important stage in kids' lives?

For many students (and their families), kindergarten is their first experience with formal schooling. It is where students start forming their beliefs of who they are as a learner, what school is about, and how they fit into the community. Potentially, it sets the tone for the rest of their educational career. Kindergartners learn how to cooperate with others and how to be a contributing member of a learning community. Kindergarten teaches important life skills as well as basics that students will need throughout their school years. It is the foundation for both social-emotional development and academic learning.

What do you like about being a kindergarten teacher?

There is nothing quite like the brain of a kindergartner. They are curious and love to learn and you can get them excited about anything. I love to watch their minds work as they begin to make connections, discover new things, and wrestle with misconceptions. They love to sing and dance and have the best imaginations. They also have the biggest hearts. They love school, their teacher, and their friends. And if you spend even a short amount of time with a kindergartner, you will soon discover that they are hilarious. There is never a dull moment in kindergarten.  

Kindergarteners and Preschoolers in Action at SPS

Preschool students at Finch Elementary lean about bugs from an entomologist.

Finch Elementary kindergarten students have fun and stay active in P.E.

Kindergarteners at Linwood Elementary sing their hearts out.

Moran Prairie Elementary kindergarteners learn about animals and their habitat.

Kindergarten Registration Still Open

If you haven't registered for kindergarten, there's still time! Registration is open all summer, but completing the registration process now helps schools plan for appropriate staffing levels.

Some schools host a "spring preview" event for incoming kindergartners, and others host it in August. Be on the lookout for information on those kinds of events after you register.

Once August rolls around, it'll be time to register for yellow bus transportation and launch conferences.

Register to Attend SPS

Have questions about kindergarten?

We know many parents are eager to learn about their school between now and the first day of school. If you have questions about how you can prepare for kindergarten, how to ride the bus, what school supplies you'll need, what time school starts, or anything else kindergarten- and school-related, please don't hesitate to call your school. You can find phone numbers to all elementary schools on the SPS website.

You can also submit a question through our Let's Talk platform. Your question will be routed to the school's principal.

We also hold regular in-person events during the school year as an opportunity to meet SPS administrators and board members, learn more about the district, and see inside our schools.

Ice Cream with SPS: Wednesday, May 29, 6:30-8 p.m. at Glover Middle School

Coffee with SPS: Thursday, May 30,8-10 a.m. at Garry Middle School

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SPS Video Stories

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SPS Student-Athlete Profile: Molly Picard of Shadle Park High School

SPS Student-Athlete Profile: Carson Eickstadt of Shadle Park High School

Renowned artist collaborates with Shaw Middle School to create mural

SPS 4th & 7th grade students take a trip back to Expo '74

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