With Tefillos for the release of all of our hostages, the safe return of
all of our chayalim, a refuah shleimah for all the injured, a nechama
for all the families, and a yeshua for all of Klal Yisrael.
Upon returning from Pesach break, the middle school girls immediately began COLOR WAR. The best "scene" was of the two teams dancing together before the winner was announced. That's achdus!
7th graders arranged & rearranged the bones from their cut-out skeleton. The astute students not only need to be able to identify the various bones, but also put them in the correct place to build a skeleton and much more!
April showers bring May flowers come to life as the kindergarten students explore the power of water pushing the closed petals of a bud to full bloom in their STEAM class!
The 7th grade girls are listening closely and asking pertinent questions while Mrs. Hiller discusses the section of Navi they are studying. Look out for Information about their annual auction!
3rd grade girls took turns being the classroom teacher while learning about measuring the area of a rectangle. Following "frontal" teaching, the girls formed into teams to review this math process together.
8th graders have the quadratic formula memorized and are learning that this information can help them to determine area of space, the speed of a moving object, thevalue of profit gained, and more.

TDSA Alum Avi and Esther Cavalier on the birth of a daughter
TDSA Parents Rabbi Yosef and Rookie Shapiro on the birth of a daughter
TDSA Parents Martin and Faigy Salomon on the birth of a son on the birth of a son
TDSA Alum Orah (Friedman) and Rabbo Avrohom Yaacov Becker
on the birth of a daughter
TDSA Alum Nina (Barayev) and Shlomo Weisz on the birth of a son
TDSA Alum Chava (Goldberger) and Rabbi Avraham Zarkoni on the birth of a son
TDSA Parents Danny and Jennifer Wasserman on the birth of a son
TDSA Alum Yosef Levi & Tamar Grossblatt on the birth of a son
TDSA Alum Avraham Chaim and Rena Silverstein on the birth of a daughter
TDSA Alum Simcha Freida and Baruch Yehudah Israel on the birth of a daughter
TDSA Alum Rivky Stein on her engagement to Tani Males

Email lmorris@torahday.org
with your simcha information.

Thursday, May 2, 2024 24 Nisan 5784
In memory of Anders Johansson z”l
Ari ben Avraham
By Mark and Marsha Strazynski
Thursday, May 9, 2024  1 Iyar 5784
Refuah shleimah for 
Pesach Betzalel ben Chaya Batsheva
By Esther and Steven Lubel
By the TDSA Family & Friends
Friday, May 10, 2024  2 Iyar 5784
In memory of Rebbetzin Betty Weiser
מרים בילא בת ר' ישראל מרדכי הלוי ע''ה
Mother of Temima Oratz
By TDSA Family and Friends

  TDSA's Day of Learning Program is an opportunity to dedicate a day, a week,
or a month of Torah learning and davening at school in memory of, in honor of,
or in the merit of the recovery of a loved one.
The dedication is sent out to the school's email list, announced to the students daily,
and printed in the SPOTLIGHT, TDSA's weekly newsletter.
For more information, please contact Marcy Kalnitz
at mkalnitz@torahday.org or 404.982.0800 ext. 101.
Mrs. Temima Oratz on the loss of her mother, Rebbetzin Betty Weiser
Mrs. Adina Leifer on the loss of her father, Mr. Michael Samter
Mrs. Ruth Freundlich on the loss of her brother, Reb Nosson Gavriel Klugmann
Torah Day School of Atlanta | www.torahday.org