Monday, April 1, 2024 22 Adar II 5784
In loving memory of
Gershon ben Nison z”l and
Yehoshua ben Shimon HaLevi z”l
May the learning and tefillos of the
TDSA students be aliyos for their neshamos
Tuesday, April 2, 2024 23 Adar II 5784
In merit of a refuah shleimah for
Jan Siegelman
Yosef Binyamin HaLevi ben Ziesel Perel
By Amittai and Jules Steindler, Mira Bergen and Michael Mann, Mike and Sara Carter,
Janie Feldman, Rabbi Elchanan and Bracha Schulgasser, Irvin and Linda Rabinowitz,
Aaron and Miriam Cann, Velvel and Tziporah Wayne, Rabbi Moshe and Leah Hiller, Jonathan and Ilene Miller, Art and Robin Saul, Tal and Nava Senior, Dmitriy and Irina Pelishev, Joshua and Parker Girard, Jack and Pam Williams, Yaakov and Hannah Fleshel, Lenny and Sharon Habif, Pete and Leslee Morris, Rabbi Shlomo and Ruth Freundlich, Rabbi Meir and Daliah Cohen, & Neil and Marcy Kalnitz
TDSA's Day of Learning Program is an opportunity to dedicate a day, a week,
or a month of Torah learning and davening at school in memory of, in honor of,
or in the merit of the recovery of a loved one.
The dedication is sent out to the school's email list, announced to the students daily,
and printed in the SPOTLIGHT, TDSA's weekly newsletter.
For more information, please contact Marcy Kalnitz
at or 404.982.0800 ext. 101.