Spokane Public Montessori Newsletter - December 2023
Dear SPM Families,

The best gift I can think of giving all children and the world is the gift of public Montessori education. Afterall, we exist to flourish the human potential and to promote peace on earth. 

"In the heart of every Montessori classroom, the true goal of education is revealed: to cultivate minds that embrace the profound simplicity of peace. Through the nurturing of individual potential and the collective spirit of collaboration, we sow the seeds of harmony, kindness, and understanding. In the peaceful hum of our learning environments, children discover not only the wonders of knowledge but also the transformative power of compassion. For in the Montessori journey, education is not merely about acquiring facts; it is a journey towards creating a world where the gentle echoes of understanding reverberate, uniting us all in the beautiful tapestry of peace."

In the spirit of this profound philosophy, we've witnessed your children flourish, embracing learning with enthusiasm and joy. Our dedicated guides have cultivated an environment where fundamental needs are met, not just academically, but emotionally and socially as well. The success of our students is a testament to the collaborative effort between our passionate staff, engaged parents, and, of course, our incredible students.

As we approach the holiday season, let us come together to celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures that make our Montessori family so unique. Montessori education encourages us to appreciate and respect the diversity around us, fostering an inclusive environment where each child's background is celebrated. Our classrooms are microcosms of the world, providing a global perspective that enriches the educational experience for everyone.

This holiday season let's take a moment to reflect on the values we hold dear in our Montessori community – the joy of learning, the spirit of collaboration, and the appreciation for the unique qualities that make each child special. Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Diwali, Kwanzaa, or another cherished tradition, may this season be filled with warmth, love, and the joy of shared experiences.

As we step closer to the new year, I want to express my deepest appreciation for your continued support and partnership. I wish you and your family a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year filled with many possibilities.

With warm regards,

Rhonda Turnipseed
Spokane Public Montessori Principal

The Results Are In!

This year, our students had the opportunity to participate in a school-wide survey called the Elementary and Secondary Student Climate Survey. We had over 88.9% of our students participate in the survey and wanted share some of the takeaways with our community.
At Spokane Public Montessori, it is important that the environment our students are learning in is nourishing and safe, surrounding the student with positivity and learning so that they feel encouraged to explore and engage with their learning materials. After surveying our student body, we were received with overwhelmingly positive and encouraging feedback. I wanted to share some of the takeaways with our community:
The Self
It is important that our students take initiative and responsibility for their own learning. 90% of our students feel the importance of doing well in classes and trying their best. They know that the skills they are learning matters today and will help them in their future. More than 70% of students are excited to go to class and when there, are eager and interested in participating in their focused interests. They reported feeling encouraged and supported in trying their best.
The Environment
Equity for every individual matters, as well as being able to see yourself, your values and your culture represented in your learning environment. We are excited to report that over 95% of our students feel that level of inclusion and that their diversity is valued. It is our hope that every single student here feels that they belong. Over 95% of our students reported feeling respected, supported, understood and valued by the students and staff at our school. More than 80% know that they matter and feel respected and connected to each other and their teachers.
The Journey
Not every day is the ideal day, so when things go wrong, over 90% of our students feel that their teachers are genuinely interested and concerned about their wellbeing. They feel that they are treated fairly by the adults around them, and they feel that a helpful adult can be easily found in difficult situations. More than 90% of our student body reported a feeling that their teachers are excited to be with them and that the physical space they are working in is pleasant and positive with fair rules.  

Data Analysis 
Our next steps as a community are to look at the data in-depth and connect with students who expressed needing more connection or possible motivation. If you should have any questions, feel free to contact me.

A look back at Veteran's Day

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Veterans and attend our Veteran's Day Luncheon. Guests were treated to a middle school band and strings performance as well as a tour of the mobile WW2 exhibit!
Shadle Park High School Movie Night

Screenagers is a documentary that explores the impact of screen technology on kids and offers parents and families proven solutions that work.

  • Tuesday December 5th at 5:30 PM
  • Shadle Park High School Auditorium
  • Food, prizes and childcare provided
Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, Dec 1: Student Entrepreneur Fair 6:00 - 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday, Dec 5: Shadle Park High School Movie Night 5:30 PM
  • Thursday, Dec 7: Hot Cocoa & Board Games 5:30 - 7:00 PM
  • Thursday, Dec 7: CoMP Coffee 8:30
  • Thursday, Dec 14: Band & Strings Concert 7:00 PM (students arrive at 6:30)
  • Tuesday, Dec 19: CoMP Board Meeting Via ZOOM 7:00 PM
  • Monday, Dec 25 - Friday Jan 05: NO SCHOOL Winter Break
Want to learn more about Montessori? Here are some resources:
Please reach out to us with any questions, comments, or suggestions by using Let's Talk.