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The Manna Report
Our Ministry Newsletter
"Seeking the Lost"

Supplemental Issue LMM-33-TMR | December, 2023

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Greetings our dearest brothers and sisters of the remnant church. We continue to pray as always that ALL is very well with you, your families, church families, personal and public ministries, and your walk with the Lord.

We have a very special announcement to share with you.


On Sabbath, December 16, 2023
in association with
Remnant SDA Mission Group Church
The Master's Prep Class!
An All-Day Country Living
End-Time Preparation Event

WHO? Elders Elvin Bridges, Don Budd, Mark Breny, and Harold Sykes.
WHEN? December 16, 2023. First meeting @ 9:30am.
WHAT? Five powerful, timely end-time preparation meetings plus a Q&A panel discussion. The meetings will extend beyond sunset. No curfew.
WHERE? 950 Shiloh Road NW, Kennesaw, GA.
WHY? "The time has come to leave the cities!" (EGW, Selected Message, Book 2, p. 360.1, 1903)

The general overriding theme for the day will be "WHY" do we need to leave the cities, coupled with "WHAT DO WE DO WHEN WE GET TO THE COUNTRY?" The following SOP quote will be our operational blueprint:

"God's purpose in giving the third angel's message to the world is to prepare a people to stand true to Him during the investigative judgment. This is the purpose for which we establish and maintain our publishing houses, our schools, our sanitariums, hygienic restaurants, treatment rooms, and food factories. This is our purpose in carrying forward every line of work in the cause." (1MR 228.2)


As a ministry, LMM is forfeiting our tradition of consecutive, multiple segment webinars we've produced in the past. On Monday night, January 1, 2024, we'll be launching a weekly program on our ministry YouTube channel, Living Manna Media. This program will be dedicated to practical as well as spiritual end-time preparation for the coming crisis. In addition to the subject of country living, we'll be integrating segments on the exhaustless themes of health reform, the sanitarium work, medical missionary evangelism & training, healthy cooking, true education, gardening, publishing, hygienic restaurants, real estate tips, land assessment, home building, and various collateral industries. Please pray for this program, in addition to our Georgia meetings this weekend. Invite a friend or family to come and receive a blessing! Salvation is knocking; the time is at hand.

Elvin & Marcia Bridges
Sister Marcia Bridges conducts a
practical soap-making seminar
in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa.
We are so very honored, thankful, and beyond words in expressing our gratitude for your continued love and generous support of this ministry. Your charitable donations/contributions have greatly blessed LMM and have allowed us to continue to sow seeds of Truth around the world. In addition to our missionary travels both domestically and internationally, there are many evangelistic endeavors we are involved with in which we do not necessarily broadcast or share publicly, which we call the "quiet work." The following is a snapshot of the work we are carrying out with the Lord's continued direction, guidance, and Leadership, in addition to our immediate ministerial needs:

  • Multimedia Production/Interactive Technologies
  • Various School Materials
  • Staff & Student Quarters
  • Transportation for Grassroots Evangelism
  • Farm/Garden Facilities & Technologies
  • Land Renovation Systems
  • Medical Missionary Provisions/Supplies
  • The Publishing Work
  • Support for Workers
  • Support for the Disabled

Won't you consider an end of the year blessing to Living Manna Ministries? We accept PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, CashApp, USPS @ our ministry address below, or donate by phone @ 931-363-1636. No donation is too large or too small. Partner with us and help us to spread "this gospel of the kingdom" worldwide (Matthew 24:14). The end is fast approaching. We firmly believe that 2024 will be a highly prophetic year, bringing us one step closer to "the last act in the drama" (7T 141.1). It is certainly time for us all to "make our calling and election sure" (2 Peter 1:10) and to help others to do the same. We thank you in advance for your generosity and love.
To Meet Our Staff and see What We Do,
click on our image above.
"I see the necessity of making haste to get
all things ready for the crisis." {EGW, Letter 90, 1897}
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