Labor Council
Special Edition!
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

Today is the AFL-CIO National Day of Action for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. Call your senators and tell them to support working people by voting YES on the PRO Act.
Let’s show the Senate that people are pro-union across the country and across party lines.
Our outdated labor laws are no longer strong enough to protect us in the workplace.
High-profile corporations openly union-bust without facing consequences. Anti-worker lawmakers have passed wage-killing and racist right to work laws in 27 states. Inequality has skyrocketed as workers have been denied a voice on the job.
The PRO Act would change that.
It’s the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression. And it’s also a civil rights and economic stimulus bill. If we can get this passed, working people will thrive for generations to come.
It passed the House on March 9 with bipartisan support, and President Biden has urged Congress to send it to his desk. The Senate is the final obstacle.
So let’s flood the Senate phone lines with support for the PRO Act. Call your senators and tell them to vote YES on the PRO Act.
In Solidarity,
P.S. There are also in-person actions being organized across the country during our National Week of Action, April 26–May 1, 2021. Find one near you.
Hola Hermanas, Hermanos y Amigos,
Hoy es el Día de Acción Nacional de la AFL-CIO por el PRO Act (Ley para Proteger el Derecho a Organizarse en Sindicatos). Llame a tus senadores y diles que deben apoyar a los trabajadores votando que SÍ a la PRO Act.

Demostrémosle al Senado que la gente está a favor de los sindicatos en todas partes del país y en ambos partidos.

Nuestras anticuadas leyes laborales ya no son lo suficientemente fuertes para protegernos en el centro de trabajo.

Las corporaciones de negocios de alto perfil destruyen abiertamente a los sindicatos sin enfrentar las consecuencias. Los legisladores que están contra el trabajador han aprobado en 27 estados las leyes racistas del “derecho a trabajar” que acaban con los salarios. La desigualdad ha aumentado aceleradamente a medida que se les niega a los trabajadores una voz en el empleo. 

La PRO Act cambiaría eso.

Es la legislación más importante que ha habido desde la Gran Depresión para dar poder al trabajador. Y es, además, una propuesta de ley sobre derechos civiles y estímulos económicos. Si logramos que se apruebe, los trabajadores prosperarán en las generaciones por venir.

El 9 de marzo, fue aprobada en la Cámara de Representantes con apoyo bipartidista y el presidente Biden ha urgido al Congreso a que la mande a su escritorio. El Senado es el último obstáculo.

Así pues, inundemos las líneas telefónicas del Senado con apoyo a la PRO Act. Llame a sus senadores y diles que deben votar que SÍ a la PRO Act.

Con nuestra solidaridad,

PD. Habrá, además, actos en persona por todas partes del país durante nuestra Semana Nacional de Acción, del 26 de abril al 1º de mayo. Encuentra una cerca de tu localidad
Why do we need the PRO Act?

Our outdated labor laws are no longer strong enough to protect us in the workplace.
High-profile corporations openly union-bust without facing consequences. Anti-worker lawmakers have passed divisive and racist “right to work” laws in 27 states. Inequality has skyrocketed without unions to fight back.
The PRO Act would change that.
Where is the bill now?

It passed the House on March 9 with bipartisan support. President Biden has called on Congress to send it to his desk. The Senate is the final obstacle, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the PRO Act will get a floor vote if 50 senators co-sponsor it.
Let’s show the Senate that people are pro-union across the country and across party lines. 
Tell Senator Portman To
Pass the PRO Act NOW!
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act last year, but anti-worker legislators in the Senate blocked it. Undeterred, working people fought to elect pro-worker lawmakers to the Senate, House and White House. And we won.

Lawmakers gave us their word they would make the PRO Act a top priority. It’s time for them to keep that promise. The House passed the PRO Act for a second time on March 9, 2021, sending the bill to the U.S. Senate.

The PRO Act is the cornerstone of the AFL-CIO’s Workers First Agenda. If it passes, it would:
  • Empower workers to organize and bargain.
  • Hold corporations accountable for union-busting.
  • Repeal “right to work” laws, which were created during the Jim Crow era to keep White and Black workers from organizing together.

Stronger unions mean higher wages, safer working conditions and dignity for all people who work. The PRO Act is our first step to get there.

Customizable PRO Act Flyer:
Please Download, Customize, and Use!
Please see the working families toolkit flier for the PRO ACT. Remember this flier is available for customization at Below is an example for your reference.