September 25-26, 2021 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
visit us at
CLICK HERE for 2 week calendar PDF. CLICK HERE for past issues of SOUNDINGS.
Every Saturday: Brown bag lunch donations to support John Street Outreach. Drop off Saturdays noon- 4:00 PM. Sign up HERE; contact David Vita to learn more.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2021: 10 AM, Virtual and In Person
“Rumi With A View” – Rev. Dr. John Morehouse and
Kim Warman, Intern Minister
In this Welcoming Service, Rev. John and Kim Warman explore the meaning of Unitarian Universalism around the poetry of Rumi, whose birthday we celebrate.

Click HERE for the Order of Service.

For virtual participation: our ZOOM link is always on our website's homepage and does not change from week to week. You can also click : HERE. Meeting ID 207 517 697 PASSWORD: 8893787678 Landline: 1 646 876 9923.
Upcoming service: October 3
“Believing, Belonging and Being” – Rev Dr. John Morehouse
Please join the Leadership Development Team directly after today's service for Expo/Welcoming Sunday. Get a flavor for all that TUCW’s committees have to offer! Committee members will be available to share information about the amazing work their groups are doing. Come learn more about what you would like to get involved in --

In keeping with Covid protocols, tables will be outside, there won't be food or drink, and we ask all to wear masks. Still, nothing can dampen the energy of our community when we are together. Invite friends, come and connect!
For every Sunday, parents with infants - pre-K are welcome to bring their children into the sanctuary with them, or to sit in the foyer or library, where they can hear the service but have a bit more parenting flexibility. Our ushers can help them get settled. As always, please contact Heather Hamilton for information about pre-K to 7th grade programs; Nate Pawelek for 8th-12th grade programs.
Faith Formation tree
Children and Family Faith Formation Classes begin this Sunday, September 26th!

Come to the Sanctuary for the beginning of the service, we then will leave to go to our respective classrooms. This is going to be a wonderful year of learning for all as we are using the Soul Matters Curriculum. Any questions please email Heather.
OWL is meeting this week for our 8th and 9th graders. The Youth group are camping overnight with other UU youth groups this Friday PM, and then will be helping out with EXPO on Sunday. Thank you for all the energy you're bringing! Questions? Contact Nate.
NEW ADULT FAITH FORMATION UNDERWAY. We are pleased that Linda Lubin has graciously agreed to be our volunteer Lead for Adult Faith Formation, leading a group of wonderful teammates: Jamie Forbes, Tom Hearne, Kim Warman and Rev. John. Together with additional volunteer facilitators, this team will organize and bring meaningful and inspirational programming to you this year. Details about specific programs will appear in our SOUNDINGS: WeekDAYS edition, and general updates will appear here in the SOUNDINGS: WeekEND edition, under this Faith Formation heading.
To find out more about Adult Faith Formation, its Vision and Mission, click HERE. Questions? Contact Linda Lubin.
TUCW name tag w logo and Rob Zuckerman name
Misplace your name badge? We're starting to come together more in person, and it's really helpful for all of us - long-timers and newcomers - to wear a badge so we can know names and faces. We're a big congregation and after 18 months of being apart, reminders for us are even more helpful than ever.

The name badges are back out on the table for you to find on a Sunday morning. And if you need one made up, write your name on the clipboard near the badges, and we'll make sure you have one soon enough. Thank you!
Flowers: Should you wish to donate flowers for a Sunday to honor and celebrate in our community, please reach out to Diane Donahue. The Reservation Book is back out on the table, too.
Pay it forward: please consider being a greeter on Sundays; help our new folks navigate our community. Sign up for virtual or in person greeting, HERE. Thank you, in advance!
VIRTUAL MEDITATIONS - Sundays at 9:00 AM. For info contact Janet Luongo. Zoom Meeting - click HERE ID: 604 513 6137 Password: 068510
Our sermons are archived on the website HERE.
“Homecoming: In the Returning”
Rev. Dr. John Morehouse
September 12, 2021
"The Joy and Sorrow of Expectations"
Rev. Dr. John Morehouse
September 19, 2021
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or email
Our support network is available to provide tangible help for friends in need: meal delivery, pharmacy runs, grocery shopping, a regular phone call of connection. Contact a minister or coordinators Dorothy Rich, Diane Cano, or Sharon Poole.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues. Please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing
Domestic Violence Crisis Center (DVCC)- 24Hr 888–774–2900
Alcoholics Anonymous: 866-783-7712
Al-Anon (family members of alcoholics)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.8255
Find us on digital and social media: website:, Facebook public page (Unitarian Church in Westport) private group (uuwestport), and Instagram (uuwestportct).
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 
 WE INSPIRE and support individual spiritual growth. 
 WE CONNECT through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries. 
 WE ACT in the service of peace and justice.