November 27-28, 2021 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
Signing the membership book
When COVID struck and other food providers were unable to go to John Street, we showed up with our Brown Bag Lunch Outreach. And then expanded to the PT Barnum community and beyond lunches to diapers, books, winter clothing, special items for Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and more. All due to our relationship with April Barron in Bridgeport.
Over 120 people have provided lunches lovingly prepared. And, even though we never gather together at any one time, we are a community. A collective effort that recognized two needs- material and spiritual- got us to 20,000. A material emptiness - the need for food- filled by lunches, and a spiritual emptiness filled by a practice of providing lunches.
Join us going beyond 20,000! Click HERE.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2021: 10:00 AM, Virtual and In Person
“Connecting to Earth” – Kim Warman, Intern Minister
and Youth Group members
Kim Warman, Intern Minister, and Youth Group members will explore their own ways of connecting to the Earth, personally and in community.
Click HERE for the Order of Service.
For virtual participation: our ZOOM link is always on our website's homepage and does not change from week to week. You can also click HERE. Meeting ID 207 517 697 PASSWORD: 8893787678 Landline: 1 646 876 9923.
Offering can be made on VENMO ("The Unitarian Church in Westport"), on, or as we pass the plate Sunday morning.
Next week service concert: December 5, 2021
Jonah And The Whale - Children's Choir
On occasion the Children’s Choir learns and presents a musical for the congregation. During the pandemic they have learned the musical “Jonah and the Whale.” Next Sunday, December 5th, they will present this 35-minute piece as a part of the morning service. There will not be a sermon that morning - we think of the musical as the sermon. This will be a multi-gen service and the children will be invited to the front to have a seat on the floor and get a first-hand look as the drama unfolds, and as the whale comes down the aisle...Click HERE for more information about this wonderful event for all of us!
after Sunday Services - Nov 28, and Dec 5, 12, and 19
Join us for this thoughtful discussion series, Season of Hope, directly after our services the next four Sundays. Meet in Rev. John's office. Tom Hearne will be our facilitator.
Chanukah, Advent/Christmas, candlelit services, the long, dark nights approaching the Winter Solstice...we each feel the crowd of memories, feelings and longings pressing upon us.
For millennia we humans have faced the darkness by gathering, creating common experience, creating rituals, telling stories that bring mind, heart, spirit and body into harmony with the natural world. Intentional opportunities to reflect, to share, and to connect are a gift during the holiday season.
What’s your ‘holiday/solstice’ story’? How does it fit into the ancient stories of Judaism, Christianity, Pagan and other spiritual traditions? Come as you are able!
Every Sunday, adults with infants - pre-K are welcome to bring their children into the sanctuary with them, or to sit in the foyer or library, where they can hear the service but have a bit more flexibility. Our ushers can help them get settled. As always, please contact Heather Hamilton for information about pre-K to 7th grade programs; Nate Pawelek for 8th-12th grade programs.
NOVEMBER 28 & DECEMBER 5 – All Faith Formation Children preK-7th grades are invited to attend the 10:00 AM service with their families. Children’s Faith Formation classes (preK-5th grades) and Crossing Paths (6th-7th grades) return December 12th.
Be sure to join us next week for the Children's performance of Jonah and the Whale! (see above).
Please read information about Christmas Eve pageant, below.
There is no OWL or Youth Group programming this week, given that many will be involved with our service. All 8th-12th graders are welcome to join us in the sanctuary.
Please read your SOUNDINGS WeekDAY and/or go to our website to get the latest information on our Adult Faith Formation and Soul Matters programs. We have several new programs available, including The Season of Hope, and the Podcast discussion series with Rev. John. A new Soul Matters program, Starting Point, is also being offered for the four weeks of December. Questions? Contact Linda Lubin.
We are thrilled to continue this uplifting tradition on Christmas Eve. We invite all children 6-13 to join us to create this special event for us. Rehearsals start December 9; pageant is 4 PM on Christmas Eve.
While some of the solo roles are filled through audition, there are ample opportunities for participation in a group (angels, shepherds), and other non-auditioning solos. To participate, we ask that children be at all practices. Should there be schedule conflicts, talk with Rev. Ed. 203-227-7205 x18.
9 Thursday 5:00 – 6:00 rehearsal
18 Saturday 10:00 – 11:15 rehearsal
22 Wednesday 5:00 – 6:15 rehearsal
24 Friday 2:00 final rehearsal, snack, costumes;
4:00 Pageant
Please complete the registration form HERE.
We hope your child/children can participate in this fun, exciting, educational event!
MEDITATION: ZOOM and in person in the Oak Room - Sundays at 9:00 AM. For info contact Janet Luongo. Zoom Meeting - click HERE ID: 604 513 6137 Password: 068510
Flowers: Should you wish to donate flowers for a Sunday service, please reach out to Diane Donahue or fill in a spot in the Reservation Book which is out in the foyer.
Pay it forward: please consider being a greeter on Sundays; help our new folks navigate our community. Sign up for virtual or in person greeting, HERE. Thank you, in advance!
Our sermons are archived on the website HERE.
"Thanksgiving Reimagined"
Rev. Dr. John Morehouse
November 21, 2021
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or email
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues. Please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing
Domestic Violence Crisis Center (DVCC)- 24Hr 888–774–2900
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs.
WE INSPIRE and support individual spiritual growth.
WE CONNECT through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries.
WE ACT in the service of peace and justice.