December 18-19, 2021 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
Our Annual Holiday Appeal is still in full swing. If you haven't already, please consider a gift of any size to help support those in need this holiday time.
Please make your gifts via Venmo, or by mailing in a check. Put "holiday appeal" in the memo line.
Every Saturday: Brown bag lunch donations to support John Street Outreach. Drop off Saturdays noon- 4:00 PM. Sign up HERE; contact David Vita to learn more.
WORSHIP SERVICE: 10:00 AM, Virtual and In Person
Rev. John explores how joy can be found even in the dark times.
Click HERE for the Order of Service.
For virtual participation: our ZOOM link is always on our website's homepage and does not change from week to week. You can also click HERE. Meeting ID 207 517 697 PASSWORD: 8893787678 Landline: 1 646 876 9923.
Offering can be made on VENMO ("The Unitarian Church in Westport"), on, or as we pass the plate Sunday morning.
We have a busy holiday week coming up.
Please plan to join us when you can, and invite a friend!
Goodbye Kareen! – We will be saying goodbye to Ms. Kareen this Sunday as she graduates and moves on to new adventures. We thank her for all her years of being with our children and leading them in our UU principles. She will be missed. The children will say goodbye during their morning class. Any parents who want to attend, please let Heather know. If you'd like to send Kareen a "thank you" email directly, she can be reached HERE.
Every Sunday, adults with infants - pre-K are welcome to bring their children into the sanctuary with them, or to sit in the foyer or library, where they can hear the service but have a bit more flexibility. As always, please contact Heather Hamilton for information about pre-K to 7th grade programs; Nate Pawelek for 8th-12th grade programs.
A gentle reminder to all families to update their REALM information. We use this to keep track of attendance and send updates via email.
Pre K-5 grade. Downstairs in Children's Chapel for drop off and pick up. Our topic this week is JOY.
6th-7th grades: Crossing Paths. Meet in Meeting House, pick up at Children's Chapel. We continue our study of Buddhism.
8th-9th grade OWL meets 10:00 AM-12:00 PM in Meeting House. OWL parent group (11:15 AM – 12:00 PM) meets too. This Sunday’s session is “Sexuality, Social Media, and the Internet.”
The Youth Group meets at 11:00 AM in the Youth Group room. We will discuss the ways that consumerism can be harmful to our Earth.
Adults: Sundays December 19 - directly after worship: SEASON OF HOPE: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS Click HERE for more information.
Check SOUNDINGS WeekDAY or go to our website to get the latest information on our Adult Faith Formation and Soul Matters programs. Questions? Linda Lubin.
'Tis the season for joy to the world! Please join us for this festive time together, in community, as we lift up our hearts and voices.
We moved this to SUNDAY given heavy rains forecast for Saturday. So, enjoy the service, go home, chill, relax, and then come back for some festive singing and merriment.
We'll have hot chocolate and lots of good cheer.
We've put the word out across the area, so we may see some new faces in our midst. It's all good! See you there!
5,255 women ~ 76 countries ~ $148,200 IN LOANS
Come by the KIVA card sale in the foyer this Sunday, December 19 before and after the service and give the gift of a microfinance loan.
We will accept cash, check, or VENMO, as we help struggling entrepreneurs around the world.
KIVA is a non-profit microfinance organization that lends money to low-income entrepreneurs to start and sustain small businesses. Its mission is to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive.
This year, one of the loans went to Nomwende Noelie, a weaver who makes traditional pagnes (lengths of brightly colored cloth) on a loom in her home in Burkina Faso. She will use the loan to buy thread to make more pagnes to sell. Her income supports her family of four.
MEDITATION: ZOOM and in person in the Oak Room - Sundays at 9:00 AM. For info contact Janet Luongo. Zoom Meeting - click HERE ID: 604 513 6137 Password: 068510
Flowers: Should you wish to donate flowers for a Sunday service, please reach out to Diane Donahue or fill in a spot in the Reservation Book which is out in the foyer.
Pay it forward: please consider being a greeter on Sundays; help our new folks navigate our community. Sign up for virtual or in person greeting, HERE. Thank you, in advance!
Our sermons are archived on the website HERE.
“We All Came Down”
Annual Holiday Concert/Service
Rev. Ed Thompson
December 12, 2021
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or email
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues. Please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing
Domestic Violence Crisis Center (DVCC)- 24Hr 888–774–2900
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs.
WE INSPIRE and support individual spiritual growth.
WE CONNECT through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries.
WE ACT in the service of peace and justice.