November 18-22, 2019 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
CLICK HERE for past issues of SOUNDINGS . The Upcoming Events calendar is below.
Movie time! If you couldn't make the November 3 Town Hall meeting to hear Goody Clancy's and Turner Construction's plans for our church, check out the videos HERE of the meeting. Parts I and II are chock-full of insight and information. Get your popcorn or knitting ready, dive under a warm blanket, and enjoy!

For the Power Point presentation itself, click HERE.

Our important Congregational Meeting is Sunday Nov 24. The agenda is HERE.
Meet the members of our Facilities Team.
Our newly assembled Facilities Team has years of experience and will guide us well. Headed up by John Turmelle, it includes Jay Lubin, Diane Melish, Sal Mollica, Ulla Surland and Dan Valentine. We trust them to make the best possible decisions for the congregation as the project unfolds. Please CLICK HERE to read about their extensive backgrounds.
Congregational Vote on Building Improvements
November 24 - after 11:00 AM service
If you missed pledging, or want to add in a bit more to your existing pledge, CLICK HERE. See Capital Campaign website for all info, and email:
Calling all Elves!   Letters to Santa for Beardsley School
Letters to Santa for Beardsley School will be gearing up once again just after Thanksgiving. We can always use more elves to make Christmas brighter for more Beardsley families. If you would like to participate this year, or would like more specific details about this program, please call or text Felicity Medinger at 203 923-3664. All help is appreciated!
A gentle reminder: Spaces used for ongoing meetings, and the kitchen in particular, are self-maintained. It is up to the user(s) to plan for set-up and clean-up so that the areas affected are returned to their clean/organized original state.  Please think of others: leave it the way you'd want to find it!  

If you are planning a much larger or special event, contact Diane in advance to secure custodial support.
Holiday Boutique is coming December 8 and 15!
Have you brought in your donations?

The jewelry, the scarves you never wear will be another’s treasured find.

Bring your contributions to the Church Office and include your name so we can say thank you.
All women are welcome at all events.
Women, Spirit and Imagination - Sacred Circles with Grandmother Nancy Andry
Tuesdays, November, 19 and December 10 - 7:00 - 8:30 PM - in the Meeting House
Grandmother Nancy is an elder and storyteller, a lifelong student of the native red road of spirituality. She has studied with medicine teachers of the Lakota, Ojibwa and Mi’kmaq nations. She is also a Sun dancer and Sacred Pipe Carrier. She will be sharing a few stories during the evening and will lead a talking circle. Learn more about Grandmother Nancy and our Sacred Circle HERE.
Mark your calendar - Holiday Potluck at the home of Diane Melish, Sunday afternoon, December 8.

Learn about more upcoming events at RSVP for events by email: Join our mailing list HERE.
Saturday, November 23rd: Bread Baking 4:00-6:00 pm - West Wing/Kitchen
Come bake cornbread for our Thanksgiving service on Sunday. Activities and fun with friends will help us wait for the bread to bake and then we will try some with honey butter! We'll also be serving it to the congregation at our services the next day. Contact Rev. Shelly to be a helper. 
These opportunities for learning and connection are ongoing and offered in November and December. Visit Adult Faith Formation on our website or email leaders as listed below.
Mondays 6:30-8:00 PM Meeting House Buddhist Practice Group Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis.

Mondays 7:00-8:30 PM. Rev. John's Office thru November 18. Grief Support Group or

Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM (Nov 12,19; Dec 10) Meeting House. Sacred Circles with Grandmother Nancy Andry

Wednesdays 7-8:15 PM. Meeting House The Power of Now

Monthly, various dates and times. Small group ministry meetings . These must be signed-up for ahead of time as they depend on host availability, group size etc.
Spiritual practice and faith exploration take place at church, and outside TUCW walls as we lead our daily lives. At TUCW we draw on  Soul Matters , among other resources, to help guide us in this process. See  Soulful Home  - Supporting Families as They Explore the Sacred in Everyday Spaces
November’s Mantra:  "Where My Attention Goes, My Energy Flows"
  • The practice of reshaping our lives by shifting where we look
  • The practice of listening to what life is trying to say.
For this week, we invite you to play the time-honored game "I'm going on a trip and I'm bringing...." This game gives us the chance to give and receive attention in equal measure.

I’m going on a trip…” is often played as a car game to pass the time. The first player begins by completing the sentence, “I am going on a trip, and I’m bringing _(socks)_.” The next player also completes that sentence but adds the first player’s item to their own. “I’m going on a trip, and I’m bringing socks _( and a ladybug .)_” This continues among players until one player forgets an item in the string.

This game relies on our paying attention--listening, making mental pictures about what we hear, and finding patterns in the group of objects. While it’s a fun challenge, and those mental images can be silly, these same skills are important for learning and developing the ability to focus and remember information.
Child care is provided for Sunday Services and on an as needed basis for other events. Organizers of events should contact  Nate Pawelek  to arrange child care.
Mon Nov 18
Buddhist Practice Group - MH 6:30
Bell Choir - 6:45
BOT – Communications - WW - 7:00
Grief Support Group -Rev. John’s office - 7:00
O&AS - 7:45

Tues Nov 19
Gender Equity - WW - 10:00
TUCWomen’s Workshops - EW - 6:30
BOT - EW - 7:00

Wed Nov 20
Teen Choir - 6:00
Stewardship - WW - 7:00
The Power of Now - MH - 7:00
Chamber Choir - 7:45

Thur Nov 21
Children’s Choir at 5:00 pm
Finance Committee - WW - 6:00
Cultural Competency Initiative - EW - 6:00
Special Projects Choir - 7:45

Fri Nov 22
Shawl Ministry - MH - 12:30
UU Movie Discussion - MH - 7:30

Sat Nov 23
Family Bread Bake - kitchen - 4:00

Sunday, Nov 24
PreK-1st - Oak Room - 9:00
Meditation - Willow Room - 10:00
Family Friendly Service - sanctuary - 11:00
Member Meeting - Sanctuary - 12:30
Mon Nov 25
Buddhist Practice Group, Meeting House at 6:30 pm
Bell Choir at 6:45 pm
NVC Practice Group - WW - 7:00

Wed Nov 27
Teen Choir - 6:00
The Power of Now - MH - 7:00

Thurs Nov 28

Sun Dec 1
Meditation - Willow Room - 10:00
2nd-3rd Grade - Pine Rm - 11:00
4th-7th Grade - MH - 11:00
9th-12th Youth Group - YR - 11:00
Immigration Social Action - EW - 12:30

If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203.227.7205 ext. 19 or email .

CLICK HERE  to learn more about our Pastoral Care Associates.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues...  please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing .

For a complete listing of all upcoming activities, see our church calendar. Click here.

The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 
  WE INSPIRE  and support individual spiritual growth. 
 WE CONNECT  through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries. 
  WE ACT  in the service of peace and justice.