May 3-7, 2021 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
CLICK HERE for 2 week calendar PDF. .CLICK HERE for past issues of SOUNDINGS.
As Rev. John mentioned in his letter to us Tuesday night, we are seeking someone to lead our Children's & Family Faith Formation program. This is an excellent opportunity for the right person. SPREAD THE WORD! - word of mouth can often be the most productive way to recruit great talent. Click HERE for job description. Let's make this happen, friends!
The Board of Trustees sent out a letter to all announcing its intention to consider a name change for the church, to be more inclusive and reflective of our spiritual community. It looks forward to discussing it with the congregation over the coming months. Click HERE to read the letter if you missed it in your mailbox last Sunday.

Our first in a series of discussions about this will take place directly after the service on May 16. Please stay on to join the conversation if you'd like. Can't make it? No worries, there will be more opportunities this spring, summer and fall.
On April 11th we had our first chance to discuss a congregational Anti-racism Resolution proposed by the Racial Justice Council, which includes adoption of an 8th Principle. Understandably there were a variety of questions and there will be more opportunities for discussion.

The 8th Principle states: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” To date 33 congregations have adopted this Principle. It is expected that the Principle will be voted on at General Assembly in 2022 and again in 2023 to make any change final.

For answers to some FAQ’s CLICK HERE. Questions? Contact Kathy Roberts
HJ59 (Early Voting) and HJ 58 (No Excuse Absentee Voting) will be called ​in the next two weeks. Please continue to ​call to urge​​ support for both​, and thank elected officials ​do support them.​

Please email and call your local CT State Reps and Senators.Find your state legislators email addresses HERE: State Rep. is the first name listed and your State Senator is the 2nd name listed.

Ask your CT State Representative to vote Yes for both bills. If your Representative co-sponsored them, thank them (check on the link to the bills below). Follow up with phone calls.

Click HERE for more information. Thank you! The UUtheVote team: Janet, Jamie, Sari.
Questions? contact Janet.

Many of us had a great time with the ZUUM TRUUPE and just getting together to celebrate spring, our planet, and our community. We made a quick video to share the pictures - there were so many good ones: from penny farthing riding to rock painting to picnic eating to just plain seeing each other in flesh and blood.
And there were some useful hand-outs about how we can take care of our earth, with readings, podcast lists, and some practical "do's and don'ts." Contact Beth Cliff if you'd like an electronic copy: all of earth's future denizens will thank you, and you might learn an interesting fun fact or two ....!
Good news! We now have until May 9 to find something to give to the auction - from our attics or from our repertoires of skills and interests.

Jim Cooper is Swinging into A(UU)ction with his offer of sculling lessons!

Send a note to We’ll take it from there.

Can you help make a short auction demonstration video? Call Linda, 203-226-5335.

AND Circle June 12 on the calendar for our Closing Celebration zoomed event!
Get all your Swing info HERE!
JUNE 23-27, 2021
Logo for Virtual UUA GA June 2021
It's here! UUA's General Assembly will be virtual this year, full of rich opportunities for connection and learning. The themes this year: Justice, Healing, Courage.

Registration ($200/person) is now open. Financial support for registration as well as a payment plan are available. GA registrants receive access to the 2021 Online Participation Portal, including live, simulive, and on-demand video content, the virtual exhibit hall, chat features, support, and a (new!) GA mobile app. Click HERE to register now!
Picture of Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade
AND: guess who will be the Ware Lecturers? Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade! Wow! How exciting can this be!

We have a few more spots open to be delegates, which means our voices will be heard and votes counted, formally, at the meeting. If you are interested in being a delegate, please contact Rev. John.
We are always looking for volunteers, and this spring is no different. Please, take a look, and spread the word!

  • Co-Lead of Caring Network. Our Caring Network provides food, rides, and small gifts to our TUCW friends in need. Currently Mary-Jane Cross and Beth Cliff manage it. It requires only a small amount of time (1-2 hours or less) each month from the privacy of your home, and the rewards - for recipients, caregivers, and managers - are huge. Contact Mary-Jane or Beth if you can help out.

  • The new TUCW Tech Team is looking for volunteers for broadcasting our Sunday services and Voices Café events over the Internet. Contact David Vita 203.227.7205 ext 14.

  • The Refugee Services Program at CIRI (The Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants) is seeking volunteers to tutor students 8-16 years of age. The Homework Club will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 3:45 PM-5:00 PM in May and June and will be conducted remotely using ZOOM. Greatest need is reading and writing English, and Math. Contact Kathy Roberts

  • The FEED (Food Equity and Economic Development) program of the Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport is looking for volunteers to load food at 229 Mountain Grove Street, Bridgeport, and drop off at 30 Bostwick Avenue, Bridgeport. Please contact Michelle McCabe 203.334.1121 x 16.

AND if you have a volunteer opportunity that needs a "shout out," please contact Beth Cliff and we'll include it here in the future.
Mondays 6-7:30 PM via ZOOM Buddhist Practice Group Nina Nagy Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis. 6:00 PM (Every other Mon) Addiction Recovery Talking Circle Jim Francek

Wednesdays: 7-8:15 PM The Power of Now Jim Francek; 7-9 PM Is Mysticism Where Science, Art and Religion Meet? Bart Stuck

Thursdays, 4-5 PM Talking Circles. ZOOM HEREJim Francek.

Fridays 12-1 PM Awakenings ZOOM HERE Kathy Roberts

Sundays 9:00-9:45. Meditation Janet Luongo

1st Saturday and 3rd Tuesday of the month 9:30 AM. TUCW Hiking Group Gian Morresi Jamie Forbes
Our complete calendar is always on our website. Click HERE for quick access.
All women welcome at all events; visit our website for complete info.
Questions? Contact
  • NEW! The Listening Path, a six session series on Mondays based on Julia Cameron's latest book, starting on May 3rd. 7-8:30 PM. Through exercises, we will explore the practice of listening deeply to the environmentSpace is limited to 10 people. Carol Hamilton. Contact Carol ZOOM: HERE

  • Sacred Circles with Grandmother Nancy, Tuesday, May 4, 7-8:30 PM. (First and third Tuesday of the month). Notice daily the energy in our relationships and the different energies various emotions hold. ZOOM HERE

  • Black Lives Matter Book Group: Friday May 7, 7:00-8:30 PM. We will be discussing One Person, No Vote by Carol Anderson. Pat Francek and Kathy Kurzatkowski will lead the discussion. Even if you’ve read part of the book, join us for what is sure to be an enlightening conversation. ZOOM: HERE

  • Black Lives Matter Meeting, Friday, May 14, 7:00-8:30 PM. We are continuing to work on the following areas: revealing the history of racial inequities; police accountability, and education reform. ZOOM: HERE

  • Grandmother's Kitchen: Tuesday, May 18th, 7:00-8:30 PM. Grandmother Nancy Andry invites us into her kitchen to hear songs and stories about the buffalo which she learned from her Lakota teachings. She will teach us how to make Bison Chile. RSVP to Pat Francek ZOOM: HERE 

  • Virtual Potluck on Zoom, Friday, May 21, 7:00-8:30. Get to know your fellow TUCWomen with relaxed, scintillating conversation. Bring a friend! Meet a friend! ZOOM: HERE
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or email
Our support network is available to provide tangible help for friends in need: meal delivery, pharmacy runs, grocery shopping, a regular phone call of connection. Contact a minister or coordinators Mary Jane Cross or Beth Cliff.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues. Please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing
Find us on digital and social media: website:, Facebook public page (Unitarian Church in Westport) private group (uuwestport), and Instagram (uuwestportct).
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 
 WE INSPIRE and support individual spiritual growth. 
 WE CONNECT through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries. 
 WE ACT in the service of peace and justice.